「バンジョーとカズーイの大冒険 2」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

バンジョーとカズーイの大冒険 2 - (2009/04/23 (木) 09:55:04) の編集履歴(バックアップ)

バンジョーとカズーイの大冒険 2


ジャンル:アクション アドベンチャー


Knocked Out Klungo He's out for revenge; not once, not twice, but three times. You need to beat him once. 20
Treasure Hunt You'll probably end up with many more, but to achieve this you need just one of each. 20
All Beaten Up Kill any 20 bad guys with any of these attacks: Mumbo's wand, your Pants Attack or the Daddy T-Rex. 20
A Merry Old Soul You’ll find Old King Coal in Chuffy's boiler and he's a bit on the grubby side. Scrub him out! 20
Hatch the Future Separate our heroes for the first time, or hatch a Banjo-Kazooie Stop 'N' Swop Egg with Heggy. 20
Calamari Bonanza Don’t be suckered! You’ll have to freeze every single octopi. 20
It Lives! Miracles do happen! Bring Sabreman back to life. 15
After The Storm Ahhhh, a pretty rainbow. You did that, you old softy! 10
My Nemesis Do it properly this time! Get rid of Grunty and save us from her rhymes. Off with her head! 10
Points Make Prizes Balloons of any color will do, get 60 points worth or more and you're a winner… sort of. 15
They think it’s all over... Win a Colosseum Kickball final. The worst scorers rule at this game, so you should be good at it! 15
Shoot Em Up! It’s great fun exploding these little lovelies! Any 20 Ulcers, Clinkers or Mines will earn this. 15