「LEGO Star Wars II」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

LEGO Star Wars II - (2007/03/13 (火) 22:23:59) の1つ前との変更点



LEGO Star Wars II 注意!北米版本体のみ起動可能ソフトです 日本版のXbox360本体では起動できません アジア版も未発売です 29項目:1000 難易度:★★★☆☆ 見た目の割りに、意外と実績難易度は高い。 |Secret Plans level complete | Complete Secret Plans, the first level of Episode IV | 20 | |Episode IV complete. | Complete all levels of Episode IV in Story mode. | 50 | |Episode V complete. | Complete all levels of Episode V in Story mode. | 50 | |Episode VI complete. | Complete all levels of Episode VI in Story mode. | 50 | |LEGO City complete. | Complete the LEGO City bonus level. | 50 | |Bounty Hunter missions complete | Complete all of the Bounty Hunter missions | 40 | |Game 20% complete. | Complete 20% of the game. | 20 | |Game 40% complete | Complete 40% of the game. | 40 | |Game 60% complete. | Complete 60% of the game. | 60 | |Game 80% complete. | Complete 80% of the game. | 80 | |Game 100% complete. | Complete 100% of the game! | 180 | |Secret Plans - undefeated. | Play through to the end of the Secret Plans level without dying once! | 20 | |Jundland Wastes - undefeated. | Play through to the end of the level without dying once! | 20 | |Mos Eisley - undefeated. | Play through to the end of the Mos Eisley Spaceport level without dying once! | 20 | |Rescue the Princess - undefeated | Play through to the end of the Rescue the Princess level without dying once! | 20 | |Death Star Escape - undefeated. | Play through to the end of the Death Star Escape level without dying once! | 20 | |Rebel Attack - undefeated. | Play through to the end of the Rebel Attack level without dying once! | 20 | |Hoth Battle - undefeated. | Play through to the end of the Hoth Battle level without dying once! | 20 | |Echo Base - undefeated. | Play through to the end of the Escape from Echo Base level without dying once! | 20 | |Falcon Flight - undefeated. | Play through to the end of the Falcon Flight level without dying once! | 20 | |Dagobah - undefeated. | Play through to the end of the Dagobah level without dying once! | 20 | |Cloud City Trap - undefeated | Play through to the end of the Cloud City Trap level without dying once! | 20 | |Bespin - undefeated. | Play through to the end of the Betrayal over Bespin level without dying once! | 20 | |Jabba's Palace - undefeated. | Play through to the end of the Jabba's Palace level without dying once! | 20 | |Carkoon - undefeated. | Play through to the end of The Great Pit of Carkoon level without dying once! | 20 | |Speeder Showdown - undefeated. | Play through to the end of the Speeder Showdown level without dying once! |20 | |Endor - undefeated. | Play through to the end of The Battle of Endor level without dying once! | 20 | |Jedi Destiny - undefeated. | Play through to the end of the Jedi Destiny level without dying once! | 20 | |Death Star II - undefeated. | Play through to the end of the Into the Death Star level without dying once! | 20 | 何度死んでもその場で即リスタートできるシステムなので普通にクリアするのは簡単。 しかし各ステージを一度も死なずにクリアすると取れる「undefeated」系実績は、敵の攻撃が結構激しく、店で買えるチートも使えない為なかなかムズイ。 一度クリアしたステージは好きなキャラでプレイできるようになるので、一通りクリアしてハン・ソロなど使い勝手の良いキャラを集めてから解除を狙った方が効率がいいかも。 攻略Tipsとしては、敵の攻撃に合わせてXボタンを押すとライトセーバー系キャラなら攻撃を敵に跳ね返し、他のキャラなら回避モーションを取ってくれるので、 通常ステージでは連コンで攻撃ボタンを連射にしておけば被ダメはほとんど防げる。 シューティング面はAボタンの回避モーションを有効に使えば被ダメは減る。ダメージを受けたら確実に回復して、じっくりと進んでいった方がいいかもしれない。 undefeated実績が取れなくてもゲームコンプ率は100%になるのでコンプリート系実績は解除可能。 一部ゴールドブロックなどで取る手順が面倒な物はあるが、海外サイトにリスト有り。 全ゴールドブロックを取ると無限にお金が湧く油田が生まれるので、チートなどの購入は後回しにした方が効率良し。
