「Score International Baja 1000」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Score International Baja 1000 - (2009/10/16 (金) 01:40:46) の1つ前との変更点



Score International Baja 1000 項目数:26 総ポイント:1000 難易度: |Collector|Unlock every vehicle.|100| |Strong Finish|Complete the career.|100| |Perfectionist|Place 1st in every career race.|100| |Weekend Driver|Drive a total of 250 miles in career, exhibition, System Link, and Xbox LIVE.|25| |Marathon Wheelman|Drive a total of 500 miles in career, exhibition, System Link, and Xbox LIVE.|50| |Baja Ironman|Drive a total of 1000 miles in career, exhibition, System Link, and Xbox LIVE.|100| |Unlock 2nd Ticket|Unlock the 2nd ticket in the career.|10| |Unlock 3rd Ticket|Unlock the 3rd ticket in the career.|15| |Unlock 4th Ticket|Unlock the 4th ticket in the career.|20| |Unlock 5th Ticket|Unlock the 5th ticket in the career.|25| |Unlock 6th Ticket|Unlock the 6th ticket in the career.|30| |Unlock 7th Ticket|Unlock the 7th ticket in the career.|35| |Unlock 8th Ticket|Unlock the 8th ticket in the career.|40| |1st in Endurance #1|Place 1st in Endurance Regional #1.|40| |1st in Endurance #2|Place 1st in Endurance Regional #2.|50| |1st in Endurance #3|Place 1st in Endurance Regional #3.|60| |1st in Endurance #4|Place 1st in Endurance Regional #4.|70| |Feet Wet|Finish any race in career, exhibition, System Link, or Xbox LIVE.|5| |Dead Man's Curve|Wreck your vehicle in career, exhibition, System Link, or Xbox LIVE.|5| |Podium|Finish any race in first place in career, exhibition, System Link, or Xbox LIVE.|10| |All Skill|Finish any race in the top 3 without any damage in career.|25| |Pink Slip|Win a head to head race.|5| |Secret Achievement|Secret achievement.|20| |Secret Achievement|Secret achievement.|20| |Secret Achievement|Secret achievement.|20| |Secret Achievement|Secret achievement.|20|
Score International Baja 1000 項目数:26 総ポイント:1000 難易度:★☆☆☆☆ 全てオフラインで解除可能。 難易度も低く、6~7時間でコンプできる。 |Collector|Unlock every vehicle.&br()全ての乗り物をアンロックする|100| |Strong Finish|Complete the career.&br()キャリアモードをクリアする|100| |Perfectionist|Place 1st in every career race.&br()キャリアモードの全レースで1位を取る|100| |Weekend Driver|Drive a total of 250 miles in career, exhibition, System Link, and Xbox LIVE.&br()合計250マイル走行する|25| |Marathon Wheelman|Drive a total of 500 miles in career, exhibition, System Link, and Xbox LIVE.&br()合計500マイル走行する|50| |Baja Ironman|Drive a total of 1000 miles in career, exhibition, System Link, and Xbox LIVE.&br()合計1000マイル走行する|100| |Unlock 2nd Ticket|Unlock the 2nd ticket in the career.&br()キャリアモードで2nd ticketをアンロックする|10| |Unlock 3rd Ticket|Unlock the 3rd ticket in the career.&br()キャリアモードで3rd ticketをアンロックする|15| |Unlock 4th Ticket|Unlock the 4th ticket in the career.&br()キャリアモードで4th ticketをアンロックする|20| |Unlock 5th Ticket|Unlock the 5th ticket in the career.&br()キャリアモードで5th ticketをアンロックする|25| |Unlock 6th Ticket|Unlock the 6th ticket in the career.&br()キャリアモードで6th ticketをアンロックする|30| |Unlock 7th Ticket|Unlock the 7th ticket in the career.&br()キャリアモードで7th ticketをアンロックする|35| |Unlock 8th Ticket|Unlock the 8th ticket in the career.&br()キャリアモードで8th ticketをアンロックする|40| |1st in Endurance #1|Place 1st in Endurance Regional #1.&br()Endurance Regional #1で1位を取る|40| |1st in Endurance #2|Place 1st in Endurance Regional #2.&br()Endurance Regional #2で1位を取る|50| |1st in Endurance #3|Place 1st in Endurance Regional #3.&br()Endurance Regional #3で1位を取る|60| |1st in Endurance #4|Place 1st in Endurance Regional #4.&br()Endurance Regional #4で1位を取る|70| |Feet Wet|Finish any race in career, exhibition, System Link, or Xbox LIVE.&br()何れかのレースを完走する|5| |Dead Man's Curve|Wreck your vehicle in career, exhibition, System Link, or Xbox LIVE.&br()自分の乗り物を破損させる|5| |Podium|Finish any race in first place in career, exhibition, System Link, or Xbox LIVE.&br()何れかのレースで1位を取る|10| |All Skill|Finish any race in the top 3 without any damage in career.&br()キャリアモードの何れかのレースで、ダメージを受けることなく3位以内に入る|25| |Pink Slip|Win a head to head race.&br()head to headレースに勝利する|5| 秘密の実績 |High Flyer|Spent 5 minutes in the air in career, exhibition, System Link, and Xbox LIVE!&br()合計5分間空中を飛ぶ|20| |Road Rage!|Knocked 20 other racers off of their vehicles in career, exhibition, System Link, and Xbox LIVE!&br()敵車を合計20台クラッシュさせる|20| |Duct Tape Connoisseur|Lost a total of 100 vehicle parts during races in career, exhibition, System Link, and Xbox LIVE!&br()自分の乗り物のパーツを合計100個失う|20| |Consolation Prize|Crashed a vehicle 100 times in career, exhibition, System Link, and Xbox LIVE!&br()合計100回クラッシュする|20|

