「Disney Fairies」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Disney Fairies - (2014/08/12 (火) 03:09:55) の1つ前との変更点



Disney Fairies Hidden Treasures 項目数:60(20+20+20) 総ポイント:600(200+200+200) 難易度:★☆☆☆☆ 製品情報:[[Windowsストア>http://apps.microsoft.com/webpdp/app/e47a2ddc-2d8a-45b2-ad69-8416b86c4831]] 配信日:2013年3月6日 ジャンル:アクション & アドベンチャー, ファミリー, パズル & 雑学クイズ ☆ Windows 8用タイトル 2~3時間程度でコンプリート可能。 全編英語だが、画面上に矢印等のエフェクトで指示が出るため、迷うことはほぼない。 右下の紫色の虫をクリックすれば、次にすべきことのヒントも与えられる。 ただ、「Lost Things」については取り逃すこともあるため、 怪しそうに見えるオブジェクトは、とりあえず全てクリックしておくと良い。 |Seeker|Find a mushroom in the Pixie Dust Tree.|5| |Helper|Ask Blaze to give you a hint.|5| |Talented|Discover Tink's talent during the welcoming ceremony.|5| |Bright|Help Tink assemble her light gadget.|5| |Arrival Day|Lift the flower to the council chambers in the Pixie Dust Tree.|10| |Crafty|Craft a full order of kettles using Tink's newly repaired kettlemaker.|10| |Nookish|Send Cheese out with his delivery wagon in Tinkers' Nook.|10| |Inventor|Help Tinker Bell complete three different blueprints for her inventions.|15| |Springified|Build the springifier to plant Rosetta's seeds.|10| |High-Flying|Tinker up the first hawk-shaped kite in the history of Pixie Hollow.|15| |Tinker Talent|Help Tinker Bell repair Wendy's lost music box in Lost Thing Cove.|15| |Pixie Pesterer|Bother Tink by tapping her on the nose five times quickly!|5| |Twig Appeal|Tap to learn about each of the five houses in Tinkers' Nook.|10| |Kettle Guru|Assemble all the kettles without making any mistakes during the kettle making game.|10| |Acrobatics|Tap to see each of the four water beetles slide down the big blade of grass in Dewdrop Vale.|10| |Green Thumb|Help Tinker Bell to wake up all of the sproutlings in all five locations.|10| |Collector|Help Tinker Bell find all of the Lost Things in all five locations.|10| |Deja Vu|Replay any location from the map.|15| |Starry-eyed|Earn three stars in every location on the map.|15| |Illuminator|Light all of the crystal torches in Pine Tree Grove before doing anything else.|10| Saving Spring(400円):200 |Scout|Find a pair of binoculars in Tinkers' Nook.|5| |Getting In Gear|Repair the flower pulley's drive chain in Tinkers' Nook.|5| |Thorny Problem|Build the thistle-tickling gadget in Tinkers' Nook.|5| |Healing Talent|Make mud medicine for the injured mouse in Autumn Forest.|5| |Berry Express|Create a contraption that will transport berries out of Autumn Forest.|5| |Bubbly Berries|Fill up the berry blower contraption with berries in Autumn Forest.|5| |Cricket Care|Reunite the cricket with her babies in Sunflower Gully.|10| |Rainbow Arranger|Create a contraption to sort out all of the spilled rainbows in Sunflower Gully.|10| |Mussel Mirror|Gather the rainbows into Tink's contraption using mussel shell mirrors in Sunflower Gully.|10| |Spring Cleaning|Talk with Rosetta about the sprinting thistles in Buttercup Canyon.|15| |Flying Colors|Trade some pollen to the bee who is guarding a towel in Buttercup Canyon.|15| |Painted and Packed|Create a contraption to repaint all of the mispainted ladybugs in Buttercup Canyon.|15| |Bait and Switch|Find something tasty to lure Cheese into Needlepoint Meadow.|15| |Shepherd|Round up all the thistles with Cheese's help.|15| |Spring Savior|Lull the sprinting thistles in Needlepoint Meadow.|15| |Insect Inspector|Find the hidden water beetle in all five locations in Saving Spring.