「Gears of War (Windows)」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Gears of War (Windows) - (2020/03/26 (木) 20:35:41) の1つ前との変更点



Gears of War (Windows) 項目数: 50 総ポイント: 1000 難易度: ※Windows Vista以降のOSにインストールするときにゲーム起動前にタイトルアップデート3をしていないと 起動できない問題がある模様。 デジタル証明の期限切れに関するエラーでアップデートをせずに起動すると起動不可となり、そのPCで再度起動するためにはレジストリの削除などを行う必要がある。 インストーラーが初期設定が罠で知らずにインストールすると必ずハマってしまう危険性がある。 ※解説サイト、MS公式のタイトルアップデート3パッチ(TU3)のリンクもあり http://seiryu.or.tv/3dtps/Gears_of_War/gow-top.html |Prison Breakout|Complete tutorial level on any skill level|10| |Completed Act 1 on Casual|Complete Act 1 on Casual Difficulty|10| |Completed Act 2 on Casual|Complete Act 2 on Casual Difficulty|10| |Completed Act 3 on Casual|Complete Act 3 on Casual Difficulty|10| |Completed Act 4 on Casual|Complete Act 4 on Casual Difficulty|10| |Completed Act 5 on Casual|Complete Act 5 on Casual Difficulty|10| |Mercenary|Complete all acts on Casual Difficulty|10| |Completed Act 1 on Hardcore|Complete Act 1 on Hardcore Difficulty|20| |Completed Act 2 on Hardcore|Complete Act 2 on Hardcore Difficulty|20| |Completed Act 3 on Hardcore|Complete Act 3 on Hardcore Difficulty|20| |Completed Act 4 on Hardcore|Complete Act 4 on Hardcore Difficulty|20| |Completed Act 5 on Hardcore|Complete Act 5 on Hardcore Difficulty|20| |Soldier|Complete all acts on Hardcore Difficulty|20| |Completed Act 1 on Insane|Complete Act 1 on Insane Difficulty|30| |Completed Act 2 on Insane|Complete Act 2 on Insane Difficulty|30| |Completed Act 3 on Insane|Complete Act 3 on Insane Difficulty|30| |Completed Act 4 on Insane|Complete Act 4 on Insane Difficulty|30| |Completed Act 5 on Insane|Complete Act 5 on Insane Difficulty|30| |Commando|Complete all acts on Insane Difficulty|30| |Time to Remember|Recover one-third of the COG tags (on any difficulty)|10| |Honor-Bound|Recover two-thirds of the COG tags (on any difficulty)|20| |For the Fallen|Recover all of the COG tags (on any difficulty)|30| |My Love for You Is Like a Truck|Defeat a Berserker on Hardcore Difficulty|30| |Broken Fingers|Defeat a Corpser on Hardcore Difficulty|30| |A Dish Best Served Cold|Defeat General RAAM on Hardcore Difficulty|30| |Zen and the Art of Reloading|Perform 25 perfect active reloads (on any difficulty)|10| |Zen and the Art Part 2|Perform 5 perfect active reloads in a row (on any difficulty)|20| |Clusterluck|Kill 3 enemies at once 10 different times (on any difficulty)|20| |Not So Serious ...|Kill 10,000 people in versus player match total|20| |Dom-curious|Complete 1 co-op chapter as Dominic Santiago on any difficulty|10| |Domination|Complete 10 different co-op chapters as Dominic Santiago on any difficulty|20| |I Can't Quit You Dom|Complete all acts in co-op as Dominic Santiago on any difficulty|30| |Don't You Die On Me|Revive a teammate in 100 multiplayer (Player or Ranked) matches of 3+ rounds|10| |Fall Down Go Boom|Kill an enemy with the Boomshot in 100 multiplayer (Player or Ranked) matches of 3+ rounds|20| |Pistolero|Kill an enemy with a pistol in 100 multiplayer (Player or Ranked) matches of 3+ rounds|20| |The Nuge|Kill an enemy with the Torque Bow in 100 multiplayer (Player or Ranked) matches of 3+ rounds|20| |I Spy with My Little Eye|Kill an enemy with the Longshot in 100 multiplayer (Player or Ranked) matches of 3+ rounds|20| |Don't Hurt 'Em|Kill an enemy with the Hammer of Dawn in 100 multiplayer (Player or Ranked) matches of 3+ rounds|20| |It's a Massacre|Kill an enemy with the Chainsaw in 100 multiplayer (Player or Ranked) matches of 3+ rounds|10| |Curb Appeal|Kill an enemy with a curb stomp in 100 multiplayer (Player or Ranked) matches of 3+ rounds|20| |Capital Punishment|Kill an enemy with an execution in 100 multiplayer (Player or Ranked) matches of 3+ rounds|20| |Is It a Spider?|Kill an enemy with a grenade tag in 100 multiplayer (Player or Ranked) matches of 3+ rounds|20| |The Money Shot|Kill an enemy with a headshot in 100 multiplayer (Player or Ranked) matches of 3+ rounds|20| |Always Remember Your First|Finish playing a versus ranked match|10| |Don't Hate the Player|Finish with the highest points in a ranked match|10| |Mix It Up|Win a ranked match in every versus game type|20| |Around the World|Win a ranked match on every versus map|20| |Can't Touch Me|Win 10 ranked matches without losing a round|20| |Seriously ...|Kill 10,000 people in versus ranked match total|40| 秘密の実績 |Shock Therapy|Defeat a Brumak on Hardcore Difficulty.|30| ※オンラインは過疎っており談合推奨
