「Disney Fairies」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る
Disney Fairies」を以下のとおり復元します。
Disney Fairies Hidden Treasures


ジャンル:アクション & アドベンチャー, ファミリー, パズル & 雑学クイズ

☆ Windows 8用タイトル



ただ、「Lost Things」については取り逃すこともあるため、

|Seeker|Find a mushroom in the Pixie Dust Tree.|5|
|Helper|Ask Blaze to give you a hint.|5|
|Talented|Discover Tink's talent during the welcoming ceremony.|5|
|Bright|Help Tink assemble her light gadget.|5|
|Arrival Day|Lift the flower to the council chambers in the Pixie Dust Tree.|10|
|Crafty|Craft a full order of kettles using Tink's newly repaired kettlemaker.|10|
|Nookish|Send Cheese out with his delivery wagon in Tinkers' Nook.|10|
|Inventor|Help Tinker Bell complete three different blueprints for her inventions.|15|
|Springified|Build the springifier to plant Rosetta's seeds.|10|
|High-Flying|Tinker up the first hawk-shaped kite in the history of Pixie Hollow.|15|
|Tinker Talent|Help Tinker Bell repair Wendy's lost music box in Lost Thing Cove.|15|
|Pixie Pesterer|Bother Tink by tapping her on the nose five times quickly!|5|
|Twig Appeal|Tap to learn about each of the five houses in Tinkers' Nook.|10|
|Kettle Guru|Assemble all the kettles without making any mistakes during the kettle making game.|10|
|Acrobatics|Tap to see each of the four water beetles slide down the big blade of grass in Dewdrop Vale.|10|
|Green Thumb|Help Tinker Bell to wake up all of the sproutlings in all five locations.|10|
|Collector|Help Tinker Bell find all of the Lost Things in all five locations.|10|
|Deja Vu|Replay any location from the map.|15|
|Starry-eyed|Earn three stars in every location on the map.|15|
|Illuminator|Light all of the crystal torches in Pine Tree Grove before doing anything else.|10|

Saving Spring(400円):200
|Scout|Find a pair of binoculars in Tinkers' Nook.|5|
|Getting In Gear|Repair the flower pulley's drive chain in Tinkers' Nook.|5|
|Thorny Problem|Build the thistle-tickling gadget in Tinkers' Nook.|5|
|Healing Talent|Make mud medicine for the injured mouse in Autumn Forest.|5|
|Berry Express|Create a contraption that will transport berries out of Autumn Forest.|5|
|Bubbly Berries|Fill up the berry blower contraption with berries in Autumn Forest.|5|
|Cricket Care|Reunite the cricket with her babies in Sunflower Gully.|10|
|Rainbow Arranger|Create a contraption to sort out all of the spilled rainbows in Sunflower Gully.|10|
|Mussel Mirror|Gather the rainbows into Tink's contraption using mussel shell mirrors in Sunflower Gully.|10|
|Spring Cleaning|Talk with Rosetta about the sprinting thistles in Buttercup Canyon.|15|
|Flying Colors|Trade some pollen to the bee who is guarding a towel in Buttercup Canyon.|15|
|Painted and Packed|Create a contraption to repaint all of the mispainted ladybugs in Buttercup Canyon.|15|
|Bait and Switch|Find something tasty to lure Cheese into Needlepoint Meadow.|15|
|Shepherd|Round up all the thistles with Cheese's help.|15|
|Spring Savior|Lull the sprinting thistles in Needlepoint Meadow.|15|
|Insect Inspector|Find the hidden water beetle in all five locations in Saving Spring.|10|
|Gear Head|Place all the gears from right to left while repairing the pulley in Tinkers' Nook.|10|
|Look Out|Make the mother cricket look back and forth five times on her seed pile in Sunflower Gully.|10|
|Berry Mischievous|Pop three different bubbles before they reach the berry pile in Buttercup Canyon.|10|
|Thistle Wrangler|Earn a 5x combo in Thistle Round-Up by herding five thistles into the corral all at once.|10|

Once in a Blue Moon(400円):200
|Autumn Lights|Find an orange lantern in the Council Chambers.|5|
|Sludge Budger|Clean away the slime on the blueprint cupboard in the Council Chambers.|5|
|Expert Extractor|Use tongs to lift the blueprint out of the bowl of berry paint in the Council Chambers.|5|
|Unorganization|Find all of the scepter parts that Terence 'organized' in Tinker Bell's house.|5|
|Beetle Powered|Set the water beetle into the wheel of the fire-tending contraption in Tinker Bell's house.|5|
|Scepter Synergy|Help to assemble Tink's scepter design in Tinker Bell's house.|5|
|Stage Fright|Talk to Verse about the script problem in Fairy Tale Theatre.|10|
|Music Makers|Return the orchestra animals to their podium in Fairy Tale Theatre.|10|
|Fixer-Upper|Come up with a plan to repair the old contraption in Fairy Tale Theatre.|10|
|Rise and Shine|Wake up the slumbering bookworm in the Book Nook.|15|
|Unjumbled!|Pick up the netted golden book in the Book Nook.|15|
|Whole Lot of Net|Find all of the rope that Tink needs for her cottonpuff balloon in Cottonpuff Valley.|15|
|Squirmy|Shoo the snail on the floor in the Council Chambers completely out of view.|5|
|Slime Swiper|Wipe away the moonsnail slime from any slimy door handle in a single motion.|5|
|Cuckoo!|Make the cuckoo clock cricket pop out of his clock in Tinker Bell's house.|5|
|Maestro|Win a game of Conductor Says with the orchestra animals in Fairy Tale Theatre.|10|
|Artisan|Save a scepter design that you created in freeplay mode of The Scepter Workbench.|10|
|Charm Scout|Find all eight of the talent charms hidden in chests throughout the adventure.|20|
|Revelry Ready|Build all eight of the scepters shown on the old blueprints in The Scepter Workbench.|25|
|Lofty Aspirations|Fully assemble Tinker Bell's cottonpuff balloon in Cottonpuff Valley.|15|

**Pixie Pesterer

**Twig Appeal
「Tinkers' Nook」(ステージ2)の背景にある5つの妖精の家を全てクリックする。

「Dewdrop Vale」(ステージ3)で4匹の虫が滑り台のような草に集まった後、


**Saving Spring

***Gear Head
Tinker's Nook - 歯車を右から左へはめる

***Look Out
Sunflower Gully - 子供を探す前に母コオロギを数回クリック

***Berry Mischievous
Buttercup Canyon - しゃぼんに包まれたベリーをクリックして3つ落とす

***Insect Inspector
各レベルに1匹いるwater beetleをクリックする
 1.Tinkers' Nook:ステージ中央、茶色のオウムガイの上
 2.Autumn Forest:ステージ右側、白い幹の後ろ(蝶の繭の真下)
 3.Sunflower Gully:ステージ左上スミ、植物の茎の後ろ
 4.Buttercup Canyon:ステージ右上スミ、オレンジの花の茎の後ろ
 5.Needlepoint Meadow:ステージ左側、綿毛の中


**Once in a Blue Moon

「Fairy Tale Theatre」(ステージ3)でカエル1匹、てんとう虫2匹、コオロギ4匹を集めた後、

