「Sherlock Holmes vs. Jack the Ripper」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

Sherlock Holmes vs. Jack the Ripper - (2011/08/05 (金) 03:03:30) の編集履歴(バックアップ)

Sherlock Holmes vs. Jack the Ripper

項目数: 40
総ポイント: 1000


Curious Find out how to observe things closely right from the start… 80
Art lover The true art lover will have no difficulty... 80
Crime doesn't pay Don't be the accomplice to a theft... 80
Dogged How does Jack feel when he handles the knife? 80
The crime weapon What weapon does Jack the Ripper use? 10
Make-up artist What does Jack the Ripper look like? 10
Pinpointing the killer In which district does Jack the Ripper live? 10
Relentless logic Elementary... 10
The killer's identity Who is Jack the Ripper? 10
Complex case The last word. 150

Charitable soul Treat the captain. 30
Clever Open the briefcase belonging to agent Humphries. 10
Director Reconstruct the hand movements of Polly Nichols's murderer. 10
Rational Fill in the deduction board. 30
Methodical Reconstruct Walter Sickert's cane. 10
Patient Reconstruct the torn up reports. 10
Organised Fill in the timescale of the murder of Polly Nichols. 10
Model pupil Open the jar containing the heart. 10
Skilful Use the magnet to retrieve the lock pick. 10
Eagle eye Retrieve the amulet from under the floor. 10
Ingenious Access the first floor of the Finley lodgings. 30
Snake charmer Obtain the tanner's mask. 30
Handyman Repair the gas leak. 10
Logical mind Find the encyclopaedia of perfume. 10
Sensitive nose Solve the puzzle of the perfume. 10
Strategist Enter the police station unseen. 30
Lock picker Pick the lock leading to the cells. 10
Deciphering expert Decipher the coded message. 10
Technician Reconnect the cables on the goods lift. 10
Tenacious Access the barricaded room on the first floor. 30
Dexterous Dismantle the combination lock. 10
Cool Bluff the crooks. 30
Cheeky Obtain the clues by phone. 10
Historian Open Tumblety's briefcase. 10
Resourceful Obtain access to the butcher's shop. 30
Analytical mind Fill in the timescale of the double murder. 10
Shrewd Find Sherlock some water. 30
Journalist Replace the correct labels on the compartments. 10
Surgeon Find the internal organ missing from the corpse. 10
Snoop Find the correct file at the Imperial Club. 10

Curious/Art lover/Crime doesn't pay/Dogged

  • Curious
  1. Wine Bottle
  2. Holme's Table
  3. Dancing Men Picture
  4. Bullet Holes on the wall
  5. Violin
  6. Bookcase
  7. Slipper on fireplace
  8. Photo on fireplace
  9. Coal Bucket
 10. Mail Spike
 11. Painting of Switzerland
 12. Harpoon above the door

  • Art lover

  • Crime doesn't pay
abandoned apartmentにてガス漏れ修理後バッグを入手.中の宝石を金属プレートと入れ替えてBlutoへ渡すことで解除。

  • Dogged

  • ストーリ攻略は下記サイト参照