「Panzer General Allied Assault」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

Panzer General Allied Assault - (2010/03/18 (木) 01:12:07) の編集履歴(バックアップ)

Panzer General Allied Assault

項目数: 12
総ポイント: 200



D-Day Ribbon Successfully complete the Campaign Mission One - Utah Beach. 10
Normandy Ribbon Successfully complete the first six Campaign missions. 10
Battle of the Bulge Ribbon Successfully complete the entire Campaign. 10
Training Ribbon Win your first Multiplayer game on Xbox LIVE. 15
Bronze Star Win a total of 15 Multiplayer games on Xbox LIVE. 15
Fifty Mission Crush Win a total of 50 Multiplayer games on Xbox LIVE. 20
Silver Star Destroy a unit with 6 or more health in one combat. 15
Air Commander Play 6 or more "Air" cards in one game. 15
Artillery Commander Use 4 or more artillery units in support of a single combat in one game. 20
Iron Cross Have a single unit be promoted 3 times by victory during combat in one game. 15
Panzer General Destroy 12 or more units in a single game. 25
Legendary Commander Win any game with 3 or more Victory Conditions simultaneously. 30