「The Club」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る
The Club」を以下のとおり復元します。
The Club

項目数: 50
総ポイント: 1000

|Sharp Steel|Complete the Steel Mill on any difficulty level in Tournament.&br()TournamentでSteel Millをクリアする|10|
|Hard Steel|Complete Steel Mill on Insane level.&br()難易度InsaneでSteel Millをクリアする|20|
|Splash Down|Complete Ocean Liner on any difficulty level in Tournament.&br()TournamentでOcean Linerをクリアする|10|
|Watery Grave|Complete Ocean Liner on Insane level.&br()難易度InsaneでOceanをクリアする|20|
|Out on Probation|Complete Prison on any difficulty level in Tournament.&br()TournamentでPrisonをクリアする|10|
|Hard Time|Complete Prison on Insane level.&br()難易度InsaneでPrisonをクリアする|20|
|Waterway to Go|Complete Venice on any difficulty level in Tournament.&br()TournamentでVeniceをクリアする|10|
|Wet and Wild|Complete Venice on Insane level.&br()難易度InsaneでVeniceをクリアする|20|
|Crate Work|Complete Warehouse on any difficulty level in Tournament.&br()TournamentでWarehouseをクリアする|10|
|A Crate Effort|Complete Warehouse on Insane level.&br()難易度InsaneでWarehouseをクリアする|20|
|A Stately Achievement|Complete Manor House on any difficulty level in Tournament.&br()TournamentでManor Houseをクリアする|10|
|Full House|Complete Manor House on Insane level.&br()難易度InsaneでManor Houseをクリアする|20|
|Defcon 3|Complete Bunker on any difficulty level in Tournament.&br()TournamentでBunkerをクリアする|10|
|Bunker Buster|Complete Bunker on Insane level.&br()難易度InsaneでBunkerをクリアする|20|
|Warlord|Complete the game on any difficulty level in Tournament.&br()Tournamentでゲームをクリアする|30|
|Skillzone|Complete Warzone on Insane difficulty.&br()難易度InsaneでWarzoneをクリアする|40|
|Join the Club|Play an event with every one of the 6 unlocked characters in either Tournament or Single Event.&br()アンロックキャラ6人それぞれでTournamentかSingle Eventをプレイする|40|
|The Awards Show|Achieve one of every ‘in game award’ either in Tournament or Single Event.&br()TournamentかSingle Eventで‘in game award’を獲得する|25|
|Show Off|Achieve every ‘in game award’ in one level in either Tournament or Single Event.&br()TournamentかSingle Eventの1ステージで全ての‘in game award’を獲得する|20|
|Save our Souls|Spell the word SOS in the Warehouse in either Tournament or Single Event.&br()TournamentかSingle EventのWarehouseでSOSを綴る|20|
|Listmania|Save 5 Playlists in GunPlay.&br()GunPlayでPlaylistを5つセーブする|5|
|Premium Membership|Finish a Tournament on any difficulty with all 8 characters.&br()全8キャラを使ってTournamentをクリアする|20|
|Rack em Up|Achieve your first x10 combo in either Tournament or Single Event.&br()TournamentかSingle Eventでx10 comboを決める|10|
|Hidden Treasures|Shoot All Secret Skullshots in every level in either Tournament or Single Event.&br()TournamentかSingle Eventの全ステージで全てのSecret Skullshotを撃つ|30|
|Scavenger|Shoot All Skullshots on one level in either Tournament or Single Event.&br()TournamentかSingle Eventの1ステージで全てのSkullshotを撃つ|10|
|Bag them Bones|Shoot All Skullshots on every level in either Tournament or Single Event.&br()TournamentかSingle Eventの全ステージで全てのSkullshotを撃つ|30|
|Melee the Elephant|Kill 30 enemies in a level with a melee attack in either Tournament or Single Event.&br()TournamentかSingle Eventの1ステージで、近接攻撃で敵を30人殺す|25|
|Combo Killer|Reach the level objective with a maximum combo in either Tournament or Single Event. &br()|30|
|Efficiency|Kill every enemy on a level using less than 50 bullets in either Tournament or Single Event.&br()TournamentかSingle Eventの1ステージで、全ての敵を50発以下の弾で殺す|30|
|Breakthrough|Smash 50 Doors in either Tournament or Single Event.&br()TournamentかSingle Eventでドアを50枚破る|10|
|Scores on the Board|Get in the top 100,000 on any leaderboard.&br()いずれかのリーダーボードでトップ100,000にランクインする|10|
|Tabletopper|Get in the top 5,000 on any leaderboard in Tournament.&br()いずれかのリーダーボードでトップ5,000にランクインする|25|
|Top Gun|Get more than 10,000 points for a single kill in either Tournament or Single Event.&br()TournamentかSingle Eventで、Single killで10,000ポイント以上を獲得する|25|
|Sprint the Gauntlet|Complete a Run the Gauntlet with 20 seconds left.&br()Run the Gauntletを20秒残してクリアする|20|
|SkullMaster|Hit 5 Skullshots in a row (without killing a bad guy in between).&br()Skullshotを5連続で決める (間で敵を殺してはならない)|25|
|Welcome to The Club|Win your first ranked match.&br()ランクマッチで勝利する|10|
|Taking part that counts|Be on the winning team in a ranked team game.&br()ランクチームゲームで勝利チームとなる|10|
|Capture King|Capture the base 25 times in Ranked matches.&br()ランクマッチで拠点を25回獲得する|20|
|Club on Tour|Win a ranked match in every location.&br()ランクマッチの全ステージで勝利する|25|
|First Blood|25 'First Kills' in any Ranked Multiplayer game mode.&br()ランクマッチのいずれかのモードで'First Kills'を25回決める|20|
|Big Game Hunted|Survive for 120 seconds as the hunted in Hunter Hunted.&br()Hunter HuntedのHunted側で120秒間生き残る|20|
|Target Man|Shoot 100 Skull shot targets in Team Skullshot.&br()Team SkullshotでSkull shot targetを100回撃つ|20|
|Fox Hunter|Kill the Enemy Fox 25 times in Ranked Matches.&br()ランクマッチでEnemy Foxを25回殺す|20|
|Points Mean Prizes|Score 10,000 points in a Score Match.&br()Score Matchで10,000ポイント獲得する|15|
|Free For All Elite|Win any free-for-all game without dying.&br()いずれかのFree-for-all gameを1度も死なずに勝利する|30|
|Siege Breaker|Your team survives for more than 2 Minutes in Team Siege.&br()Team Siegeで自チームが2分間以上生き残る|20|
|Demolition Man|Get 100 Explosive Kills in Ranked Matches.&br()ランクマッチでExplosive Killを100回決める|20|
|One Shot|Get 100 Sniper Kills in Ranked Matches.&br()ランクマッチでSniper Killを100回決める|20|
|Brawler|Get 100 Melee Kills in Ranked Matches.&br()ランクマッチでMelee Killを100回決める|20|
|No, Seriously|Kill 10,001 people in multiplayer Ranked Matches.&br()ランクマッチで計10,001人殺す|40|


■Big Game Hunted
Hunter HuntedのHunted側で120秒間生き残る


■Points Mean Prizes
Score Matchで10,000ポイント獲得する

ゲーム:Score Match

X2→X4→X6→Head Shot Heavenと点数が倍々になるので

■Free For All Elite
いずれかのFree-for-all gameを1度も死なずに勝利する

