「Monaco: What's Yours is Mine」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

Monaco: What's Yours is Mine - (2013/05/12 (日) 14:02:48) の編集履歴(バックアップ)

Monaco: What's Yours is Mine


ジャンル:Other, Action & Adventure


Slippery Finish The Prison Break with a score under 1:10 10
Massacre Kill everyone in a mission 20
Silent Withdrawal Complete Banque Albert without being seen 20
Technician Finish any mission in single player with only wrenches 20
Bring the Bleach Use C4 to gib three attacking guards simultaneously without dying in single player 20
Dem Bones Revive an online teammate 10
I Work Alone Complete Campaign Act I Single Player 60
Whacked Win an online PvP match 40
A Gentleman's Agreement Complete Campaign Act II 60
Unscathed Complete each mission once without dying 40
Time To Retire Achieve all four trophies on every solo and co-op mission 80

Play It Again Sam Play an entire song on the piano with 3 players 20