「Naughty Bear」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

Naughty Bear - (2011/02/28 (月) 00:35:40) のソース

Naughty Bear



|Come Out and Play|Completed the First Episode and got a taste at Naughtiness.&br()エピソード1をクリアする|20|
|Vote Naughty: Don't get Killed|Completed the Second Episode.&br()エピソード2をクリアする|20|
|Got your Privacy back|Completed the Third Episode.&br()エピソード3をクリアする|20|
|The Moans have Stopped|Completed the Fourth Episode.&br()エピソード4をクリアする|20|
|Oily Moily!|Completed the Fifth Episode.&br()エピソード5をクリアする|20|
|Threat Terminated|Completed the Sixth Episode.&br()エピソード6をクリアする|20|
|Get off my Planet!|Completed the Final Episode.&br()ファイナルエピソードをクリアする|25|
|Shiny!|Got either 28 Bronze, 16 Silver, 8 Gold or 4 Platinum Naughty Cups.&br()ブロンズ28個、シルバー16個、ゴールド8個、プラチナ4個のいずれか数のNaughty Cupを獲得する|50|
|Throphilific!!|Got either 28 Silver, 16 Gold or 8 Platinum Naughty Cups.&br()シルバー28個、ゴールド16個、プラチナ8個のいずれか数のNaughty Cupを獲得する|50|
|Oh my GOLD!!!|Got either 28 Gold or 16 Platinum Naughty Cups.&br()ゴールド28個、プラチナ16個のいずれか数のNaughty Cupを獲得する|50|
|Nutter!!!!!|Got 28 Platinum Naughty Cups.&br()Naughty Cupのプラチナを28個獲得する|50|
|Millionaire Club|Scored a Total of 1 000 000 Naughty Points.&br()計100万Naughty Pointを記録する|20|
|Multi-Millionaire Club|Scored a Total of 10 000 000 Naughty Points.&br()計1000万Naughty Pointを記録する|20|
|Freak Club|Scored a Total of 25 000 000 Naughty Points.&br()計2500万Naughty Pointを記録する|20|
|Closet Monster Club|Scored a Total of 50 000 000 Naughty Points.&br()計5000万Naughty Pointを記録する|20|
|Under-bed Creeper Club|Scored a Total of 75 000 000 Naughty Points.&br()計7500万Naughty Pointを記録する|20|
|Naughty Club|Scored a Total of 100 000 000 Naughty Points.&br()計1億Naughty Pointを記録する|20|
|Naughtiest Naughty Club|Scored a Total of 250 000 000 Naughty Points.&br()計2億5000万Naughty Pointを記録する|20|
|Full Wardrobe|Unlocked All the Costumes.&br()全てのコスチュームをアンロックする|25|
|Party Thrasher!|Ironic Kill: In Episode 1 or its Challenges, Punish Daddles with the Disco's Turntable!&br()エピソード1かチャレンジ中に、ディスコのターンテーブルでPunish Daddleを決める|15|
|Drowning Politics!|Ironic Kill: In Episode 2 or its Challenges, Punish Chubby with the Disco's Toilet!&br()エピソード2かチャレンジ中に、ディスコのトイレでPunish Chubbyを決める|15|
|Watch THIS Cozy!|Ironic Kill: In Episode 3 or its Challenges, Punish Cozy with the Cabin's Telly!&br()エピソード3かチャレンジ中に、小屋のテレビでPunish Cozyを決める|15|
|Keeping a cool head!|Ironic Kill: In Episode 4 or its Challenges, Punish Nibbles with the Cabin's Fridge!&br()エピソード4かチャレンジ中に、小屋の冷蔵庫でPunish Nibbleを決める|15|
|Trembles' Energy Problem!|Ironic Kill: In Episode 5 or its Challenges, Punish Trembles with the Cabin's Power Box!&br()エピソード5かチャレンジ中に、小屋の配電盤でPunish Trembleを決める|15|
|Gear Head!|Ironic Kill: In Episode 6 or its Challenges, Punish Fluffy with the Factory's Conveyor Belt!&br()エピソード6かチャレンジ中に、工場のベルトコンベアでPunish Fluffyを決める|15|
|Hot as the Sun!|Ironic Kill: In Episode 7 or its Challenges, Punish Sunbeam with the Campfire!&br()エピソード7かチャレンジ中に、キャンプファイヤーでPunish Sunbeamを決める|15|
|Maximum Security|Secret Mission: In Episode 1, get the Entire Police Force on the Island.&br()エピソード1で、島の警官隊を全て呼ぶ|15|
|Harakiri|Secret Mission: In Episode 2, get the 4 Ninja-Bears to Kill Themselves.&br()エピソード2で、4体のNinja-Bearを同士討ちさせる|15|
