Operation Flashpoint: Red River


キャンペーン:425G (難易度不問、COOP可)

|Welcome To Gissar|You completed Welcome To Tajikistan&br()ACT1 Welcome To Tajikistanクリア。|20|
|Protection Detail|You completed Meet The Neighbors&br()ACT1 Meet The Neighborsクリア。|20|
|Venomous Bite|You completed The Human Terrain&br()ACT1 The Human Terrainクリア。|20|
|Doing It The Hard Way|You completed Almost Too Easy&br()ACT1 Almost Too Easyクリア。|20|
|Operation Enduring Shield|You completed Act 1 of the campaign&br()ACT1の全てのキャンペーンをクリア。|50|
|Work Your Bolt|You completed The Wrong Way&br()ACT2 The Wrong Wayクリア。|20|
|Devils At The Crossroad|You completed Careful What You Wish For...&br()ACT2 Careful What You Wish For...クリア。|20|
|The Alamo, Vahdat|You completed Line In The Sand&br()ACT2 Line In The Sandクリア。|20|
|Operation Unbroken Resistance|You completed Act 2 of the campaign&br()ACT2の全てのキャンペーンをクリア。|75|
|Keeping It Simple|You completed 1st & 10, Let’s Do It Again&br()ACT3 1st & 10, Let’s Do It Againクリア。|20|
|Freeing The Eagles|You completed Vantage Point&br()ACT3 Vantage Pointクリア。|20|
|Shock And Ore|You completed End Of The Beginning&br()ACT3 End Of The Beginningクリア。|20|
|Operation Dragon Slayer|You completed Act 3 of the campaign&br()ACT3の全てのキャンペーンをクリア。|100|

Fire Team Engagements:120G

|Get To The Chopper!|Complete a Last Stand mission to stage 4, wave 4 and escape alive&br()Last StandのMAPでStage4,Wave4まで生き残る。|20|
|Package Delivered|Complete and survive CSAR mode, rescuing both pilots&br()CSARのMAPで2人のパイロットを救出し死なせる事なくクリア。|20|
|Thunder Run|Complete and survive a Rolling Thunder mission with the entire convoy surviving&br()Rolling ThunderのMAPでどの部隊も倒される事なくクリア。|20|
|Peacekeeper|Complete and survive a Combat Sweep mission having killed all enemies and destroyed all caches&br()Combat SweepのMAPで全ての敵を倒し、全ての拠点を破壊しクリア。|20|
|Rescuer|You completed one of the CSAR FTE maps&br()CSARのいずれかのMAPを1つクリア。|10|
|Protector|Complete one of the Rolling Thunder FTE maps&br()Rolling ThunderのいずれかのMAPを1つクリア。|10|
|Sweeper|Complete one of the Combat Sweep FTE maps&br()Combat SweepのいずれかのMAPを1つクリア。|10|
|Defender|You completed one of the Last Stand FTE maps&br()Last StandのいずれかのMAPを1つクリア。|10|


|Of The People, For The People|You picked up an enemy AK&br()敵のAKを拾う。|5|
|Weaponsmith|You customized a weapon&br()武器をカスタマイズする。|5|
|Driver's Ed|You drove a humvee&br()ハンヴィーを運転する。|5|
|Buzz Kill|You destroyed an enemy aircraft with an anti aircraft weapon&br()スティンガーで敵のヘリを破壊。|5|
|Catch This!|You destroyed an enemy vehicle with the FGM-148 Anti Tank Weapon&br()FGM-148で敵の戦車を破壊。|5|
|Danger Close|You called in Combat Support within 300m of your location&br()300m範囲で航空支援を要請する。|5|
|Old Enemies Die Hard|You killed your first PLA soldier in Red River campaign&br()いずれかのキャンペーンでPLA soldierを倒す。|5|
|With A Little Help|You played Red River with three other friends&br()フレンド3人とゲームをプレイ。|10|
|Florence Nightingale Award 2.0|You healed a development team member or someone who already has this achievement&br()この実績を持つプレイヤーを治療すると解除。|20|
|Pride Of Kirby|You completed a mission as the Rifleman&br()Riflemanでいずれかのキャンペーンをクリア。|10|
|Pride Of Balletto|You completed a mission as the Auto Rifleman&br()Auto Riflemanでいずれかのキャンペーンをクリア。|10|
|Pride Of Taylor|You completed a mission as the Grenadier&br()Grenadierでいずれかのキャンペーンをクリア。|10|
|Pride Of Soto|You completed a mission as the Scout&br()Scoutでいずれかのキャンペーンをクリア。|10|
|Hardened|You maxed out one core soldier skill&br()いずれかのスキルを1つMAXにする。|10|
|Veteran|Max out three core soldier skills&br()いずれかのスキルを3つMAXにする。|20|
|Lifer|Max out all core soldier skills&br()全てのスキルをMAXにする。|30|
|Outlaw 2's Brave|You obtained the highest level for one character class&br()1つの兵科でLv20に達する。|10|
|Outlaw 2's Finest|Obtain the highest level for two character classes&br()2つの兵科でLv20に達する。|30|
|Outlaw 2's Hero|Obtain the highest level for all character classes&br()全ての兵科でLv20に達する。|50|

|Rule #1|Don't get shot|20|
|Rule #2|Short, controlled bursts|20|
|Rule #3|You discovered what Knox's Rule #3 is|20|
|Rule #4|Watch your bullet drop|20|
|Rule #5|Patch your wounds|20|
|Rule #6|Keep a full mag|20|
|Rule #7|If in doubt, fall back|20|
|Rule #8|Keep the enemy suppressed|20|
|Rule #9|Orders|20|
|Rule #10|Beware of confined spaces|20|

