「Mars: War Logs」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Mars: War Logs - (2013/11/10 (日) 03:16:52) の1つ前との変更点



Mars: War Logs 項目数:14 総ポイント:400 難易度: 製品情報:http://marketplace.xbox.com/en-US/Product/Mars-War-Logs/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d802584113c0 配信日:2013年7月26日 DL費用:1200MSP ジャンル:Role Playing ☆国内未配信 |The Great Escape|You had a train to catch, so you escaped from the Abundance POW camp.|10| |Aurora execution|You have picked your side in the power struggle gripping Aurora from within. No regrets?|15| |Plot smasher|With the help of your new allies, you have revealed the machinations of the technomancers.|20| |Hero of the Resistance|You have led the Resistance to victory. A new era dawns on Aurora!|20| |Man of Honour|You have placed Aurora in the hands of a strong man. The rival guilds had best take note. |20| |Good start|You have upgraded your first skill. Every great specialist starts the same way.|5| |Recycling|You have cobbled together and assembled your first upgrade using recovered objects.|10| |Pest Control|You are the terror of the caverns. If the moles could see you at 5 yards, they'd flee.|10| |Mentor|The way you treated Innocence forged his character. How would have he turned out without you?|30| |Specialist|Technomancer, Fighter, or Renegade, nobody is better than you in your area of expertise.|30| |Crowbar|You started from the principle that the containers of Mars were left there for you.|30| |Completionist|You have made it a point of honor to help everyone you've met along your way.|50| |Hard as nails|You have survived Mars's difficult climate. Obviously not your first apocalypse.|50| |Mutant|You have survived the extreme Martian climate. You've got family there, don't you?|100| ----
Mars: War Logs 項目数:14 総ポイント:400 難易度: 製品情報:[[マーケットプレース(北米)>http://marketplace.xbox.com/en-US/Product/Mars-War-Logs/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d802584113c0]] 配信日:2013年7月26日 DL費用:$9.99 (北米価格) ジャンル:Role Playing ☆国内未配信 //日本語は意訳。おかしい所があれば適宜直して下さい。 |The Great Escape|Finish Chapter 1 at any difficulty level&br()(いずれかの難易度でChapter 1をクリアする)|10| |Aurora execution|Finish Chapter 2 at any difficulty level&br()(いずれかの難易度でChapter 2をクリアする)|15| |Plot smasher|Finish Chapter 3 at any difficulty level&br()(いずれかの難易度でChapter 3をクリアする)|20| |Hero of the Resistance|Finish the game with the Resistance at any difficulty level&br()(いずれかの難易度でResistanceと共にゲームをクリアする)|20| |Man of Honour|Finish the game with Honour Grant at any difficulty level&br()(いずれかの難易度でHonour Grantと共にゲームをクリアする)|20| |Good start|Upgrade a skill&br()(skillを1つアップグレードする)|5| |Recycling|Upgrade an object&br()(objectを1つアップグレードする)|10| |Pest Control|Kill 15 moles&br()(moleを15体殺害する)|10| |Mentor|Influence Innocence's personality during your conversations&br()(会話によってInnocenceの人格に影響を与える)|30| |Specialist|Unlock every skill and upgrade in a single skill tree&br()(1種類のskill tree内の全てのskillとupgradeをアンロックする)|30| |Crowbar|Empty 50 containers&br()(containerを50個空っぽにする)|30| |Completionist|Finish all of the secondary quests in Mars: War Logs&br()(ゲーム内における全てのsecondary questを完了する)|50| |Hard as nails|Finish the game in Difficult mode&br()(Difficult modeでゲームをクリアする)|50| |Mutant|Finish the game in Extreme mode&br()(Extreme modeでゲームをクリアする)|100| ----