|10| |Gear Head|Place all the gears from right to left while repairing the pulley in Tinkers' Nook.|10| |Look Out|Make the mother cricket look back and forth five times on her seed pile in Sunflower Gully.|10| |Berry Mischievous|Pop three different bubbles before they reach the berry pile in Buttercup Canyon.|10| |Thistle Wrangler|Earn a 5x combo in Thistle Round-Up by herding five thistles into the corral all at once.|10| Once in a Blue Moon(400円):200 |Autumn Lights|Find an orange lantern in the Council Chambers.|5| |Sludge Budger|Clean away the slime on the blueprint cupboard in the Council Chambers.|5| |Expert Extractor|Use tongs to lift the blueprint out of the bowl of berry paint in the Council Chambers.|5| |Unorganization|Find all of the scepter parts that Terence 'organized' in Tinker Bell's house.|5| |Beetle Powered|Set the water beetle into the wheel of the fire-tending contraption in Tinker Bell's house.|5| |Scepter Synergy|Help to assemble Tink's scepter design in Tinker Bell's house.|5| |Stage Fright|Talk to Verse about the script problem in Fairy Tale Theatre.|10| |Music Makers|Return the orchestra animals to their podium in Fairy Tale Theatre.|10| |Fixer-Upper|Come up with a plan to repair the old contraption in Fairy Tale Theatre.|10| |Rise and Shine|Wake up the slumbering bookworm in the Book Nook.|15| |Unjumbled!|Pick up the netted golden book in the Book Nook.|15| |Whole Lot of Net|Find all of the rope that Tink needs for her cottonpuff balloon in Cottonpuff Valley.|15| |Squirmy|Shoo the snail on the floor in the Council Chambers completely out of view.|5| |Slime Swiper|Wipe away the moonsnail slime from any slimy door handle in a single motion.|5| |Cuckoo!|Make the cuckoo clock cricket pop out of his clock in Tinker Bell's house.|5| |Maestro|Win a game of Conductor Says with the orchestra animals in Fairy Tale Theatre.|10| |Artisan|Save a scepter design that you created in freeplay mode of The Scepter Workbench.|10| |Charm Scout|Find all eight of the talent charms hidden in chests throughout the adventure.|20| |Revelry Ready|Build all eight of the scepters shown on the old blueprints in The Scepter Workbench.|25| |Lofty Aspirations|Fully assemble Tinker Bell's cottonpuff balloon in Cottonpuff Valley.|15| **Pixie Pesterer 左下に常に表示されている主人公の鼻を素早く5回クリックする。 **Twig Appeal 「Tinkers' Nook」(ステージ2)の背景にある5つの妖精の家を全てクリックする。 **Acrobatics 「Dewdrop Vale」(ステージ3)で4匹の虫が滑り台のような草に集まった後、 草をクリックして虫を滑り落とさせる。 ---- **Saving Spring ***Gear Head Tinker's Nook - 歯車を右から左へはめる ***Look Out Sunflower Gully - 子供を探す前に母コオロギを数回クリック ***Berry Mischievous Buttercup Canyon - しゃぼんに包まれたベリーをクリックして3つ落とす ***Insect Inspector 各レベルに1匹いるwater beetleをクリックする  1.Tinkers' Nook:ステージ中央、茶色のオウムガイの上  2.Autumn Forest:ステージ右側、白い幹の後ろ(蝶の繭の真下)  3.Sunflower Gully:ステージ左上スミ、植物の茎の後ろ  4.Buttercup Canyon:ステージ右上スミ、オレンジの花の茎の後ろ  5.Needlepoint Meadow:ステージ左側、綿毛の中 ---- **Once in a Blue Moon **Maestro 「Fairy Tale Theatre」(ステージ3)でカエル1匹、てんとう虫2匹、コオロギ4匹を集めた後、 虫達の前に置いてある指揮者台をクリックするとミニゲームが開始される。 (ミニゲーム中は「ポンポンポン…」という効果音が流れる) ランダムで2匹の虫が音を鳴らすので、すぐにその2匹をクリックして同じ音を鳴らせば成功。 次の3匹、最後の4匹を成功させれば解除。 (成功した場合は「ピロン」、失敗した場合は「ギコギコ…ボヨヨーン」という音が鳴る) ----
