「Where the Wild Things Are」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Where the Wild Things Are - (2009/11/10 (火) 04:36:49) の最新版との変更点



Where the Wild Things Are 項目数:48 総ポイント:1000 難易度: 注意!北米版本体のみ起動可能ソフトです 日本版のXbox360本体では起動できません アジア版も未発売です |Stranger|Complete the game on Easy or higher|75| |Hero|Complete the game on Normal or higher|90| |King|Complete the game on Hard|100| |Friend of Alexander|Collect 25 Turtles|5| |Friend of Ira|Collect 25 Geodes|5| |Friend of Judith|Collect 25 Seeds|5| |Friend of Douglas|Collect 25 Honeycombs|5| |Friend of Bull|Collect 25 Skulls|5| |Friend of KW|Collect 25 Owl Eggs|5| |Friend of Carol|Collect 25 Houses|5| |Veterinarian|Collect all Turtles|10| |Geologist|Collect all Geodes|10| |Green Thumb|Collect all Seeds|10| |Beekeeper|Collect all Honeycombs|10| |Hamlet|Collect all Skulls|10| |Incubator|Collect all Owl Eggs|10| |Real Estate Mogul|Collect all Houses|10| |Nova|Find 5 Stars|5| |Supernova|Find 20 Stars|10| |Star Cluster|Find 40 Stars|10| |Galaxy|Find 65 Stars|10| |Universe|Find 95 Stars|20| |On Fire|Defeat 250 Fireflies|10| |Greased Lightning|Defeat 25 Lightning Bugs|15| |The Cleaner|Defeat 100 Shadow Creatures|20| |Jack of Hearts|Earn 4 Hearts|10| |King of Hearts|Earn 7 Hearts|15| |Ace of Hearts|Earn 10 Hearts|30| |Three Square Meals|Be eaten by three different Wild Things|20| |Worst King Ever|Allow three different Wild Things to fade into oblivion|10| |Allergen|Cause three different Wild Things to sneeze|10| |Gymnast|Power-swing from three bars|5| |Demolitionist|Defeat five enemies with one firefly bomb|10| |Captain|Complete a ride with Carol without crashing|25| |Commodore|Complete a Sailing mission without crashing|25| |Glass Houses|Start a Dirt Clod Fight with multiple Wild Things|10| |Wild Rumpus!|Defeat 15 enemies in a row in melee without being hit|10| Secret Achievements |Follow the Bull|Complete 'Arrival'|20| |Explore the Island|Complete 'Road to Nowhere'|20| |Escape the Cave|Complete 'The Cave'|20| |Plug the Rifts|Complete 'Canyon River'|20| |Rescue Ira|Complete 'Seasick'|30| |Go to Nowhere|Complete 'Rebellion'|30| |Survive the Destruction|Complete 'Crumbling Island'|30| |Find a New Island|Complete 'Old Willow'|40| |Reach the Ocean|Complete 'Setting Sail'|40| |Find Alexander|Complete 'Below the Roots'|50| |Leap to the Moon|Complete 'A Trip to the Moon'|50|
Where the Wild Things Are 項目数:48 総ポイント:1000 難易度: |Stranger|Complete the game on Easy or higher|75| |Hero|Complete the game on Normal or higher|90| |King|Complete the game on Hard|100| |Friend of Alexander|Collect 25 Turtles|5| |Friend of Ira|Collect 25 Geodes|5| |Friend of Judith|Collect 25 Seeds|5| |Friend of Douglas|Collect 25 Honeycombs|5| |Friend of Bull|Collect 25 Skulls|5| |Friend of KW|Collect 25 Owl Eggs|5| |Friend of Carol|Collect 25 Houses|5| |Veterinarian|Collect all Turtles|10| |Geologist|Collect all Geodes|10| |Green Thumb|Collect all Seeds|10| |Beekeeper|Collect all Honeycombs|10| |Hamlet|Collect all Skulls|10| |Incubator|Collect all Owl Eggs|10| |Real Estate Mogul|Collect all Houses|10| |Nova|Find 5 Stars|5| |Supernova|Find 20 Stars|10| |Star Cluster|Find 40 Stars|10| |Galaxy|Find 65 Stars|10| |Universe|Find 95 Stars|20| |On Fire|Defeat 250 Fireflies|10| |Greased Lightning|Defeat 25 Lightning Bugs|15| |The Cleaner|Defeat 100 Shadow Creatures|20| |Jack of Hearts|Earn 4 Hearts|10| |King of Hearts|Earn 7 Hearts|15| |Ace of Hearts|Earn 10 Hearts|30| |Three Square Meals|Be eaten by three different Wild Things|20| |Worst King Ever|Allow three different Wild Things to fade into oblivion|10| |Allergen|Cause three different Wild Things to sneeze|10| |Gymnast|Power-swing from three bars|5| |Demolitionist|Defeat five enemies with one firefly bomb|10| |Captain|Complete a ride with Carol without crashing|25| |Commodore|Complete a Sailing mission without crashing|25| |Glass Houses|Start a Dirt Clod Fight with multiple Wild Things|10| |Wild Rumpus!|Defeat 15 enemies in a row in melee without being hit|10| Secret Achievements |Follow the Bull|Complete 'Arrival'|20| |Explore the Island|Complete 'Road to Nowhere'|20| |Escape the Cave|Complete 'The Cave'|20| |Plug the Rifts|Complete 'Canyon River'|20| |Rescue Ira|Complete 'Seasick'|30| |Go to Nowhere|Complete 'Rebellion'|30| |Survive the Destruction|Complete 'Crumbling Island'|30| |Find a New Island|Complete 'Old Willow'|40| |Reach the Ocean|Complete 'Setting Sail'|40| |Find Alexander|Complete 'Below the Roots'|50| |Leap to the Moon|Complete 'A Trip to the Moon'|50| 各実績の説明(PS3ですが内容は同じです) http://blog.livedoor.jp/motor_drive/archives/1062307.html

