
項目数:57 (47+5+5)
総ポイント:1250 (1000+125+125)

オフライン 520
|Alpha District - Casual|Complete Act 1 "Alpha District" on Casual difficulty &br()難易度 Casual で Act 1 "Alpha District" をクリアする|10|
|The Stronghold - Casual|Complete Act 2 "The Stronghold" on Casual difficulty &br()難易度 Casual で Act 2 "The Stronghold" をクリアする|10|
|The Forgotten - Casual|Complete Act 3 "The Forgotten" on Casual difficulty &br()難易度 Casual で Act 3 "The Forgotten" をクリアする|10|
|Munitions Plant - Casual|Complete Act 4 "Munitions Plant" on Casual difficulty &br()難易度 Casual で Act 4 "Munitions Plant" をクリアする|10|
|Airborne - Casual|Complete Act 5 "Airborne" on Casual difficulty &br()難易度 Casual で Act 5 "Airborne" をクリアする|10|
|Alpha District Revisited-Casual|Complete Act 6 "Alpha District Revisited" on Casual difficulty &br()難易度 Casual で Act 6 "Alpha District Revisited" をクリアする|40|
|Alpha District - Skilled|Complete Act 1 "Alpha District" on Skilled difficulty &br()難易度 Skilled で Act 1 "Alpha District" をクリアする|15|
|The Stronghold - Skilled|Complete Act 2 "The Stronghold" on Skilled difficulty &br()難易度 Skilled で Act 2 "The Stronghold" をクリアする|15|
|The Forgotten - Skilled|Complete Act 3 "The Forgotten" on Skilled difficulty &br()難易度 Skilled で Act 3 "The Forgotten" をクリアする|15|
|Munitions Plant - Skilled|Complete Act 4 "Munitions Plant" on Skilled difficulty &br()難易度 Skilled で Act 4 "Munitions Plant" をクリアする|15|
|Airborne - Skilled|Complete Act 5 "Airborne" on Skilled difficulty &br()難易度 Skilled で Act 5 "Airborne" をクリアする|15|
|Alpha District Revisited-Skilled|Complete Act 6 "Alpha District Revisited" on Skilled difficulty &br()難易度 Skilled で Act 6 "Alpha District Revisited" をクリアする|55|
|Alpha District - Elite|Complete Act 1 "Alpha District" on Elite difficulty &br()難易度 Elite で Act 1 "Alpha District" をクリアする|20|
|The Stronghold - Elite|Complete Act 2 "The Stronghold" on Elite difficulty &br()難易度 Elite で Act 2 "The Stronghold" をクリアする|20|
|The Forgotten - Elite|Complete Act 3 "The Forgotten" on Elite difficulty &br()難易度 Elite で Act 3 "The Forgotten" をクリアする|20|
|Munitions Plant - Elite|Complete Act 4 "Munitions Plant" on Elite difficulty &br()難易度 Elite で Act 4 "Munitions Plant" をクリアする|20|
|Airborne - Elite|Complete Act 5 "Airborne" on Elite difficulty &br()難易度 Elite で Act 5 "Airborne" をクリアする|20|
|Alpha District Revisited-Elite|Complete Act 6 "Alpha District Revisited" on Elite difficulty &br()難易度 Elite で Act 6 "Alpha District Revisited" をクリアする|70|
|Beginner's Luck|Complete a level without dying on Casual difficulty &br()難易度 Casual で Level を死なずにクリアする|15|
|That Guy Is Swift|Complete a level without dying on Skilled difficulty &br()難易度 Skilled で Level を死なずにクリアする|25|
|Death-Proof|Complete a level without dying on Elite difficulty &br()難易度 Elite で Level を死なずにクリアする|35|
|Pickpocket|Swipe 10 weapons out of enemy hands using Time Powers &br()時間操作を使って敵から武器を10回奪う|10|
|All Fall Down|Kill 3 enemies at one time during Time Stop &br()時間停止中に1度に3人の敵を倒す|10|
|Look What I Can Do|Walk on water using Time Powers &br()時間操作を使って水の上を歩く|5|
|Disarmed!|Shoot 5 weapons out of enemy hands &br()敵の武器を5回撃ち落とす|15|
|Get It Off Me!|Remove a stuck Clutch Grenade using Time Powers &br()時間操作を使って、付けられた Clutch Grenade を取り除く|5|
|You're It|Tag 15 enemies with Clutch Grenades &br()Clutch Grenade を敵に15回くっつける|10|