Disney Fairies Hidden Treasures 項目数:95(20+20+20+15+20) 総ポイント:1000(200+200+200+200+200) 難易度:★☆☆☆☆ 製品情報:[[Windowsストア>http://apps.microsoft.com/webpdp/app/e47a2ddc-2d8a-45b2-ad69-8416b86c4831]](500円) 配信日:2013年3月6日 ジャンル:アクション & アドベンチャー, ファミリー, パズル & 雑学クイズ ☆ Windows 8用タイトル 6~7時間程度でコンプリート可能。 4つのDLC(各500円)をセットにしたシーズンパス(1600円)がある。 全編英語だが、画面上に矢印等のエフェクトで指示が出るため、迷うことはほぼない。 右下の紫色の虫をクリックすれば、次にすべきことのヒントも与えられる。 ただ、「Lost Things」については取り逃すこともあるため、 怪しそうに見えるオブジェクトは、とりあえず全てクリックしておくと良い。 |Seeker|Find a mushroom in the Pixie Dust Tree.|5| |Helper|Ask Blaze to give you a hint.|5| |Talented|Discover Tink's talent during the welcoming ceremony.|5| |Bright|Help Tink assemble her light gadget.|5| |Arrival Day|Lift the flower to the council chambers in the Pixie Dust Tree.|10| |Crafty|Craft a full order of kettles using Tink's newly repaired kettlemaker.|10| |Nookish|Send Cheese out with his delivery wagon in Tinkers' Nook.|10| |Inventor|Help Tinker Bell complete three different blueprints for her inventions.|15| |Springified|Build the springifier to plant Rosetta's seeds.|10| |High-Flying|Tinker up the first hawk-shaped kite in the history of Pixie Hollow.|15| |Tinker Talent|Help Tinker Bell repair Wendy's lost music box in Lost Thing Cove.|15| |Pixie Pesterer|Bother Tink by tapping her on the nose five times quickly!|5| |Twig Appeal|Tap to learn about each of the five houses in Tinkers' Nook.|10| |Kettle Guru|Assemble all the kettles without making any mistakes during the kettle making game.|10| |Acrobatics|Tap to see each of the four water beetles slide down the big blade of grass in Dewdrop Vale.|10| |Green Thumb|Help Tinker Bell to wake up all of the sproutlings in all five locations.|10| |Collector|Help Tinker Bell find all of the Lost Things in all five locations.|10| |Deja Vu|Replay any location from the map.|15| |Starry-eyed|Earn three stars in every location on the map.|15| |Illuminator|Light all of the crystal torches in Pine Tree Grove before doing anything else.|10| Saving Spring(500円):200 |Scout|Find a pair of binoculars in Tinkers' Nook.|5| |Getting In Gear|Repair the flower pulley's drive chain in Tinkers' Nook.|5| |Thorny Problem|Build the thistle-tickling gadget in Tinkers' Nook.|5| |Healing Talent|Make mud medicine for the injured mouse in Autumn Forest.|5| |Berry Express|Create a contraption that will transport berries out of Autumn Forest.|5| |Bubbly Berries|Fill up the berry blower contraption with berries in Autumn Forest.|5| |Cricket Care|Reunite the cricket with her babies in Sunflower Gully.|10| |Rainbow Arranger|Create a contraption to sort out all of the spilled rainbows in Sunflower Gully.|10| |Mussel Mirror|Gather the rainbows into Tink's contraption using mussel shell mirrors in Sunflower Gully.|10| |Spring Cleaning|Talk with Rosetta about the sprinting thistles in Buttercup Canyon.|15| |Flying Colors|Trade some pollen to the bee who is guarding a towel in Buttercup Canyon.|15| |Painted and Packed|Create a contraption to repaint all of the mispainted ladybugs in Buttercup Canyon.|15| |Bait and Switch|Find something tasty to lure Cheese into Needlepoint Meadow.|15| |Shepherd|Round up all the thistles with Cheese's help.|15| |Spring Savior|Lull the sprinting thistles in Needlepoint Meadow.|15| |Insect Inspector|Find the hidden water beetle in all five locations in Saving Spring.|10| |Gear Head|Place all the gears from right to left while repairing the pulley in Tinkers' Nook.|10| |Look Out|Make the mother cricket look back and forth five times on her seed pile in Sunflower Gully.|10| |Berry Mischievous|Pop three different bubbles before they reach the berry pile in Buttercup Canyon.|10| |Thistle Wrangler|Earn a 5x combo in Thistle Round-Up by herding five thistles into the corral all at once.