「Let's Sing and Dance」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る
Let's Sing and Dance」を以下のとおり復元します。
Let's Sing and Dance



「Saturday Night Fever」および「Game Master!」が解除されないため現状ではコンプ不可能。

|Dance Pro!|15 perfects in a Dance song.&br()(Dance songで15回パーフェクトを達成する)|20|
|Dancing Star!|Finish one song in Dance mode with 4 stars.&br()(Danceモードの1つの曲で四つ星を獲得する)|20|
|Perfection does exist!|Finish one song in Dance mode without missing more than 10 movements.&br()(Danceモードの1つの曲で指定されたジェスチャーを10回以上続ける)|25|
|Rising Star!|Finish one song in Sing and Dance mode with 4 stars.&br()(Sing and Danceモードの1つの曲で四つ星を獲得する)|20|
|You've got the style!|15 perfects in a Sing and Dance song.&br()(Sing and Dance songで15回パーフェクトを達成する)|15|
|And the winner is…|Play 5 songs in a row in Battle mode in one game session.&br()(Battleモードで5曲連続プレイする)|15|
|Battle Star!|Finish one song in Battle mode with 4 stars.&br()(Battleモードの1つの曲で四つ星を獲得する)|20|
|Battle Champion!|Win a Battle&br()(Battleモードで勝利する)|10|
|United we stand!|Play 5 songs in a row in Co-op mode in one game session.&br()(Co-opモードで5曲連続プレイする)|15|
|Co-op Star!|Finish one song in Co-op mode with 4 stars.&br()(Co-opモードの1つの曲で四つ星を獲得する)|20|
|Score Explosion!|Get above 100.000 points in Co-op mode.&br()(Co-opモードで100.000ポイント以上を達成する)|30|
|The public is with you!|Win the applause meter.&br()(Co-opモードのapplause meterで相手を上回る)|10|
|Fusion!|Both players have the same applause meter score&br()(Co-opモードで両方のプレイヤーが同じapplause meterスコアになる)|20|
|That’s a real concert!|Singing loud enough during a song.&br()(曲中に十分な声量で歌う)|10|
|La la la laaa|Sing 5 pages without making any mistakes&br()(5ページ分ミスをせずに歌う)|20|
|Getting hot!|Play for 15 minutes.&br()(15分間プレイする)|10|
|Getting trained!|Achieve at least 3 stars for each song&br()(それぞれすべての曲で三つ星以上を達成する)|20|
|You are a connoisseur!|Play each song&br()(それぞれすべての曲をプレイ)|25|
|Saturday Night Fever|Play for 30 minutes on a Saturday Night.&br()(土曜日の夜に30分間プレイする)|25|
|Game Master!|Unlock the 19 previous achievements&br()(19個の実績を解除する)|50|