Gears of War (Windows) 項目数: 50 総ポイント: 1000 難易度: ※Windows Vista以降のOSにインストールするときにゲーム起動前にタイトルアップデート3をしていないと、以後起動できない問題がある模様。 デジタル証明の期限切れに関するエラーでアップデートをせずに起動すると起動不可となり、そのPCで再度起動するためには再インストール前にレジストリの削除などを行う必要がある。 インストーラーが初期設定が罠で知らずにインストールすると必ずハマってしまう危険性がある。 ※解説サイト、MS公式のタイトルアップデート3パッチ(TU3)のリンクもあり http://seiryu.or.tv/3dtps/Gears_of_War/gow-top.html |Prison Breakout|Complete tutorial level on any skill level|10| |Completed Act 1 on Casual|Complete Act 1 on Casual Difficulty|10| |Completed Act 2 on Casual|Complete Act 2 on Casual Difficulty|10| |Completed Act 3 on Casual|Complete Act 3 on Casual Difficulty|10| |Completed Act 4 on Casual|Complete Act 4 on Casual Difficulty|10| |Completed Act 5 on Casual|Complete Act 5 on Casual Difficulty|10| |Mercenary|Complete all acts on Casual Difficulty|10| |Completed Act 1 on Hardcore|Complete Act 1 on Hardcore Difficulty|20| |Completed Act 2 on Hardcore|Complete Act 2 on Hardcore Difficulty|20| |Completed Act 3 on Hardcore|Complete Act 3 on Hardcore Difficulty|20| |Completed Act 4 on Hardcore|Complete Act 4 on Hardcore Difficulty|20| |Completed Act 5 on Hardcore|Complete Act 5 on Hardcore Difficulty|20| |Soldier|Complete all acts on Hardcore Difficulty|20| |Completed Act 1 on Insane|Complete Act 1 on Insane Difficulty|30| |Completed Act 2 on Insane|Complete Act 2 on Insane Difficulty|30| |Completed Act 3 on Insane|Complete Act 3 on Insane Difficulty|30| |Completed Act 4 on Insane|Complete Act 4 on Insane Difficulty|30| |Completed Act 5 on Insane|Complete Act 5 on Insane Difficulty|30| |Commando|Complete all acts on Insane Difficulty|30| |Time to Remember|Recover one-third of the COG tags (on any difficulty)|10| |Honor-Bound|Recover two-thirds of the COG tags (on any difficulty)|20| |For the Fallen|Recover all of the COG tags (on any difficulty)|30| |My Love for You Is Like a Truck|Defeat a Berserker on Hardcore Difficulty|30| |Broken Fingers|Defeat a Corpser on Hardcore Difficulty|30| |A Dish Best Served Cold|Defeat General RAAM on Hardcore Difficulty|30| |Zen and the Art of Reloading|Perform 25 perfect active reloads (on any difficulty)|10| |Zen and the Art Part 2|Perform 5 perfect active reloads in a row (on any difficulty)|20| |Clusterluck|Kill 3 enemies at once 10 different times (on any difficulty)|20| |Not So Serious ...|Kill 10,000 people in versus player match total|20| |Dom-curious|Complete 1 co-op chapter as Dominic Santiago on any difficulty|10| |Domination|Complete 10 different co-op chapters as Dominic Santiago on any difficulty|20| |I Can't Quit You Dom|Complete all acts in co-op as Dominic Santiago on any difficulty|30| |Don't You Die On Me|Revive a teammate in 100 multiplayer (Player or Ranked) matches of 3+ rounds|10| |Fall Down Go Boom|Kill an enemy with the Boomshot in 100 multiplayer (Player or Ranked) matches of 3+ rounds|20| |Pistolero|Kill an enemy with a pistol in 100 multiplayer (Player or Ranked) matches of 3+ rounds|20| |The Nuge|Kill an enemy with the Torque Bow in 100 multiplayer (Player or Ranked) matches of 3+ rounds|20| |I Spy with My Little Eye|Kill an enemy with the Longshot in 100 multiplayer (Player or Ranked) matches of 3+ rounds|20| |Don't Hurt 'Em|Kill an enemy with the Hammer of Dawn in 100 multiplayer (Player or Ranked) matches of 3+ rounds|20| |It's a Massacre|Kill an enemy with the Chainsaw in 100 multiplayer (Player or Ranked) matches of 3+ rounds|10| |Curb Appeal|Kill an enemy with a curb stomp in 100 multiplayer (Player or Ranked) matches of 3+ rounds|20| |Capital Punishment|Kill an enemy with an execution in 100 multiplayer (Player or Ranked) matches of 3+ rounds|20| |Is It a Spider?|Kill an enemy with a grenade tag in 100 multiplayer (Player or Ranked) matches of 3+ rounds|20| |The Money Shot|Kill an enemy with a headshot in 100 multiplayer (Player or Ranked) matches of 3+ rounds|20| |Always Remember Your First|Finish playing a versus ranked match|10| |Don't Hate the Player|Finish with the highest points in a ranked match|10| |Mix It Up|Win a ranked match in every versus game type|20| |Around the World|Win a ranked match on every versus map|20| |Can't Touch Me|Win 10 ranked matches without losing a round|20| |Seriously ...|Kill 10,000 people in versus ranked match total|40| 秘密の実績 |Shock Therapy|Defeat a Brumak on Hardcore Difficulty.|30| ※オンラインは過疎っており談合推奨

