「Lost Cities」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る
Lost Cities」を以下のとおり復元します。
Lost Cities




|Pack Mule|Play at least one Number 10 card and win the game.|5|
|Investor|Play 3 investment cards in one expedition, &br()win the round with 150 or more points, and win the game.|20|
|Adventurer|Win 20 single player games in Normal or Hard difficulty.|10|
|Great Adventurer|Win 20 times in 1vs.1 online matches.|10|
|Expedition|Win 20 times in 2vs.2 online matches.|15|
|Thrill Seeker|Win 50 single player games in Normal or Hard difficulty.|15|
|Precious Artifact|Score 100 points in one round &br()and win the game in any game mode.|5|
|Treasure Hunter|Score 250 points in a 3-round game &br()and win the game in single player or online.|25|
|Excavator|Play more than 9 cards in one expedition &br()and win the game in single player or online.|20|
|Explorer|Play 5 Number 10 cards in a game round, win the round, &br()and win the game in single player or online.|25|
|Archaeologist|Win 300 times in any single player or online modes.|25|
|World Traveler|Build 5 expeditions in 1 round, win the round with 80+ points, &br()and win the game in any mode.|25|
