「Guiter Helo II」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Guiter Helo II - (2007/04/22 (日) 00:52:33) の最新版との変更点



Guiter Helo II #ref(http://tiles.xbox.com/tiles/We/ER/12dsb2JhbC9ECgQJGgYfWSpUL2ljb24vMC84MDAwAAAAAAAAAPg+4UY=.jpg) 項目数:50 総ポイント:1000 難易度:★★★☆☆ |100K Club|Get 100,000 points in a song.|10| |200K Club|Get 200,000 points in a song.|10| |300K Club|Get 300,000 points in a song.|30| |400K Club|Get 400,000 points in a song.|30| |Champagne Room V.I.P.|Get 500,000 points in a song.|30| |Roadie|Unlock Rat Cellar.|10| |New Kid|Unlock Blackout Bar.|10| |Young Gun|Unlock RedOctane Club.|10| |Axe Grinder|Unlock Rock City Theater.|10| |Shredder|Unlock Vans Warped Tour.|10| |Rock Star|Unlock Harmonix Arena.|10| |Guitar Hero|Unlock Stonehenge.|10| |Dimebag Darrell Award|Get a 100 note streak.|10| |Eddie Van Halen Award|Get a 500 note streak.|30| |Yngwie Malmsteen Award|Get a 1000 note streak.|30| |Easy Tour Champ|Beat the Easy tour.|10| |Medium Tour Champ|Beat the Medium tour.|30| |Hard Tour Champ|Beat the Hard tour.|30| |Expert Tour Champ|Beat the Expert tour.|30| |Sandbox Hero Award|Earn five stars on all songs in the Easy tour.|30| |Most Likely to Succeed Award|Earn five stars on all songs in the Medium tour.|30| |Guitarmaggedon Award|Earn five stars on all songs in the Hard tour.|30| |Start a Real Band Already Award|Earn five stars on all songs in the Expert tour.|30| |Rock School Grad|Complete all tutorials.|10| |Scoremonger Award|Get an 8x multiplier.|10| |Perfectionist Award|Get 100% notes hit on a song.|30| |Rock Snob Award|Refuse to play an encore.|10| |Long Road Ahead Award|Fail a song on Easy.|10| |Hendrix Award|Beat a song with lefty flip on.|10| |Teacher's Pet Award|Practice three different songs.|10| |Saturday Morning Award|Beat Trogdor and Thunder Horse.|10| |Kick the Bucket Award|Beat Jordan on Expert.|30| |Gear Head Award|Buy all guitars.|30| |Fanatical Completionist Award|Buy all guitar finishes.|30| |Record Collector Award|Buy all songs.|10| |Life of the Party Award|Buy all characters.|10| |Fashion Plate Award|Buy all outfits.|10| |Extra Credit Award|View the credits.|10| |Big Spender Award|Spend $10,000 at the store.|10| |Scenester Award|Beat all the unlock songs.|10| |Joan & Lita Award|Get a 100 note streak in Cooperative.|30| |Joe & Steven Award|Get a 500 note streak in Cooperative.|30| |Keef & Mick Award|Get a 1000 note streak in Cooperative|30| |Lennon & McCartney Award|Get an 8x streak in Cooperative.|10| |Page & Plant Award|Get 100% notes hit on a song in Cooperative.|30| |200K Pair|Get 200,000 points on a song in Cooperative.|30| |400K Pair|Get 400,000 points on a song in Cooperative.|30| |600K Pair|Get 600,000 points on a song in Cooperative.|30| |800K Pair|Get 800,000 points on a song in Cooperative.|30| |Millionaire Pair|Get 1,000,000 points on a song in Cooperative.|30| Easyで失敗すると10pの実績があります、注意。 Practiceの3曲はフル演奏じゃなくてOK
Guitar Hero II 項目数:50 総ポイント:1000 難易度:★★★★★ 450程度までは比較的楽に解除できるが、それ以降の実績は相当の腕前を必要とするものが多い。また、協力プレイ系の実績を解除するには上手いリアルフレが必要になるためコンプは非常に困難。 |100K Club|Get 100,000 points in a song.&br()1曲で100,000点獲得|10| |200K Club|Get 200,000 points in a song.&br()1曲で200,000点獲得|10| |300K Club|Get 300,000 points in a song.&br()1曲で300,000点獲得|30| |400K Club|Get 400,000 points in a song.&br()1曲で400,000点獲得|30| |Champagne Room V.I.P.|Get 500,000 points in a song.&br()1曲で500,000点獲得|30| |Roadie|Unlock Rat Cellar.&br()Rat Cellarを解除|10| |New Kid|Unlock Blackout Bar.