LEGO Star Wars II 注意!北米版本体のみ起動可能ソフトです 日本版のXbox360本体では起動できません アジア版も未発売です 29項目:1000 難易度:★★★☆☆ 見た目の割りに、意外と実績難易度は高め。 |Secret Plans level complete | Complete Secret Plans, the first level of Episode IV | 20 | |Episode IV complete. | Complete all levels of Episode IV in Story mode. | 50 | |Episode V complete. | Complete all levels of Episode V in Story mode. | 50 | |Episode VI complete. | Complete all levels of Episode VI in Story mode. | 50 | |LEGO City complete. | Complete the LEGO City bonus level. | 50 | |Bounty Hunter missions complete | Complete all of the Bounty Hunter missions | 40 | |Game 20% complete. | Complete 20% of the game. | 20 | |Game 40% complete | Complete 40% of the game. | 40 | |Game 60% complete. | Complete 60% of the game. | 60 | |Game 80% complete. | Complete 80% of the game. | 80 | |Game 100% complete. | Complete 100% of the game! | 180 | |Secret Plans - undefeated. | Play through to the end of the Secret Plans level without dying once! | 20 | |Jundland Wastes - undefeated. | Play through to the end of the level without dying once! | 20 | |Mos Eisley - undefeated. | Play through to the end of the Mos Eisley Spaceport level without dying once! | 20 | |Rescue the Princess - undefeated | Play through to the end of the Rescue the Princess level without dying once! | 20 | |Death Star Escape - undefeated. | Play through to the end of the Death Star Escape level without dying once! | 20 | |Rebel Attack - undefeated. | Play through to the end of the Rebel Attack level without dying once! | 20 | |Hoth Battle - undefeated. | Play through to the end of the Hoth Battle level without dying once! | 20 | |Echo Base - undefeated. | Play through to the end of the Escape from Echo Base level without dying once! | 20 | |Falcon Flight - undefeated. | Play through to the end of the Falcon Flight level without dying once! | 20 | |Dagobah - undefeated. | Play through to the end of the Dagobah level without dying once! | 20 | |Cloud City Trap - undefeated | Play through to the end of the Cloud City Trap level without dying once! | 20 | |Bespin - undefeated. | Play through to the end of the Betrayal over Bespin level without dying once! | 20 | |Jabba's Palace - undefeated. | Play through to the end of the Jabba's Palace level without dying once! | 20 | |Carkoon - undefeated. | Play through to the end of The Great Pit of Carkoon level without dying once! | 20 | |Speeder Showdown - undefeated. | Play through to the end of the Speeder Showdown level without dying once! |20 | |Endor - undefeated. | Play through to the end of The Battle of Endor level without dying once! | 20 | |Jedi Destiny - undefeated. | Play through to the end of the Jedi Destiny level without dying once! | 20 | |Death Star II - undefeated. | Play through to the end of the Into the Death Star level without dying once! | 20 | 何度死んでもその場で即リスタートできるシステムなので普通にクリアするのは簡単。 しかし各ステージを一度も死なずにクリアすると取れる「undefeated」系実績は、敵の攻撃が結構激しく、店で買えるチートも使えない為なかなかムズイ。 一度クリアしたステージは好きなキャラでプレイできるようになるので、一通りクリアしてハン・ソロなど使い勝手の良いキャラを集めてから解除を狙った方が効率がいいかも。 攻略Tipsとしては、敵の攻撃に合わせてXボタンを押すとライトセーバー系キャラなら攻撃を敵に跳ね返し、他のキャラなら回避モーションを取ってくれるので、 通常ステージでは連コンで攻撃ボタンを連射にしておけば被ダメはほとんど防げる。 シューティング面はAボタンの回避モーションを有効に使えば被ダメは減る。ダメージを受けたら確実に回復して、じっくりと進んでいった方がいいかもしれない。 undefeated実績が取れなくてもゲームコンプ率は100%になるのでコンプリート系実績は解除可能。 一部ゴールドブロックなどで取る手順が面倒な物はあるが、海外サイトにリスト有り。 全ゴールドブロックを取ると無限にお金が湧く油田が生まれるので、チートなどの購入は後回しにした方が効率良し。