|10| Once in a Blue Moon(500円):200 |Autumn Lights|Find an orange lantern in the Council Chambers.|5| |Sludge Budger|Clean away the slime on the blueprint cupboard in the Council Chambers.|5| |Expert Extractor|Use tongs to lift the blueprint out of the bowl of berry paint in the Council Chambers.|5| |Unorganization|Find all of the scepter parts that Terence 'organized' in Tinker Bell's house.|5| |Beetle Powered|Set the water beetle into the wheel of the fire-tending contraption in Tinker Bell's house.|5| |Scepter Synergy|Help to assemble Tink's scepter design in Tinker Bell's house.|5| |Stage Fright|Talk to Verse about the script problem in Fairy Tale Theatre.|10| |Music Makers|Return the orchestra animals to their podium in Fairy Tale Theatre.|10| |Fixer-Upper|Come up with a plan to repair the old contraption in Fairy Tale Theatre.|10| |Rise and Shine|Wake up the slumbering bookworm in the Book Nook.|15| |Unjumbled!|Pick up the netted golden book in the Book Nook.|15| |Whole Lot of Net|Find all of the rope that Tink needs for her cottonpuff balloon in Cottonpuff Valley.|15| |Squirmy|Shoo the snail on the floor in the Council Chambers completely out of view.|5| |Slime Swiper|Wipe away the moonsnail slime from any slimy door handle in a single motion.|5| |Cuckoo!|Make the cuckoo clock cricket pop out of his clock in Tinker Bell's house.|5| |Maestro|Win a game of Conductor Says with the orchestra animals in Fairy Tale Theatre.|10| |Artisan|Save a scepter design that you created in freeplay mode of The Scepter Workbench.|10| |Charm Scout|Find all eight of the talent charms hidden in chests throughout the adventure.|20| |Revelry Ready|Build all eight of the scepters shown on the old blueprints in The Scepter Workbench.|25| |Lofty Aspirations|Fully assemble Tinker Bell's cottonpuff balloon in Cottonpuff Valley.|15| North of Never Land(500円):200 |String Music|You learned how to use Tink's spider serenading gadget at The Landing Site.|5| |Ground Gatherer|You released the gourd trapped in the rocks on the hillside at The Stone Arch.|5| |Drawbridge|You lifted the log to let Tinker Bell's boat float downstream at The Stone Arch.|10| |Pathfinder|You completed a path to shore for Tinker Bell at The Marsh.|10| |Milkweed and Honey|You lured the firefly to Tinker Bell's scare-rat contraption at The Marsh.|15| |Sun Powered|You melted the candle using mussel shell mirrors in The Captain's Quarters.|20| |Lost Treasure|You found the Mirror of Incanta in The Captain's Quarters.|20| |High Flyer|You flew back to Pixie Hollow in Tinker Bell's balloon.|20| |Ticklish|You tickled the sleeping mouse at The Landing Site at least five times.|5| |Conquistador|You earned three stars in all five locations in North of Never Land.|10| |Rockstar|You never missed a note with Tink's spider serenader when you played through one location.|15| |Blue Skies Ahead|You scored over 2,500,000 points in a balloon ride in The Journey Home.|20| |Precise Schematics|You completed the blueprint in the Marsh moving in order from left to right, bottom to top.|15| |Quickest Contraption|You assembled the ultimate scare-rat contraption in The Galley in under forty five seconds.|15| |Lucky Stars|You activated the star multiplier three times during a single balloon ride in The Journey Home.|15| The Pixie Hollow Games(500円):200 |Coaxed by Clover|You lured the cricket off of the handwraps in the Slug Slide lounge.|5| |Open the Ceremonies|You helped Queen Clarion find all of the banners in the Slug Slide lounge.