「Sniper Elite 3」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Sniper Elite 3 - (2014/07/15 (火) 20:15:12) の1つ前との変更点



Sniper Elite 3 //スナイパーエリート3 項目数:60 (50+10) 総ポイント:1200 (1000+200) 難易度: 北米版はリージョンフリーのため、日本版本体で起動可。 |The Gazala Gallop|Complete Mission 1|10| |Wonderwall|Complete Mission 2|10| |Through the fire...|Complete Mission 3|10| |No refuge|Complete Mission 4|15| |In the nick of time|Complete Mission 5|15| |Crouching Tiger, Hidden Ratte|Complete Mission 6|15| |Demolition Man|Complete Mission 7|20| |Past Control Specialist|Complete Mission 8|20| |Oscar Mike|Relocate 100 times|30| |Make it go boom|Kill 20 enemies by shooting explosives|10| |Sniping with friends|Complete the campaign in co-op|40| |Time to reload|Complete the game on Cadet difficulty|20| |Regular soldier|Complete the game on Marksman difficulty|30| |Hard as nails|Complete the game on Sniper Elite difficulty|50| |True sniper|Complete the game on Authentic difficulty|60| |Casual Reader|Find half of the war diaries|10| |Archivist|Fins all the war diaries|20| |The gathering|Find all the collectable cards|20| |Nesting instinct|Find all the Sniper nests|20| |A shot in the dark|Complete all the long shots|40| |Nothing is optional|Complete all the optional objectives|30| |Dedicated soldier|Complete 100% of the campaign on any difficulty|100| |You'll try anything once|Play 1 mission in each mode (campaign, challenges. competitive multiplayer)|10| |Ghost of Tobruk|Clear the mountain pass without alerting the enemiy (Mission 1)|10| |Well, well, well|Hide a body in each of the wells in Gaberoun (Mission 2)|10| |End of the 'lein'|Found and killed the visiting General (Mission 3)|10| |I Fort this would be difficult|Get to the informant without being spotted (Mission 4)|10| |I Siwa you did there|Made the target officer's death look like an accident (Mission 5)|10| |Double tap|Incapacitate 2 vehicles in Kasserine Pass within 5 seconds (Mission 6)|10| |Three birds, one stone|Destroyed all 3 bomb dumps at the same time (Mission 7)|10| |Long way down|Thrown an enemy off one of the bridges (Mission 8)|10| |Advantage: Sniper|Get 30 killes from sniper nests|10| |Definitely no "90-day wonder"|Attain a rank of Sargeant (level 11)|20| |Officer material|Attain a rank of Lieutenant (level 31)|40| |Through the looking glass|Kill 10 snipers before they see/shoot you|10| |Hidden and dangerous|Complete a campaign mission without being seen (excluding Tobruk)|20| |Competitive streak|Play 10 competitive multiplayer matches|20| |An ode to Rube Goldberg|Get 20 chain reaction explosive kills|15| |Tagged|Tag 100 enemies or vehicles|15| |This is my rifle...|Customize 1 rifle|10| |Prepared for any eventuality|Create and save 4 loadouts|10| |A few of my favourite things|Get a kill with each offensive item|15| |Tactical distractor|Distract 20 enemies with flint or rocks|10| |Wait for it|Kill 10 enemies with flint-triggered detonations|10| |Double the distance|Snipe enemies over a cumulative distance of a double marathon|30| |Conserving oxygen|Hold breath for one hour|15| |The Everyman|Complete all the challenge missions|20| |Highly decorated|Earn 1 of every ribbon in competitive multiplayer|20| |Indestructible|Complete a mission after losing over 500 units of health|20| 秘密の実績 |Charlie's Challenge|Get a testicle-shot from over 100m away|5| 追加実績 Hunt the Grey Wolf:200 |Threat assessment|Observe the target and correctly correctly choose to leave or kill|40| |Sweating bullets|Shoot and kill the target|10| |In the middle|Kill theatarget with a chain reaction|10| |Convenience is key|Kill the target by shooting nearby explosive barrels|10| |Saved by the bell|Crush the target with a bell|10| |No escape|Kill the target in the vehicle by shooting its weakspot|10| |Granadier|Kill the target with a grenade|10| |Fast-moving target|Shoot the target in his car|10| |...And stay dead!|Kill the target in 7 different ways|80| 秘密の実績 |Herr Charles|Killed the officer at the meeting with a testicle shot.