「Karaoke Revolution: Glee Volume 3」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Karaoke Revolution: Glee Volume 3 - (2014/05/21 (水) 11:34:30) の最新版との変更点



Karaoke Revolution: Glee Volume 3 項目数:18 総ポイント:1000 難易度:★☆☆☆☆ 国内本体起動不可 |Can't Get Any Better|Get 100% on any song on any difficulty|25| |Millionare Club|Get 1,000,000 points or more on a single song|25| |Nice Streak|Get a streak of 40 or better on a single song|25| |Competition|Sing a song with two players in Versus mode|25| |Cooperation|Sing a song with two players in Co-Op mode|25| |Harmony|Sing a song with two players in Duet mode|25| |Rachel Fan|Get 95% or better on "Don't Go Breaking My Heart", "Go Your Own Way", and "Last Christmas" |50| |Finn Fan|Get 95% or better on "I've Gotta Be Me", "Just The Way You Are", and "Losing My Religion"|50| |Santana Fan|Get 95% or better on "Back To Black", "Songbird", and "Valerie"|50| |Puck Fan|Get 95% or better on "Fat Bottomed Girls", and "Only The Good Die Young"|50| |Mercedes Fan|Get 95% or better on "I Look To You", and "River Deep Mountain High"|50| |Artie Fan|Get 95% or better on "Never Going Back Again", and "PYT"|50| |Sam and Quinn Fan|Get 95% or better on "I've Had The Time of My Life", and "Lucky"|50| |Yearbook Song Complete|Earn all snapshots from a single song in YEARBOOK mode|50| |Major Gleek|Play every song in the game at least once on any difficulty|100| |Tons Of Dancers|Earn 10,000 or more dancers lifetime|100| |Complete Yearbook Collection|Earn every snapshot in the game from YEARBOOK mode|125| |Perfectionist|Get 100% on every song|125| 100%を狙いつつYEARBOOKモードでコントローラーAボタン連打しながらやると効率がいい。 後からYEARBOOKモードで写真を集めようとすると二度手間になる。 ・全解除まで約9時間。と言っても大半がTons Of Dancers解除にかかる時間。 プレイ時間の9割が蓮根放置。全てオフラインで解除可能。 ・USBマイク、VC,キネクト認識可能。 オプションで音声だけにして、TVのスピーカーにいずれかのマイクを近づけて曲を流せば容易に100%可能。 オフラインCoop実績があるため組み合わせはどれでも良いので取り敢えずVCなりマイクなり2つ必要。 ・Tons Of Dancersだけが多少時間がかかるがこれもマイクと蓮根放置で解除可能。 曲はFirdayがベスト
Karaoke Revolution: Glee Volume 3 項目数:18 総ポイント:1000 難易度:★☆☆☆☆ 北米版リージョンロック 実績コンプにはUSBマイク/360ヘッドセット/Kinectの内、2つ必要。 全解除まで約9時間。作業系実績をマイクを2つ用いて作業をすると6時間~7時間程度。 歌う必要は一切ない。 |Can't Get Any Better|Get 100% on any song on any difficulty|25| |Millionare Club|Get 1,000,000 points or more on a single song|25| |Nice Streak|Get a streak of 40 or better on a single song|25| |Competition|Sing a song with two players in Versus mode|25| |Cooperation|Sing a song with two players in Co-Op mode|25| |Harmony|Sing a song with two players in Duet mode|25| |Rachel Fan|Get 95% or better on "Don't Go Breaking My Heart", "Go Your Own Way", and "Last Christmas" |50| |Finn Fan|Get 95% or better on "I've Gotta Be Me", "Just The Way You Are", and "Losing My Religion"|50| |Santana Fan|Get 95% or better on "Back To Black", "Songbird", and "Valerie"|50| |Puck Fan|Get 95% or better on "Fat Bottomed Girls", and "Only The Good Die Young"|50| |Mercedes Fan|Get 95% or better on "I Look To You", and "River Deep Mountain High"|50| |Artie Fan|Get 95% or better on "Never Going Back Again", and "PYT"|50| |Sam and Quinn Fan|Get 95% or better on "I've Had The Time of My Life", and "Lucky"|50| |Yearbook Song Complete|Earn all snapshots from a single song in YEARBOOK mode|50| |Major Gleek|Play every song in the game at least once on any difficulty|100| |Tons Of Dancers|Earn 10,000 or more dancers lifetime|100| |Complete Yearbook Collection|Earn every snapshot in the game from YEARBOOK mode|125| |Perfectionist|Get 100% on every song|125| ■実績解除全般 全てオフライン実績。難易度不問で全部EASY実績解除できる 一切歌う必要がなくゲームを消音にUSBマイク/360ヘッドセット/Kinectをyoutubeの扇風機音に近づけることにより100%が容易。 TVの音をVOCALだけにしてマイクをスピーカー近づけても100%が取れるが音量など調整が必要。 扇風機音youtube:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qorkD6nPYQM 全曲100%を狙いつつ、曲選択時にYEARBOOKモードを選択。連コンにてAボタン連打しながらやると効率がいい。 YEARBOOKモードでの収集物の写真を集める作業が同時に行える。 -Cooperation/Competition/Harmony マイクが2つ必要な実績。MICの項目でMIC1とMIC2を設定すること。 USBマイク+Kinectだと片方が認識されない模様。 -Tons Of Dancers 恐らく最後に残る作業系実績だが連コンAボタン放置で稼ぐことができる。 マイク2つを用いてVersusモードで行うとカウントが2倍となる。 Friday推奨。

