「Glow Artisan」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Glow Artisan - (2012/11/06 (火) 19:00:37) の最新版との変更点



Glow Artisan 項目数:16 総ポイント:200 ☆Windows Phone7用タイトル |Color Theory 101|Complete the Tutorial.|10| |Gold Rush|Earn a Gold Move Medal on any puzzle.|5| |Time is on Your Side|Earn a Gold Time Medal on any puzzle.|5| |A First Time for Everything|Earn the first Trophy Piece in Apprentice difficulty.|5| |Two Out of Four Ain't Bad|Earn second Trophy Piece in Apprentice difficulty.|10| |Third Time's a Charm|Earn third Trophy Piece in Apprentice difficulty.|10| |Clear a Space on the Mantle|Earn third Trophy Piece in Apprentice difficulty.|15| |Gonna Need a Bigger Shelf|Complete Artisan Trophy.|20| |And Master Makes Three|Complete Master Trophy.|25| |Take a Puzzling Vacation|Unlock and solve all Bonus Puzzles.|15| |Slick Moves|Earn 50% of all Gold Move Medals.|10| |Halftime Show|Earn 50% of all Gold Time Medals.|10| |Master of Moves|Earn Gold Move Medals for every puzzle in the game, including Bonus Puzzles.|20| |Lord of Time|Earn Gold Time Medals for every puzzle in the game, including Bonus Puzzles.|20| |... It'll Last Longer|Create a Picture Puzzle in Create Mode.|10| 秘密の実績 |Don't Rush an Artist|Take over 7 minutes to create a really awesome 5x5 or 8x6 puzzle.|10| ----
Glow Artisan 項目数:16 総ポイント:200 ☆Windows Phone7用タイトル 難易度:170 ★☆☆☆☆(解法をネットで見る場合)      170 ★★★☆☆(自力で解く場合)      200 ★★★★★ |Color Theory 101|Complete the Tutorial.|10| |Gold Rush|Earn a Gold Move Medal on any puzzle.|5| |Time is on Your Side|Earn a Gold Time Medal on any puzzle.|5| |A First Time for Everything|Earn the first Trophy Piece in Apprentice difficulty.|5| |Two Out of Four Ain't Bad|Earn second Trophy Piece in Apprentice difficulty.|10| |Third Time's a Charm|Earn third Trophy Piece in Apprentice difficulty.|10| |Clear a Space on the Mantle|Earn third Trophy Piece in Apprentice difficulty.|15| |Gonna Need a Bigger Shelf|Complete Artisan Trophy.|20| |And Master Makes Three|Complete Master Trophy.|25| |Take a Puzzling Vacation|Unlock and solve all Bonus Puzzles.|15| |Slick Moves|Earn 50% of all Gold Move Medals.|10| |Halftime Show|Earn 50% of all Gold Time Medals.|10| |Master of Moves|Earn Gold Move Medals for every puzzle in the game, including Bonus Puzzles.|20| |Lord of Time|Earn Gold Time Medals for every puzzle in the game, including Bonus Puzzles.|20| |... It'll Last Longer|Create a Picture Puzzle in Create Mode.|10| 秘密の実績 |Don't Rush an Artist|Take over 7 minutes to create a really awesome 5x5 or 8x6 puzzle.|10| gold time medalを50%集める実績とgold time medalを全部集める実績が もはや無理ゲーな程に難しい。 たとえパズルの解法を丸暗記しても、gold time medalを獲得するには 人間の指の動かす速度の限界を超越するレベルのタイムが要求される。簡単にgold time medalを獲得できるのは せいぜい序盤の数個程度。 ・パズルの解法 [[http://www.xbox360achievements.org/forum/showthread.php?t=282690]] ----

