


|Private - Act 1|Completed Act 1 with the rank of Private.|15|
|Corporal - Act 1|Completed Act 1 with the rank of Corporal.|25|
|Lieutenant - Act 1|Completed Act 1 with the rank of Lieutenant.|25|
|General - Act 1|Completed Act 1 with the rank of General.|25|
|Private - Act 2|Completed Act 1 and Act 2 with the rank of Private.|20|
|Corporal - Act 2|Completed Act 1 and Act 2 with the rank of Corporal.|25|
|Lieutenant - Act 2|Completed Act 1 and Act 2 with the rank of Lieutenant.|25|
|General - Act 2|Completed Act 1 and Act 2 with the rank of General.|25|
|Private - Defeated the Strogg|Completed the game with the rank of Private.|25|
|Corporal - Defeated the Strogg|Completed the game with the rank of Corporal.|30|
|Lieutenant - Defeated the Strogg|Completed the game with the rank of Lieutenant.|30|
|General - Defeated the Strogg|Completed the game with the rank of General.|30|
|Enlightening|Completed a level using only the lightning gun.|15|
|The Dark Lord|Completed a level using only the dark matter gun.|15|
|The Sniper|Completed a level only using the railgun.|15|
|Hyperactive|Completed a level using only the hyperblaster.|15|
|Ballistics Expert|Completed a level using only the rocket launcher.|15|
|Tooth and Nail|Completed a level using only the nailgun.|15|
|The Pineapple King|Completed a level using only the grenade launcher.|15|
|The Blazing Buckshot|Completed a level using only the shotgun.|15|
|The Machine|Completed a level using only the machine gun.|15|
|Blaster Master|Completed a level using only the blaster.|15|
|Untouchable|Completed a level without taking any damage.|10|
|Perfect Win|Won a Ranked match without ever being fragged.|5|
|Full Arsenal|Landed a shot with every weapon in a full arsenal on a single-player level.|20|
|Basic Training|Played over 100 ranked matches.|5|
|First Tour of Duty|Played over 500 ranked matches.|10|
|Combat Veteran|Played over 1000 ranked matches.|25|
|Seasoned Warrior|Played over 5000 ranked matches.|50|
|The Best Impression|Over 250 impressives in ranked matches.|10|
|Your Excellency|Over 500 excellents in ranked matches.|10|
|Guts But No Glory|Over 100 assists in ranked matches.|10|
|The Defender|Over 250 defense awards in ranked matches.|10|
|The Golden Gauntlet|Over 250 players have been humiliated by you.|20|
|The Bronze Flag|Over 100 captures in Ranked matches.|5|
|The Silver Flag|Over 500 captures in ranked matches.|10|
|The Gold Flag|Over 1000 captures in ranked matches.|25|
|Number One|Achieved the number one rank on the All Gametypes leaderboard.|20|
|Top Ten|Achieved a ranking in the top ten on the All Gametypes leaderboard.|15|
|Solar Star of Courage|For courage in battle alongside Viper Squad, CPL Mahler has awarded you the Solar Star of Courage.|20|
|Sky Marshall's Medal of Valor|For rescuing PVT Lanier of eagle squad, you have been awarded the Sky Marshall's Medal of Valor.|20|
|Galactic Order of Heroism|For heroism in battle alongside raven squad, technician Raffel has awarded you the Galatic Order of Heroism.|20|
|Private - Multiplayer|Over 100 win points in Ranked matches.|5|
|Corporal - Multiplayer|Over 500 win points in ranked matches.|10|
|Lieutenant - Multiplayer|Over 1000 win points in ranked matches.|25|
|General - Multiplayer|Over 5000 win points in ranked matches.|50|
|Viper Squad|Over 100 frags in Ranked matches.|5|
|Warthog Squad|Over 500 frags in ranked matches.|10|
|Raven Squad|Over 5000 frags in ranked matches.|50|
|Rhino Squad|Over 10000 frags in ranked matches.|75|