|Give me Peace!|Secret Mission: In Episode 3, Destroy Every Bird-cam of the Level.&br()エピソード3で、ステージ中のBird-camを全て破壊する|15|
|Death Race|Secret Mission: In Episode 4, don't let Zombears Kill other Bears! They're Yours!&br()エピソード4で、Zombearに他のクマを殺させないようにする|15|
|Elite Chumps|Secret Mission: In Episode 5, Kill Every B.E.A.R with an Object Kill.&br()エピソード5で、Object Killで全てのB.E.A.Rを殺す|15|
|Rebellion|Secret Mission: In Episode 6, get the R0B0-B34RS to Kill their Master, Fluffy.&br()エピソード6で、R0B0-B34RSに主人を殺させる|15|
|Disintegration|Secret Mission: In Episode 7, Destroy Every Alien-Bear by the Raygun Ultra kill.&br()エピソード7で、Raygun Ultra killで全てのAlien-Bearを破壊する|15|
|Twin Fight|Costume Shenanigan: Kill Cop Gordon with the Cop Gordon Costume by the Revolver Ultra kill.&br()Cop Gordonコスチュームを着て、Revolver Ultra killでCop Gordonを殺す|15|
|Chain of Command|Costume Shenanigan: Kill Colonel Ketchup with the Captain Naughty Costume by the Oozy Ultra kill.&br()Captain Naughtyコスチュームを着て、Oozy Ultra killでColonel Ketchupを殺す|15|
|Evil Resident in Bearcity|Costume Shenanigan: Kill 4 Cops in One Level with the Zombear Oodoo Costume by the Bone Ultra kill.&br()Zombear Oodooコスチュームを着て、Bone Ultra killでCopを1ステージ中に4人殺す|15|
|Probing New Technologies|Costume Shenanigan: Kill R0B0-PR1M3 with the Emperor Xoon Costume by the Raygun Ultra kill.&br()Emperor Xoonコスチュームを着て、Raygun Ultra killでR0B0-PR1M3を殺す|15|
|Chi Vs Voodoo|Costume Shenanigan: Kill Oodoo with the Master Miyagi Costume by the Ninja-To Ultra kill.&br()Master Miyagiコスチュームを着て、Ninja-To Ultra killでOodooを殺す|15|
|Assassin's Assassination|Costume Shenanigan: Kill Miyagi with the ELITE Mahoney Costume by the Silenced Pistol Ultra kill.&br()ELITE Mahoneyコスチュームを着て、Silenced Pistol Ultra killでMiyagiを殺す|15|
|Noisy Vs Silent|Costume Shenanigan: Kill ELITE Mahoney with the R0B0-PR1M3 Costume by the Power-Fist Ultra kill.&br()R0B0-PR1M3コスチュームを着て、Power-Fist Ultra killでELITE Mahoneyを殺す|15|
|Vengeance!|Costume Shenanigan: Destroy Emperor Xoon with the Naughticorn Costume by Hornification.&br()Naughticornコスチュームを着て、HornificationでEmperor Xoonを破壊する|15|
|Truly Invisible!|Challenge Challenge: Finish an Invisible Challenge Without Being Seen Once.&br()1度も見つかる事無くInvisible Challengeをクリアする|20|
|Fistful of Rage!|Challenge Challenge: Finish an Untouchable Challenge Without Using a Weapon.&br()1度も武器を使う事無くUntouchable Challengeをクリアする|20|
|Killin' with Style|Challenge Challenge: Finish a Killer Challenge Without Killing with a Weapon.&br()1度も武器で殺す事無くKiller Challengeをクリアする|20|
|Merciful|Challenge Challenge: Finish an Insane Challenge with Every Bear Still Alive.&br()全てのクマを生かしたままInsane Challengeをクリアする|20|
|Trap-tacular!|Challenge Challenge: In a Friendly Challenge, injure every Bear.&br()全てのクマを攻撃した上でFriendly Challengeをクリアする|20|
|Tight One!|Challenge Challenge: Finish a Speedrun Challenge with 1 Second Left to the Timer.&br()タイマー残り1秒でSpeedrun Challengeをクリアする|20|
|Leader of the Pack|Multiplayer Madness: Finished First in a Multiplayer Match and Shouted: "HAZELNUT!" at the Losers.&br()Multiplayer Matchで1位になる|10|
|Gloriosity!|Multiplayer Madness: Finished an Assault Match Without Losing a Single Unibear Statue.&br()Unibear像を失う事無くAssault Matchを終える|15|
|Unibear!|Killed or POP! a Unibear.|15|