|5| |Sluggish|You slipped and slided your way to victory by completing a match of Slug Slide.|5| |Game Saver|You grew a bushel of polo balls by reviving the baby oak tree in the Mouse Polo lounge.|5| |Mouse Medic|You found a cure for Mouse Polo's most valuable player, Cheese.|5| |Fancy Fieldwork|You scrambled ahead of the competition by winning a match of Mouse Polo.|10| |Turn-Up Tinkering|You helped Tinker Bell assemble a derby cart in the Pixie Cart Derby lounge.|10| |Championship Winner|You won the championship trophy in the Pixie Hollow Games.|15| |Power Pollinator|You set off a chain of 20x or more in a match of Flower Power-Up.|5| |Stunt Driver|You successfully navigated all three different shortcuts in a single Pixie Cart Derby race.|10| |Unwound!|You opened all of the team lockers in the Pixie Cart Derby lounge in a minute and a half or less.|10| |Sweetly Specific|You popped exactly 25 pieces of pollen during a single game of Flower Power-Up.|15| |Slide Ruler|You earned three stars in every level of Slug Slide.|20| |Landslide!|You won a match of Mouse Polo by 15 points or more.|20| |Obstacle Ahead!|You completed the Pixie Cart Derby without hitting a single obstacle.|20| |No Boost Needed|You completed the Pixie Cart Derby without picking up any pixie dust.|10| |Lantern Lit|You turned on all four lanterns in the tunnel that leads to the Coliseum in the Slug Slide lounge.|5| |Slug Maze|You completed Level 26 of Slug Slide in exactly eight moves.|5| |Game On!|You earned three stars in every location in The Pixie Hollow Games.|10| |Goal Line Defender|You won a game of Mouse Polo by allowing your teammate to score all of the goals.|10| **Pixie Pesterer 左下に常に表示されている主人公の鼻を素早く5回クリックする。 **Twig Appeal 「Tinkers' Nook」(ステージ2)の背景にある5つの妖精の家を全てクリックする。 **Acrobatics 「Dewdrop Vale」(ステージ3)で4匹の虫が滑り台のような草に集まった後、 草をクリックして虫を滑り落とさせる。 ---- **Saving Spring ***Gear Head Tinker's Nook - 歯車を右から左へはめる ***Look Out Sunflower Gully - 子供を探す前に母コオロギを数回クリック ***Berry Mischievous Buttercup Canyon - しゃぼんに包まれたベリーをクリックして3つ落とす ***Insect Inspector 各レベルに1匹いるwater beetleをクリックする  1.Tinkers' Nook:ステージ中央、茶色のオウムガイの上  2.Autumn Forest:ステージ右側、白い幹の後ろ(蝶の繭の真下)  3.Sunflower Gully:ステージ左上スミ、植物の茎の後ろ  4.Buttercup Canyon:ステージ右上スミ、オレンジの花の茎の後ろ  5.Needlepoint Meadow:ステージ左側、綿毛の中 ---- **Once in a Blue Moon **Maestro 「Fairy Tale Theatre」(ステージ3)でカエル1匹、てんとう虫2匹、コオロギ4匹を集めた後、 虫達の前に置いてある指揮者台をクリックするとミニゲームが開始される。 (ミニゲーム中は「ポンポンポン…」という効果音が流れる) ランダムで2匹の虫が音を鳴らすので、すぐにその2匹をクリックして同じ音を鳴らせば成功。 次の3匹、最後の4匹を成功させれば解除。 (成功した場合は「ピロン」、失敗した場合は「ギコギコ…ボヨヨーン」という音が鳴る) ---- **North of Never Land ***Ticklish クモの穴内にあるかごで寝ているネズミを5回タップ ***Precise Schematics The Marsh内、葉っぱのパズルを下図の順番に合わせる |21|22|23|24|25| |16|17|18|19|20| |11|12|13|14|15| |6|7|8|9|10| |1|2|3|4|5| ***Quickest Contraption The Galley内、組み立てを45秒以内に行う ***Blue Skies Ahead, Lucky Stars 本ゲーム最難関 マップはランダムなのでどうしても難易度に運が絡むが、何度かやり直すうちに出来るはず。 Lucky Starsは星三つ揃えるのを三回行う。 障害物に当たると星が消えるため避け最優先で。 ---- **The Pixie Hollow Games ***Sweet Specific pollenをちょうど25個だけpopして終わる。 当たった時にちょうど出てきたやつに連鎖して想定以上に当たってしまうことがあるので出てきたらすぐあたりに行って画面上に表示される連鎖の数で数えると良い。 また、触らなければ新しく出てこない。 ***Obstacle Ahead!, No Boost Needed The Pixie Cart DerbyでObstacle Ahead!は障害物に、No Boost Neededはブーストのpixie dustにそれぞれ一回も当たらないでゴール。 特にpixie dustは簡単に当たるので別々に取った方が楽。 真ん中付近にあるpixie dustは上よりも下に避けた方が良い。 ***Lantern Lit the Slug Slide loungeの奥にある洞窟のランタンを4つともタップして点灯 ***Goal Line Defender Mouse Poloで自分ではゴールしない。 シュートは味方に任せて、自分は敵の邪魔等に徹していれば良い。