|10| ---- ***収集物 -Mission 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KxwtGA-GLk -Mission 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rWggTOTinE -Mission 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evMV0pHdE9s -Mission 4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqdvkhCaqkc -Mission 5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9voOc9DHctI -Mission 6 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhd-cg0uCuA -Mission 7 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vchOqEmGdaw -Mission 8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XFNQbThXsc ***Ghost of Tobruk Mission1を敵に発見されずにクリアすれば良い。黄色いリング状の警戒だけならセーフ。 発見された場合は、セーブポイントからロードし直せば解除される。 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36qctTOP2bc ***Well, well, well Mission2で道中の井戸に、それぞれ死体を投げ込めば解除。 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ewd_Rhy5j7U ***End of the 'lein' Mission3で司令官のHoessleinを見つけて倒す。 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FoSMg4rgUpA ***I Fort this would be difficult Mission4で発見されずに情報提供者のところまで行く。 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWj62Yy7vHU ***Hidden and dangerous Tobruk(Mission1)以外で、敵に発見されずにミッションを1つクリア。警戒はセーフ。 難易度CadetのMission2が比較的簡単。最後の装甲車は地雷を持っていけば楽。 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UuII1spBuwg ***Indestructible 体力を500以上減らしてから任意のミッションをクリア。 回復キットを使って良いので、瀕死→回復を繰り返せば簡単。 ----
Sniper Elite 3 //スナイパーエリート3 項目数:60 (50+10) 総ポイント:1200 (1000+200) 難易度: 北米版はリージョンフリーのため、日本版本体で起動可。 |The Gazala Gallop|Complete Mission 1&br()Mission1をクリアする|10| |Wonderwall|Complete Mission 2&br()Mission2をクリアする|10| |Through the fire...|Complete Mission 3&br()Mission3をクリアする|10| |No refuge|Complete Mission 4&br()Mission4をクリアする|15| |In the nick of time|Complete Mission 5&br()Mission5をクリアする|15| |Crouching Tiger, Hidden Ratte|Complete Mission 6&br()Mission6をクリアする|15| |Demolition Man|Complete Mission 7&br()Mission7をクリアする|20| |Past Control Specialist|Complete Mission 8&br()Mission8をクリアする|20| |Oscar Mike|Relocate 100 times&br()敵に100回発見される|30| |Make it go boom|Kill 20 enemies by shooting explosives&br()爆発物を撃って敵を20人倒す|10| |Sniping with friends|Complete the campaign in co-op&br()協力プレーでキャンペーンをクリアする|40| |Time to reload|Complete the game on Cadet difficulty&br()難易度Cadetでクリアする|20| |Regular soldier|Complete the game on Marksman difficulty&br()難易度Marksmanでクリアする|30| |Hard as nails|Complete the game on Sniper Elite difficulty&br()難易度Sniper Eliteでクリアする|50| |True sniper|Complete the game on Authentic difficulty&br()難易度Authenticでクリアする|60| |Casual Reader|Find half of the war diaries&br()war diariesを半分見つける|10| |Archivist|Find all the war diaries&br()war diariesを全て見つける|20| |The gathering|Find all the collectable cards&br()collectable cardを全て見つける|20| |Nesting instinct|Find all the Sniper nests&br()Sniper nestsを全て見つける|20| |A shot in the dark|Complete all the long shots&br()全てのlong shotを完了する|40| |Nothing is optional|Complete all the optional objectives&br()全てのサブ目標を完了する|30| |Dedicated soldier|Complete 100% of the campaign on any difficulty&br()いずれかの難易度で、キャンペーン達成率を100%にする|100| |You'll try anything once|Play 1 mission in each mode (campaign, challenges. competitive multiplayer)&br()各モードを1回プレーする(キャンペーン、チャレンジ、マルチプレイ)|10| |Ghost of Tobruk|Clear the mountain pass without alerting the enemy (Mission 1)&br()敵に発見されずにクリア (Mission 1)|10| |Well, well, well|Hide a body in each of the wells in Gaberoun (Mission 2)&br()それぞれの井戸に敵を隠す (Mission 2)|10| |End of the 'lein'|Found and killed the visiting General (Mission 3)&br()司令官を見つけて倒す (Mission 3)|10| |I Fort this would be difficult|Get to the informant without being spotted (Mission 4)&br()発見されずに情報提供者のところへ行く (Mission 4)|10| |I Siwa you did there|Made the target officer's death look like an accident (Mission 5)&br()将校を事故に見せかけて倒す (Mission 5)|10| |Double tap|Incapacitate 2 vehicles in Kasserine Pass within 5 seconds (Mission 6)&br()5秒以内に2台の乗り物を破壊する (Mission 6)|10| |Three birds, one stone|Destroyed all 3 bomb dumps at the same time (Mission 7)&br()bomb dumpsを3つ同時に爆破する (Mission 7)|10| |Long way down|Thrown an enemy off one of the bridges (Mission 8)&br()橋の上から敵を1人投げ落とす|10| |Advantage: Sniper|Get 30 killes from sniper nests&br()Sniper nestsから敵を30人倒す|10| |Definitely no "90-day wonder"|Attain a rank of Sargeant (level 11)&br()ランク11になる|20| |Officer material|Attain a rank of Lieutenant (level 31)&br()ランク31になる|40| |Through the looking glass|Kill 10 snipers before they see/shoot you&br()スナイパー10人を、発見されて撃たれる前に倒す|10| |Hidden and dangerous|Complete a campaign mission without being seen (excluding Tobruk)&br()Tobruk(Mission 1)以外で、敵に発見されずにキャンペーンミッションを1つクリアする|20| |Competitive streak|Play 10 competitive multiplayer matches&br()マルチプレイを10回プレーする|20| |An ode to Rube Goldberg|Get 20 chain reaction explosive kills&br()連鎖爆発キルを20回行う|15| |Tagged|Tag 100 enemies or vehicles&br()敵か乗り物を100回タグ付けする|15| |This is my rifle...