「Rocketmen: Axis of Evil」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Rocketmen: Axis of Evil - (2008/03/15 (土) 12:35:20) の1つ前との変更点



Rocketmen: Axis of Evil 項目数:12 総ポイント:200 難易度: DL費用:800MSP ジャンル:アクション アーケード ☆国内未配信 |Hero of Venus|Escape Venusian Space|20| |Hero of Mercury|Get Empress Armada off planet Mercury|20| |Hero of Mars|Destroy the Axis Of Evil's ultimate weapon|30| |Weapon Specialist|Max out one weapon|15| |Well Defended|Buy Wicked Armor|20| |Perfect Skill|Max out one statistic|10| |Medallist|Get a medal on any level|10| |Overachiever|Get a gold medal on five different levels|15| |Perfectionist|Get a gold medal on ten different levels|20| |Multi Player|Complete any level in Online Multiplayer Mode|10| |Big Winner|Win three levels in 4-player Multiplayer Mode|20| |Smarter Than A Ball|Rescue Empress Armada without being crushed|10|
Rocketmen: Axis of Evil 項目数:12 総ポイント:200 難易度: 配信日:2008年3月5日 DL費用:800MSP ジャンル:アクション アーケード ☆国内未配信 |Hero of Venus|Escape Venusian Space|20| |Hero of Mercury|Get Empress Armada off planet Mercury|20| |Hero of Mars|Destroy the Axis Of Evil's ultimate weapon|30| |Weapon Specialist|Max out one weapon|15| |Well Defended|Buy Wicked Armor|20| |Perfect Skill|Max out one statistic|10| |Medallist|Get a medal on any level|10| |Overachiever|Get a gold medal on five different levels|15| |Perfectionist|Get a gold medal on ten different levels|20| |Multi Player|Complete any level in Online Multiplayer Mode|10| |Big Winner|Win three levels in 4-player Multiplayer Mode|20| |Smarter Than A Ball|Rescue Empress Armada without being crushed|10|

