「Blackgate Deluxe Ed」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Blackgate Deluxe Ed - (2014/04/27 (日) 06:45:36) の1つ前との変更点



Blackgate Deluxe Ed. (Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate - Deluxe Edition) 項目数:30 総ポイント:400 難易度:★★☆☆☆ 価格:$19.99 PSVitaで2013年に発売された同タイトルの移植版。 現在日本未配信。配信予定があるかも不明。 |The Collector|Find all detective cases and have all pickups and upgrades|25| |Last Laugh|Defeat Joker|10 | |Cobblepot's Plot Was All For Naught|Defeat Penguin|10| |Face Off|Defeat Black Mask|10| |Domestic Disturbance|Catch Catwoman in Gotham City|10| |CSI: Blackgate|Complete your first detective case|10| |Now You're Getting It|Get a 12 hit combo|10| |In the Flow|Get a 25 hit combo|10| |Unnecessary Roughness|Get a 50 hit combo|15| |LEAGUE OF SHADOWS|Get a 100 hit combo|15| |Fresh Beats|Beatdown 10 thugs|10| |He's Sleeping|Perform 20 stealth takedowns|10| |Breathless|Die from inhaling gas|10| |Grave Digger|Unlock the Zombie Suit|10| |World's Greatest Detective|Complete all detective cases|25| |Oral Hygiene|Find and destroy all Joker teeth|15| |Bird on a Wire|Find and destroy all Penguin bird cages|15| |Unmasked|Find and destroy all of Black Mask's masks|15| |World's Snazziest Dresser|Obtain all Batsuits attainable through gameplay|25| |Armored Edition|Find all armor upgrades|10| |2112|Find all RUSH upgrades|10| |Talk to the Hand|Find all gauntlet upgrades|10| 秘密の実績 |Cage Match|Defeat Bronze Tiger|10| |Born on a Monday|Defeat Solomon Grundy|10| |The Man Who Sometimes Misses|Defeat Deadshot|10| |Cat Scratch Fever|Defeat Catwoman|25| |Bad Case of the Mondays|Defeat Grundy using the Shock Batarang and water|10| |Party Pooper|Defuse all Joker presents|15| |Flew the Coop|Rescue all Penguin hostages|15| |Circuit Breaker|Disarm all Black Mask junction boxes|15| 実績内容はPSVita版のトロフィーと同一。PSVita版の攻略サイトの情報がそのまま適用可能。

