「Final Fantasy 13-2」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

Final Fantasy 13-2 - (2011/12/16 (金) 01:59:23) の編集履歴(バックアップ)



景気に貢献 ショップで多額のギルを消費した証です。 14
精妙なる抜刀 敵にうろたえることなく、冷静に戦いを始めた証です。 15
ブレイクマスター 的確に技を駆使して、敵を追いつめた証です。 15
疾風の襲撃者 敵の先手を取って、迅速に攻撃した証です。 15
コンボコンダクター 仲間と協力して、たくみな連携攻撃を成功させた証です。 16
闘争に酔いし者 襲いかかる敵に背を向けず戦い続けた証です。 16
歴戦の指揮者 戦況に応じ、すばやく作戦を切り替えて戦った証です。 18
気鋭のハンター 数多くの敵を撃破した証です。 30

新生への覚醒 すべてが変わってしまった世界で、新たな運命にめざめた証です。 15
Time Traveler Left behind a normal life, and began a journey through time. 15
Future Espier Visited the place where clues to the future lie waiting to be discovered. 15
Past Gazer Visited the place where the saviors of the past dream in crystal. 15
Threat Facer Acknowledged the threat facing the world, and decided to fight back. 15
Sooth Seeker Prepared to face a test of your determination in the rift where hidden truths slumber. 15
Promise Keeper Turned your back on empty dreams and joined the battle to save mankind. 15
Trigger Finger Obtained five Cinematic Bonus rewards. 30
Anomalous Witnessed every possible Paradox Ending. 30
Epic Finisher Followed the story to its conclusion. 90
Saddle Sore Went the distance on chocobo-back. 12
Serendipitous Amassed a fortune in casino coins. 12
Fragmented Completed an entire fragment category. 30
Defragmented Completed every fragment category. 90
Scarlet Medal Defeated a powerful enemy with graceful poise. 14
Cerulean Medal Defeated a powerful enemy with valiant skill. 14
Obsidian Medal Defeated a powerful enemy with perfect execution. 14
Supreme Being Fully developed all abilities. 30
Big Game Hunter Defeated every worthy opponent. 30
Giant's Fist Dealt 99,999 damage with a single attack. 90
Beast Tamer Befriended a most unfriendly monster. 90
Fair Fighter Defeated a powerful enemy on equal terms. 90
Chronosavior Obtained the highest possible result in the battle to determine the fate of the world. 90