「Dead Space 3」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る
Dead Space 3」を以下のとおり復元します。
Dead Space 3

|Get On My Level|Complete the game on any difficulty setting.&br()いずれかの難易度でゲームをクリアする|10|  
|The Explorer|Complete all optional missions.&br()全てのOptional Missionをクリアする|25|
|Aren't You Thankful?|Complete the game on Hardcore Mode.&br()Hardcoreでゲームをクリアする|50|
|Epic Tier 4 Engineer|Complete the game in Classic Mode.&br()Classic Modeでゲームをクリアする|40|
|Survivalist|Complete the game in Pure Survival Mode.&br()Pure Survival Modeでゲームをクリアする|40|
|Gun Collector|Collect all Weapon Parts.&br()全ての武器のパーツを収集する|25|
|The Professor|Collect all Artifacts.&br()全てのアーティファクトを収集する|25|
|The Librarian|Collect all Logs.&br()全てのログを収集する|25|
|The Armorer|Collect all Circuits.&br()全ての回路を収集する|25|
|There's Always Peng!|Find Peng.&br()Pengを発見する|50|
|My Buddy|Retrieve Resources from a Scavenger Bot at a Bench.&br()ベンチでScavenger Botから資源を回収する|10|
|Metal Detector|Successfully deploy Scavenger Bots to 15 Resource Areas.&br()15ヶ所のリソースエリアにScavenger Botを配置する|30|
|Strapped|Craft a Weapon.&br()武器を作成する|10|
|Circuit's Edge|Add a Circuit to a Weapon.&br()武器に回路を組み込む|10|
|EMT|Craft a Large Med Pack.&br()Large Med Packを作成する|25|
|Full House|Craft a Weapon with 2 Tools, Tips, and Attachments with all Circuit slots filled.&br()全ての回路スロットを埋めて2つのツール、チップとアタッチメントで武器を作成する|25|
|RIG Master|Fully upgrade your RIG.&br()RIGを最大までアップグレードする|50|
|Master Plan|Create a Blueprint that needs at least 2000 resources worth of parts and Circuits to build.&br()少なくとも2000の価値があるパーツでブループリントを作る|25|
|From the Jaws|Save your Co-Op partner from an execution by killing the attacker.&br()敵の処刑から協力プレイの相手を救出する|10|
|Share and Share Alike|Use the RIG to give an item to your Co-Op partner.&br()RIGを使用して協力プレイの相手にアイテムを与える|10|
|Medic!|Revive your Co-Op partner 10 times.&br()協力プレイの相手を10回救助する|10|
|Ghosts of the Past|Face all of Carver's demons by completing all Co-Op only optional missions.&br()全ての協力プレイで、Optional Missionのみでカーヴァーの悪魔と対峙する|25|
|Architect|Share a Blueprint with your Co-Op partner.&br()協力プレイの相手と設計図を共有する|10|
|Axes High|Kill 30 enemies using Fodder axes.&br()Fodder Axeを使用して敵を30体殺す|20|
|Payback|Kill a Soldier by TK'ing a grenade or rocket back at them.&br()テレキネシスでグレネードかロケットを投げ返して兵士を殺す|15|
|Go for the Limbs!|Dismember 500 limbs from living enemies.&br()生きている敵の手足を500回切断する|10|
|And Then We Doubled It!|Dismember 1000 limbs from living enemies.&br()生きている敵の手足を1000回切断する|10|
|Slow Mo|Kill 50 enemies while they are in stasis.&br()Stasis中の敵を50体殺す|10|
|Blast Corps|Kill 30 enemies with explosion damage.&br()爆発ダメージで敵を30体殺す|10|
|Shootbang|Kill 30 Soldiers with head shots.&br()兵士をヘッドショットで30体殺す|10|
|Empty Chamber|Kill 30 enemies using melee strikes or a melee Weapon Part.&br()打撃か打撃武器で敵を30体殺す|10|
|Dropping Acid|Dissolve 50 enemies with acid.&br()酸で敵を50体溶かす|10|
|Electric Lawnmower|Kill 30 enemies using an electrified Ripper blade.&br()電気を付与したRipperで敵を30体殺す|10|
|Overpowered Healing|Use quick heal to heal yourself 20 times.&br()Quick Healを使用して20回自身を回復させる|10|
|Secret Achievement|Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.|10|
|Secret Achievement|Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.|15|
|Secret Achievement|Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.|15|
|Secret Achievement|Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.|15|
|Secret Achievement|Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.|25|
|Secret Achievement|Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.|15|
|Secret Achievement|Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.|15|
|Secret Achievement|Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.|15|
|Secret Achievement|Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.|50|
|Secret Achievement|Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.|10|
|Secret Achievement|Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.|20|
|Secret Achievement|Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.|20|
|Secret Achievement|Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.|30|
|Secret Achievement|Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.|30|
|Secret Achievement|Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.|15|
|Secret Achievement|Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.|10|