オンライン 480
|TimeShift Veteran|Play 100 multiplayer games &br()マルチプレイで100回対戦する|25|
|TimeShift Champion|Win 100 multiplayer games &br()マルチプレイで100回勝利する|50|
|...Is On Your Side|Kill 50 opponents in Time Grenades or Time Fields &br()Time Grenades または Time Fields で敵を50キルする|25|
|Did I Do That?|Score a Fury Kill &br()死なずに15秒間で5キルする|30|
|Berserker|Go on a Reaper Spree &br()死なずに25キルする|30|
|MVP|Capture 25 flags in Capture the Flag &br()Capture the Flag で旗を25回奪取する|20|
|Yoink!|Retrieve 50 flags in Capture the Flag &br()Capture the Flag で旗を50回奪還する|20|
|Are You Cheating?|Score 30 headshots with any weapon in multiplayer games &br()マルチプレイで任意の武器によりヘッドショットを30回行う|20|
|Bullets Are Expensive|Kill 25 opponents with melee attacks in multiplayer games &br()近接攻撃で敵を25キルする|20|
|Have It Your Way|Host and complete 10 games with custom presets &br()カスタムプリセットゲームを10回(終了まで)ホストする|10|
|Very Gracious|Host a dedicated server for 48 hours total then quit &br()デディケイテッド・サーバを合計48時間以上ホストし、終了する|15|
|I Don't Rent, I Own|Win a Ranked Deathmatch game by at least 5 kills &br()ランクマッチの Deathmatch を5キル差以上で勝利する|25|
|King Me!|Win a Ranked King of Time game by at least 5 kills &br()ランクマッチの King of Time を5キル差以上で勝利する|25|
|Not Even Close|Win a Ranked 1v1 game without dying once &br()ランクマッチの 1v1 を1度も死ぬことなく勝利する|25|
|Keep Away!|Win a Ranked Capture the Flag game without the other team capturing your flag &br()ランクマッチの Capture the Flag で敵に旗を奪われずに勝利する|25|
|Nuclear Winter Wonderland|Win a Ranked Meltdown Madness game by at least 30 seconds. &br()ランクマッチの Meltdown Madness を少なくとも残30秒で勝利する|25|
|The First of Many|Win a Ranked match &br()ランクマッチで勝利する|10|
|Anytime, Anyplace|Win a Ranked match on every map &br()ランクマッチの全てのマップで勝利する|25|
|Jack of All Frags|Win a Ranked match in every game mode &br()ランクマッチの全てのゲームモードで勝利する|25|
|Boy in the Bubble|Score 30 kills while trapped in a Time Grenade &br()Time Grenade に捕らわれている間に30キルする|30|

Futures-Past Multiplayer Map Pack(無料):125
|Off.Off.Damned Clutch...|Reverse clutch grenade from yourself 3 times in multiplayer.&br()付着したclutch grenadeを3回返す|25|
|Flag Snag!|Throw reverse grenade in CTF mode on enemy who carries your flag. &br()CTFで自陣の旗を持つ敵にreverse grenadeを投げ当てる|25|
|Master Miner--Crowned!|Get 25 kills using land or laser mines.&br()land mineかlaser mineで25キルする|25|
|Regicide Rules!|Kill king in King of Time mode 25 times.&br()KoTでkingを25回倒す|25|
|DLC 1 Expert|Win ranked match on every map in DLC 1.&br()DLC1の全てのマップでランクマッチを勝利する|25|

Urban ReDuel Multiplayer Map Pack(800MSP):125
|Ride My Rockets!|Use rocket launcher 11 times to kill opponent while he is in the air. Low gravity mode will help.&br()敵が中空に居る間にrocket launcherで11回倒す|25|
|Jump of the year!|Use time powers or time fields to prevent falling damage 3 times. &br()時間操作で高所からの落下ダメージを3回抑える|25|
|You won't even know how!|Throw reverse grenade when opponent is shooting you.Kill your opponent 3 times with his own shots. &br()reverse grenadeで跳ね返した弾丸で相手を3回倒す|25|
|You can't catch me!|Use your time shield to escape from any time field 25 times.  &br()time shieldを使って相手の時間操作を25回回避する|25|
|DLC 2 Expert|Win ranked match on every map in DLC 2.&br()DLC2の全てのマップでランクマッチを勝利する|25|




Time Stop中に敵に近付いてX長押し。

・Get It Off Me!
敵にClutch Grenadeを付けられたらTime Reverse。



・TimeShift Champion

・Did I Do That?

・Have It Your Way

・...Is On Your Side
特定のマップには、Time Grenadeと同じ効果をもったフィールドが存在するので、それを利用しても良いという話。

・Not Even Close

・Boy in the Bubble
敵にTime Grenadeを投げつけ、更に自分も飛び込んでいって倒すとかでも良い。

・Off.Off.Damned Clutch...
Get It Off Me!のマルチプレイ版。
Reverse Grenadeを投げて、その中に飛び込むと付着したグレネードが外れる。

・Ride My Rockets!

・You can't catch me!
Time Shield(LB+A)は全てのクロノグレネードの効果を無効にする。

