「Chessmaster LIVE」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Chessmaster LIVE - (2008/03/15 (土) 12:37:02) の最新版との変更点



Chessmaster LIVE 項目数:12 総ポイント:200 難易度: 配信日:2008年1月30日 DL費用:800MSP ジャンル:カード&ボード ☆国内未配信 |Annihilator|Capture all your opponent's pieces in Classic Chess (Single Player).|10| |Apprentice|Win 1 game (Single Player).|5| |Blitzkrieger|Win 1 game (Single Player) in less than 5 minutes (personal time).|20| |Champ|Defeat a chess personality with an ELO rating of 1000 or more.|25| |Chess Regular|Play 20 online games.|10| |Glorious|Achieve an online rating of 1200 in any type of chess.|15| |Grand Strategist|Complete 30 puzzles.|20| |Jack of all Trades|Win 1 online game in all chess variants.|15| |Master|Win 20 games (Single Player).|25| |Pro Player|Win 10 ranked online games.|25| |Rising Star|Win online against a higher ranked player.|15| |Veteran|Play 100 games (Single Player).|15|
Chessmaster LIVE 項目数:12 総ポイント:200 難易度: 製品情報:http://marketplace.xbox.com/en-US/Product/Chessmaster-Live/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d80258410866 配信日:2008年1月30日 DL費用:800MSP ジャンル:カード&ボード ☆国内未配信、配信終了 |Annihilator|Capture all your opponent's pieces in Classic Chess (Single Player).|10| |Apprentice|Win 1 game (Single Player).|5| |Blitzkrieger|Win 1 game (Single Player) in less than 5 minutes (personal time).|20| |Champ|Defeat a chess personality with an ELO rating of 1000 or more.|25| |Chess Regular|Play 20 online games.|10| |Glorious|Achieve an online rating of 1200 in any type of chess.|15| |Grand Strategist|Complete 30 puzzles.|20| |Jack of all Trades|Win 1 online game in all chess variants.|15| |Master|Win 20 games (Single Player).|25| |Pro Player|Win 10 ranked online games.|25| |Rising Star|Win online against a higher ranked player.|15| |Veteran|Play 100 games (Single Player).|15| ----