|Customize 1 rifle&br()ライフルを1つカスタマイズする|10| |Prepared for any eventuality|Create and save 4 loadouts&br()loadautを4つ作成して保存する|10| |A few of my favourite things|Get a kill with each offensive item&br()各攻撃アイテムで1回ずつ倒す|15| |Tactical distractor|Distract 20 enemies with flint or rocks&br()石かflintで20回敵の気をそらす|10| |Wait for it|Kill 10 enemies with flint-triggered detonations&br()flintを利用した爆発で敵を10人倒す|10| |Double the distance|Snipe enemies over a cumulative distance of a double marathon&br()累計狙撃距離がマラソンの倍の距離(84.39Km)を超える|30| |Conserving oxygen|Hold breath for one hour&br()1時間息を止める|15| |The Everyman|Complete all the challenge missions&br()チャレンジミッションを全てクリア|20| |Highly decorated|Earn 1 of every ribbon in competitive multiplayer&br()マルチプレイの全てのリボンを1つずつ手に入れる|20| |Indestructible|Complete a mission after losing over 500 units of health&br()体力を500以上失ってからミッションをクリアする|20| 秘密の実績 |Charlie's Challenge|Get a testicle-shot from over 100m away&br()100メートル以上離れて睾丸ショットを成功する|5| 追加実績 Hunt the Grey Wolf:200 |Threat assessment|Observe the target and correctly correctly choose to leave or kill|40| |Sweating bullets|Shoot and kill the target|10| |In the middle|Kill theatarget with a chain reaction|10| |Convenience is key|Kill the target by shooting nearby explosive barrels|10| |Saved by the bell|Crush the target with a bell|10| |No escape|Kill the target in the vehicle by shooting its weakspot|10| |Granadier|Kill the target with a grenade|10| |Fast-moving target|Shoot the target in his car|10| |...And stay dead!|Kill the target in 7 different ways|80| 秘密の実績 |Herr Charles|Killed the officer at the meeting with a testicle shot.|10| ---- ***収集物 (war diary, collectable card, Sniper nests, long shot) -Mission 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KxwtGA-GLk -Mission 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rWggTOTinE -Mission 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evMV0pHdE9s -Mission 4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqdvkhCaqkc -Mission 5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9voOc9DHctI -Mission 6 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhd-cg0uCuA -Mission 7 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vchOqEmGdaw -Mission 8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XFNQbThXsc ***Nothing is optional http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfXycexXpTo ***Oscar Mike 敵に発見され、その場から逃げた時に表示される白い残像を合計100回表示する。 100回目の後、発見状態(赤)から警戒状態(黄)に戻ったタイミングで解除。 無双プレーをしてれば自然と解除されるが、ステルスプレイを徹底してると解除されないので注意。 ***Ghost of Tobruk Mission1を敵に発見されずにクリアすれば良い。黄色いリング状の警戒だけならセーフ。 発見された場合は、セーブポイントからロードし直せば解除される。 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36qctTOP2bc ***Well, well, well Mission2で道中の井戸に、それぞれ死体を投げ込めば解除。 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ewd_Rhy5j7U ***End of the 'lein' Mission3で司令官のHoessleinを見つけて倒す。 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FoSMg4rgUpA ***I Fort this would be difficult Mission4で発見されずに情報提供者のところまで行く。 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWj62Yy7vHU ***I Siwa you did there Mission5後半。敵3人のうち誰が将校かはランダムで変わる。 追跡中に将校以外の敵に警戒されると、将校が目的地に行ってくれない事があるので注意。 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ws11kr8W9cg ***Double tap Mission6で乗り物2台を5秒以内に破壊する。 戦車登場前に装甲車を破壊すると、増援のトラックが来るのでそれを利用する。 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulEUhsBH8qs ***Hidden and dangerous Tobruk(Mission1)以外で、敵に発見されずにミッションを1つクリア。警戒はセーフ。 難易度CadetのMission2が比較的簡単。最後の装甲車は地雷を持っていけば楽。 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UuII1spBuwg ***Indestructible 体力を500以上減らしてから任意のミッションをクリア。 回復キットを使って良いので、瀕死→回復を繰り返せば簡単。 ----

