「Superman Returns」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Superman Returns - (2007/04/15 (日) 15:29:18) の1つ前との変更点



|1. Hero of Metropolis|すべてのイベントとミニゲームクリア 200| 2. Armageddon Averted lv1の大気現象完了 30 3. Mr. What's-his-name すべてのミニゲームクリア 50 4. You Am Bizarro! The Bizarroのミニゲーム完了 20 5. Super Sonic Finished All Fast Flyer Mini-Games. 20 6. Mr. Whiskers Find All Kittens. 50 7. Souped-Up Superman Obtain All 15 Power-Ups. 30 8. Frequent Flyer Travel For 10,000 Miles. 30 9. Roadside Assistance 車を100台持ち上げる 30 10. The Greatest Day プレイ時間12時間 30 11. Heavy Lifting Lift 10,000 Tons Throughout The Game. 30 12. Warworld Visited and dominated Warworld. 50 秘密の実績 Metallo Mastered Stopped Metallo in the name of justice. 100 秘密の実績 Me aM savE yOU By you is Bizarro not undefeated! 100 秘密の実績 The Mongul Hordes Vanquished Mongul once again. 100 秘密の実績 Twisted Saved Metropolis from the rampaging tornado. 100 秘密の実績 Versatile Fighter Perform 99 fighting combos. 30 秘密の実績 Not That Super Entered a cheat code in desperate plea for help. 0
|1. Hero of Metropolis|すべてのイベントとミニゲームクリア 200| |2. Armageddon Averted|lv1の大気現象完了 30| |3. Mr. What's-his-name|すべてのミニゲームクリア 50| |4. You Am Bizarro!|The Bizarroのミニゲーム完了 20| |5. Super Sonic|Finished All Fast Flyer Mini-Games. 20| |6. Mr. Whiskers|Find All Kittens. 50| |7. Souped-Up Superman|Obtain All 15 Power-Ups. 30| |8. Frequent Flyer|Travel For 10,000 Miles. 30| |9. Roadside Assistance|車を100台持ち上げる 30| |10. The Greatest Day|プレイ時間12時間 30| |11. Heavy Lifting|Lift 10,000 Tons Throughout The Game. 30| |12. Warworld|Visited and dominated Warworld. 50| |秘密の実績 Metallo Mastered|Stopped Metallo in the name of justice. 100| |秘密の実績 Me aM savE yOU|By you is Bizarro not undefeated! 100| |秘密の実績 The Mongul Hordes|Vanquished Mongul once again. 100| |秘密の実績 Twisted|Saved Metropolis from the rampaging tornado. 100| |秘密の実績 Versatile Fighter|Perform 99 fighting combos. 30| |秘密の実績 Not That Super|Entered a cheat code in desperate plea for help.0| 0

