
項目数: 20
総ポイント: 1000

|Gnoming|Find seven collectibles.|50|
|Solar|Find all 4 unique comic book covers.|50|
|Pack Rat|Find all collectibles in the game.|50|
|Speed Demon|Complete a play through of the game in record time.|50|
|Homerun|Perform a finisher move from the left side.|50|
|Slice and Dice|Perform a finisher move from the back.|50|
|Right Hook|Perform a finisher move from the right.|50|
|Stop hitting yourself|Perform a finisher move from the front.|50|
|Gladiator|Get 20000 experience points.|50|
|The Buffet|Get 45000 experience points.|50|
|Combo #5|Perform 5 hits.|50|
|Shall we dance?|Perform one successful 7 hit jump combo attack.|50|
|When it’s done|Complete the game.|50|
|Hard Target|Play through the game without dying.|50|
|Impulse 9|Collect all weapons.|50|
|Deep End|Perform a drop zone kill.|50|
|Drop Dead|Drop an enemy in all drop zones.|50|
|Dodge This|Escape an incoming tether.|50|
|Nothing but Net|Escape an incoming net.|50|
|Hot Delivery|Slide tackle an enemy.|50|
