「CSI-Deadly Intent」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る
CSI-Deadly Intent」を以下のとおり復元します。
CSI-Deadly Intent



|We Love CSI Fans!|Watched the opening to CSI: Deadly Intent.&br()オープニングを見る|5|
|Strong Reader|Visit a case file.&br()case fileを見る|5|
|Cinephile|Watch a movie from a case file.&br()case fileでムービーを見る|5|
|Gearhead|View the Options screen.&br()オプション画面を見る|5|
|Broken Hearted|Complete Case 1: Broken Hearted.&br()Case 1: Broken Heartedをクリアする|80|
|Fingerprint Master|Identify the fingerprint for Dr. Langston in Case 1.&br()Case 1でDr. Langstonの指紋を識別する|20|
|Heart Mender|Reassemble heart-shaped ashtray in Case 1.&br()Case 1でハート形の灰皿を再構築する|35|
|Coulda Been a Contender|Complete Case 2: Coulda Been a Contender.&br()Case 2: Coulda Been a Contenderをクリアする|80|
|Chemistry Master|Identify the chemical for Riley in Case 2.|20|
|Last Gasp|Complete Case 3: "Last Gasp".&br()Case 3: "Last Gasp"をクリアする|80|
|DNA Master|Identify the DNA for Juarice Briggs in Case 3.&br()Case 3でJuarice BriggsのDNAを識別する|20|
|Extinguished|Complete Case 4: "Extinguished".&br()Case 4: "Extinguished"をクリアする|80|
|Document Master|Identify the Document for Nick in Case 4.&br()Case 4でNickの文章を識別する|20|
|Deadly Secret|Identify the makeup worn by the victim.|35|
|Crime Scene Impersonator|Complete Case 5: Crime Scene Impersonator.&br()Case 5: Crime Scene Impersonatorをクリアする|80|
|Touch of the Irish|Collect all the bottles of Classic Cork.&br()Classic Corkの瓶をすべて集める|35|
|CSI: Deadly Intent|Completed all five cases of CSI: Deadly Intent.&br()CSI: Deadly Intentの5caseすべてをクリアする|100|
|Observant|Obtain at least a 65% thoroughness score in one case.&br()1つのcaseで65%以上のthoroughness scoreを獲得する|10|
|Fastidious|Obtain at least a 90% thoroughness score in one case.&br()1つのcaseで90%以上のthoroughness scoreを獲得する|25|
|Meticulous|Obtain a 100% thoroughness score in one case.&br()1つのcaseで100%のthoroughness scoreを獲得する|40|
|Good Cop|Obtain at least a 65% cunning score in one case.&br()1つのcaseで65%以上のcunning scoreを獲得する|10|
|Enhanced Interrogation Technique|Obtain at least an 80% cunning score in one case.&br()1つのcaseで80%以上のcunning scoreを獲得する|25|
|Master Inquisitor|Obtain a 100% cunning score in one case.&br()1つのcaseで100%のcunning scoreを獲得する|40|
|Lab Rat|Earn at least a 65% skill score in one case.&br()1つのcaseで65%以上のskill scoreを獲得する|10|
|Keeping up with the Hodges|Earn at least an 80% skill score in one case.&br()1つのcaseで80%以上のskill scoreを獲得する|25|
|Master Technician|Earn a 100% skill score in one case.&br()1つのcaseで100%以上のskill scoreを獲得する|40|

|Just for Good Measure|Identified both items incriminating Steve Tampson before his final interrogation began.&br()Steve Tampsonの最終尋問が始まる前に彼に不利なアイテム両方を識別する|35|
|Rub It In|Interrogated Horace Willingham after he confesses.&br()Horace Willinghamの自白後に質問する|35|

