「Lord of the Rings: War in the North」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る
Lord of the Rings: War in the North」を以下のとおり復元します。
Lord of the Rings: War in the North
//ロード・オブ・ザ・リング ウォー イン ザ ノース LotR



|模範的な戦士|1キャラクターの雄たけび、 聖域、 回避に修正を加えるスキルをすべてアンロックする|25|

|Giant-slayer|Slay Bargrisar the stone giant.|20|
|Begone, lord of carrion!|Defeat the Barrow Wight Lord.|20|
|Trusted with the Secret|Learn of the Ring of Power and the plan for its destruction.|10|
|In the Dragon's Den|Meet a dragon and survive.|20|
|Friend of the Woodland Realm|Free the elf from his captors in Mirkwood Marsh.|10|
|Eagle Savior|Defeat Agandau^r without the aid of Beleram.|20|
|Friend to the Ring-bearer|Speak with Frodo in Rivendell.|10|
|Tharzog's Bane|Defeat Agandau^r's lieutenant Tharzog.|20|
|Mountain-breaker|Help destroy the citadel within Mount Gundabad.|25|
|Wulfrun's Bane|Defeat the Sorceror Wulfrun.|20|
|Tracker|Discover what happened to the missing Rangers.|10|
|Spider-slayer|Slay Saenathra.|25|
|Elf-friend|Join forces with the sons of Elrond.|10|
|Friend to the Eagles|Help free the Great Eagle Beleram.|20|
|Siege-breaker|Help weather the siege of Nordinbad.|35|
|Hero of the North|Defeat Sauron's Lieutenant Agandau^r.|80|

