「Wing Commander Arena」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

Wing Commander Arena - (2007/12/19 (水) 14:38:20) の編集履歴(バックアップ)

Wing Commander Arena

項目数: 12
総ポイント: 200

ジャンル:アクション アーケード


Hot Dog Complete each Ring Game difficulty level 20
Commando Earned ULF Commando Tattoo (15 frags in a Melee match) 10
Dogfight Shot down first pilot in a Xbox LIVE match 10
Ace Defeat 5 ships in a Ranked Xbox LIVE match without respawning 20
Untouchable Reach wave 10 in Gauntlet without ever taking damage to your hull 20
TCS Tiger's Claw Compete a 16 player Capital Ship game 10
Hibernation Reach a streak of 5 in a Bearpit game 20
Gunfighter Win a Ranked Duel with each ship type 20
Navigator Travel through every gold jump gate in the game 10
Retro Reach wave 20 in Meteor Storm 10
Paladin Shoot down 1000 pilots on Xbox LIVE 30
Deathstroke Finish in first place in any Ranked Free For All match 20