&br()Blackout Barを解除|10| |Young Gun|Unlock RedOctane Club.&br()RedOctane Clubを解除|10| |Axe Grinder|Unlock Rock City Theater.&br()Rock City Theaterを解除|10| |Shredder|Unlock Vans Warped Tour.&br()Vans Warped Tourを解除|10| |Rock Star|Unlock Harmonix Arena.&br()Harmonix Arenaを解除|10| |Guitar Hero|Unlock Stonehenge.&br()Stonehengeを解除|10| |Dimebag Darrell Award|Get a 100 note streak.&br()100コンボ達成|10| |Eddie Van Halen Award|Get a 500 note streak.&br()500コンボ達成|30| |Yngwie Malmsteen Award|Get a 1000 note streak.&br()1000コンボ達成|30| |Easy Tour Champ|Beat the Easy tour.&br()Easyツアーをクリア|10| |Medium Tour Champ|Beat the Medium tour.&br()Mediumツアーをクリア|30| |Hard Tour Champ|Beat the Hard tour.&br()Hardツアーをクリア|30| |Expert Tour Champ|Beat the Expert tour.&br()Expertツアーをクリア|30| |Sandbox Hero Award|Earn five stars on all songs in the Easy tour.&br()Easyツアーで全曲5星獲得|30| |Most Likely to Succeed Award|Earn five stars on all songs in the Medium tour.&br()Meduinツアーで全曲5星獲得|30| |Guitarmaggedon Award|Earn five stars on all songs in the Hard tour.&br()Hardツアーで全曲5星獲得|30| |Start a Real Band Already Award|Earn five stars on all songs in the Expert tour.&br()Expertツアーで全曲5星獲得|30| |Rock School Grad|Complete all tutorials.&br()全チュートリアル完了|10| |Scoremonger Award|Get an 8x multiplier.&br()倍率8倍獲得|10| |Perfectionist Award|Get 100% notes hit on a song.&br()フルコンボ達成|30| |Rock Snob Award|Refuse to play an encore.&br()アンコールを拒否|10| |Long Road Ahead Award|Fail a song on Easy.&br()Easyで曲を失敗する|10| |Hendrix Award|Beat a song with lefty flip on.&br()左利き設定で曲をクリア|10| |Teacher's Pet Award|Practice three different songs.&br()3曲プラクティスする|10| |Saturday Morning Award|Beat Trogdor and Thunder Horse.&br()TrogdorとThunder Horseをクリア|10| |Kick the Bucket Award|Beat Jordan on Expert.&br()ExpertでJordanをクリア|30| |Gear Head Award|Buy all guitars.&br()全ギター購入|30| |Fanatical Completionist Award|Buy all guitar finishes.&br()全ギターフィニッシャー購入|30| |Record Collector Award|Buy all songs.&br()全曲購入|10| |Life of the Party Award|Buy all characters.&br()全キャラクター購入|10| |Fashion Plate Award|Buy all outfits.&br()全outfit購入|10| |Extra Credit Award|View the credits.&br()クレジットを見る|10| |Big Spender Award|Spend $10,000 at the store.&br()店で$10,000使う|10| |Scenester Award|Beat all the unlock songs.&br()解除した曲を全曲クリア|10| |Joan & Lita Award|Get a 100 note streak in Cooperative.&br()協力プレイで100コンボ達成|30| |Joe & Steven Award|Get a 500 note streak in Cooperative.&br()協力プレイで500コンボ達成|30| |Keef & Mick Award|Get a 1000 note streak in Cooperative&br()協力プレイで1000コンボ達成|30| |Lennon & McCartney Award|Get an 8x streak in Cooperative.&br()協力プレイで倍率8倍達成|10| |Page & Plant Award|Get 100% notes hit on a song in Cooperative.&br()協力プレイでフルコンボ達成|30| |200K Pair|Get 200,000 points on a song in Cooperative.&br()協力プレイで1曲で200,000点獲得|30| |400K Pair|Get 400,000 points on a song in Cooperative.&br()協力プレイで1曲で400,000点獲得|30| |600K Pair|Get 600,000 points on a song in Cooperative.&br()協力プレイで1曲で600,000点獲得|30| |800K Pair|Get 800,000 points on a song in Cooperative.&br()協力プレイで1曲で800,000点獲得|30| |Millionaire Pair|Get 1,000,000 points on a song in Cooperative.&br()協力プレイで1曲で1,000,000点獲得|30| :Teacher's Pet Award| フル演奏じゃなくてOK :Gear Head Award, Fanatical Completionist Award| レアギター、それに関連するフィニッシャーは購入しなくても解除 :Yngwie Malmsteen Award| MONKEY WRENCHのHARDで比較的楽に取れる。(1037 Notes) :Champagne Room V.I.P.| おそらくExpertのX-Streamがいちばん楽。 スターパワーの使用タイミングは以下の動画参照 http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=fqn97lw-P0c ・バグで全曲・全難易度を金星★★★★★にすることが出来る エキスパートJordanクリアの実績も解除可能 言葉での説明は面倒なので、海外サイトのフォーラム等を漁ってくだされ

