「Final Exam」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

Final Exam - (2013/11/12 (火) 13:28:45) の編集履歴(バックアップ)

Final Exam

       ★★★★☆(Rock hard! マルチでやるなら★-2)

ジャンル:Action & Adventure


This is only the beginning You have completed all the missions in the game! 20
Top of the class You won the golden glove on one mission! 20
Fun You have completed an online multiplayer game! 15
Cooperation You have completed a mission in 2 player local game mode! 15
Who’s the strongest? You exterminated 3 hordes! 10
Terminator You've achieved a 50,000 point combo! 30
Massacre You've killed 1,000 monsters! 30
Disintegration You scored 300,000 points in a single game! 50
Rock hard! You have completed all the missions in the game in "Rock Hard" mode! 50
Collector You've found all the weapons! 30
Perfectionist You got the gold in every mission! 40
Apprentice Terminator You've achieved a 10,000 point combo! 15
Temptation You launched the 4 special skills specific to one character in a single mission! 20
Slaughter You killed 500 monsters with the chainsaw! 20
Arsonist You killed 300 monsters with fire! 20
Healer You healed a character on the ground 10 times in multiplayer mode! 15

◆Disintegration、Apprentice Terminator、Terminator
ただし時間をかけすぎるとクリア時のにスコアがマイナスされる(面にもよるがクリア時30分以内が目安 現在時間はbackボタンで見えます)

◆Rock hard!
どの難易度でもいいので1周すると難易度Rock hard!が選択できる
敵の攻撃でほぼ1,2発で死ぬ 残機もないのでお互いを復活させれるcoopを推奨