「METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES - (2014/03/18 (火) 21:07:32) の1つ前との変更点



METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES 項目数:15 総ポイント:1000 難易度: 秘密の実績 |Reunion|Reunited with Chico or Paz|50| |Downfall|Cleared the "Ground Zeroes" mission|50| |Genesis|Cleared a Side Op or Extra Op|50| |Accomplished|Cleared all missions (including Side Ops and Extra Ops)|50| |Skilled|Cleared any mission (including Side Ops and Extra Ops) with a S-rank|100| |Hero|Cleared all missions (including Side Ops and Extra Ops) with a S-rank|250| |Rescue|In the "Ground Zeroes" mission, rescued the prisoner to be executed and extracted him via chopper|50| |Depth|Cleared the "Eliminate the Renegade Threat" Side Op by extracting both targets|50| |Pacifist|Cleared the "Intel Operative Rescue" Side Op without killing a single enemy|50| |Infiltration|Cleared the "Classified Intel Acquisition" Side Op while riding in the back of a truck|50| |Extraction|In the "Destroy the Anti-Air Emplacements" Side Op, rescued and extracted all prisoners via chopper|50| |Hidden|Cleared the "Jamais Vu" Extra Op with 0 enemy combat statuses|50| |Unlocked|Unlocked all trials|50| |Information|Obtained all cassette tapes|50| |Insignia|Obtained all XOF unit patches|50| ----
METAL GEAR SOLID V: GROUND ZEROES 項目数:15 総ポイント:1000 難易度: 秘密の実績 |再会&br()Reunion|チコまたはパスと再会する&br()Reunited with Chico or Paz|50| |瓦解&br()Downfall|MISSION『GROUND ZEROES』をクリアする&br()Cleared the "Ground Zeroes" mission|50| |発端&br()Genesis|SIDE OPSまたはEXTRA OPSのいずれかをクリアする&br()Cleared a Side Op or Extra Op|50| |完遂&br()Accomplished|全てのミッション(SIDE OPS・EXTRA OPSを含む)をクリアする&br()Cleared all missions (including Side Ops and Extra Ops)|50| |才器&br()Skilled|いずれかのミッション(SIDE OPS・EXTRA OPSを含む)をSランクでクリアする&br()Cleared any mission (including Side Ops and Extra Ops) with a S-rank|100| |英雄&br()Hero|全てのミッション(SIDE OPS・EXTRA OPSを含む)をSランクでクリアする&br()Cleared all missions (including Side Ops and Extra Ops) with a S-rank|250| |救出&br()Rescue|MISSION『GROUND ZEROES』で処刑前の捕虜を救出してヘリに回収する&br()In the "Ground Zeroes" mission, rescued the prisoner to be executed and extracted him via chopper|50| |表裏&br()Depth|SIDE OPS『帰還兵排除』でターゲット2名を回収してクリアする&br()Cleared the "Eliminate the Renegade Threat" Side Op by extracting both targets|50| |不殺&br()Pacifist|SIDE OPS『諜報員奪還』で敵兵士を一人も殺さずにクリアする&br()Cleared the "Intel Operative Rescue" Side Op without killing a single enemy|50| |潜伏&br()Infiltration|SIDE OPS『機密情報回収』でトラックの荷台に乗ったままクリアする&br()Cleared the "Classified Intel Acquisition" Side Op while riding in the back of a truck|50| |回収&br()Extraction|SIDE OPS『対空兵器破壊』で全ての捕虜を救出してヘリに回収する&br()In the "Destroy the Anti-Air Emplacements" Side Op, rescued and extracted all prisoners via chopper|50| |隠密&br()Hidden|EXTRA OPS『ジャメヴ・ミッション』を敵戦闘態勢数「0」でクリアする&br()Cleared the "Jamais Vu" Extra Op with 0 enemy combat statuses|50| |開放&br()Unlocked|全てのトライアルを開放する&br()Unlocked all trials|50| |情報&br()Information|全てのカセットテープを入手する&br()Obtained all cassette tapes|50| |臂章&br()Insignia|全てのXOF部隊章を入手する&br()Obtained all XOF unit patches|50| ----

