「uDraw Studio: Instant Artist」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る
uDraw Studio: Instant Artist」を以下のとおり復元します。
uDraw Studio: Instant Artist


uDraw game tablet 専用ゲーム
※専用サーバー閉鎖のため、Picture Thisが解除不可MAX950

|Personal Masterpiece|Save a Painting in the Gallery|5|
|Color Fill Crazed|Save a Coloring Book Painting in the Gallery|5|
|I've Got Your Number|Save a Numbers Painting in the Gallery|5|
|Dots Terrific!|Save a Connect The Dots Painting in the Gallery|5|
|Place Your Mark|Create a Signature Stamp|30|
|Great Start!|Complete any Art School Lesson|20|
|Beginner Artist|Complete three Drawing Lessons in Art School|30|
|Intermediate Artist|Complete three Painting Lessons in Art School|30|
|Advanced Artist|Complete three Color Lessons in Art School|30|
|Remmy's Apprentice|Complete all Art School Lessons|50|
|Get Inspired!|Explore any Art Starter|20|
|Awe-Inspiring!|Explore all Art Starters|50|
|Color Crazy|Save a Custom Palette|30|
|My Personal Effects|Apply an Effect Filter to a Painting|10|
|Animated Artist|Create artwork using an Animated Stamp|20|
|Artist in Training|Activate an Extended Tool Tip|10|
|Splat Success|Paint with the Splatter Brush|10|
|Look, No Mess!|Paint with the Fingerpaint Brush|10|
|Fancy Pants|Paint with the Calligraphy Pen|10|
|Accomplished Artist|Paint with Each Brush Type at least once|20|
|Art Camp Crazy|Explore all Art Camp Activities|50|
|Anti-Alien|Complete Level 1 in the Alien Splat Game|20|
|Sizzling Splatter|Completed Level 10 in the Alien Splat Game|30|
|Bring it on!|Obtain 6 lives in the Alien Splat Game|30|
|Splat Maniac|Complete 2 Levels in a row without losing a Life in the Alien Splat Game|50|
|Lost in Paint|Complete Level 1 in the Tilt Maze Game|20|
|Tilt Triumphant|Complete Level 10 in the Tilt Maze Game|30|
|Tilting Hero|Complete a Tilt Maze in 60 seconds|30|
|Maze Master|Complete all 40 Tilt Mazes with a total time of less than 40 minutes|50|
|Just a Warm up|Complete Level 1 in the Tilt Painting Challenge Game|20|
|Color and Cruise|Complete Level 3 in the Tilt Painting Challenge Game|30|
|Challenge Champ|Complete Level 5 in the Tilt Painting Challenge Game|30|
|Color Conundrum|Use all the colors in the Palette Wheel in Tilt Painting Freeplay Mode|50|
|Sit Back and Relax|Watch a Slideshow of your Gallery Paintings|20|
|Picture This|Export a Painting|50|
|Lockdown!|Activate the Lock Palette feature|10|
|Canvas Country|Save a Painting with all of the Different Canvas Types|50|
|It's Customary|Drag and Drop a basic color into the Palette Wheel|20|
|Stroke of Luck|Select a Different Stroke Mode in the Brushstroke Menu|10|

