「Dance Central」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

Dance Central - (2010/12/02 (木) 21:23:47) のソース

Dance Central

※「練習モード」→「Break It Down」
※「演技モード」→「Perform It!」
※「対戦モード」→「Dance Battle」
※実績内容がPass these moves:~となっている物は、~以下に書かれた動作を全て成功させれば解除

|Epic Battle!|Play 10 Dance Battles in a single session.&br()対戦モードを10回プレイする|15|
|Smile for the Camera|Have 1000 Freestyle photos taken.&br()1000枚のフリースタイルフォトを撮影する|25|
|Sweat It Out|Have a 20-minute workout session in Workout Mode.&br()ワークアウトモードを20分以上プレイする(1ゲーム中)|20|
|Burn, Baby, Burn!|Burn 1000 calories in Workout Mode.&br()ワークアウトモードで通算1000Calを燃焼させる|30|
|Flawless Streak|String together 10 “Flawless” moves in Perform It! or Dance Battle mode.&br()演技モードか対戦モードで10以上のFlawless評価を得る|20|
|Meet the Crew|Play a song with every human dancer character in Perform It! or Dance Battle mode.&br()演技モードまたは対戦モードで全てのダンサーを使用する|15|
|Pure Perfection|Get a Flawless rating on every move in a song in Perform It! or Dance Battle mode.&br()演技モードまたは対戦モードで、全ての動きでFlawlessを獲得する|25|
|Booth Buddies|Have a Freestyle photo taken while two people are dancing.&br()二人で踊っているフリースタイルショットを撮影する|10|
|Off the Wall|Progress past the “Wallflower” rank.&br()"Wallflower"ランクに到達する|10|
|Got This on Unlock|Unlock all bonus content.&br()全てのボーナスコンテンツを解放する|50|
|Got a New Look|Unlock a new look for every human dancer character.&br()全てのキャラクターの新コスチュームを解放する|25|
|Consummate Performer|Give your first 5-Star performance in Perform It! mode.&br()演技モードで初めて5つ星を獲得する|15|
|The Battle Has Begun|Give your first 5-Star performance in Dance Battle mode.&br()対戦モードで初めて5つ星を獲得する|15|
|What a Jerk!|Earn 5 Stars on Hard on a jerkin’ song.&br()jerkinスタイルのある曲の難易度ハードで5つ星を獲得する|15|
|Warm Up Challenge Complete|Earn 5 Stars on the Warm Up Challenge at any Skill Level.&br()任意の難易度のWarm Up Challengeを5つ星でクリアする|15|
|Simple Challenge Complete|Earn 5 Stars on the Simple Challenge at any Skill Level.&br()任意の難易度のSimple Challengeを5つ星でクリアする|15|
|Moderate Challenge Complete|Earn 5 Stars on the Moderate Challenge at any Skill Level.&br()任意の難易度のModerate Challengeを5つ星でクリアする|15|
|Tough Challenge Complete|Earn 5 Stars on the Tough Challenge at any Skill Level.&br()任意の難易度のTough Challengeを5つ星でクリアする|15|
|Legit Challenge Complete|Earn 5 Stars on the Legit Challenge at any Skill Level.&br()任意の難易度のLegit Challengeを5つ星でクリアする|20|
|Hardcore Challenge Complete|Earn 5 Stars on the Hardcore Challenge at any Skill Level.&br()任意の難易度のHardcore Challengeを5つ星でクリアする|20|
|Off the Hook Challenge Complete|Earn 5 Stars on the Off the Hook Challenge at any Skill Level.:&br()任意の難易度のOff the Hook Challengeを5つ星でクリアする|25|
|True Superstar|Earn 5 Stars on every song in the game on either Easy or Medium, or 5 Stars on any 20 songs on Hard.&br()難易度イージーまたはミディアムでゲーム中の全ての曲で5つ星を獲得する、または難易度ハードの任意の20曲で5つ星を獲得する|25|
|Grand Final Complete|Earn 5 stars on the Grand Finale Challenge at any Skill Level.&br()任意の難易度のGrand Finale Challengeを5つ星でクリアする|30|
|Dance Instructor|Earn 5 Stars on every song in the game on Hard.&br()すべての曲の難易度ハードで5つ星を獲得する|50|
|The Dance is Legendary|Earn Gold Stars on any song, at any Skill Level.&br()任意の曲・任意のレベルでゴールドスター(5つ星の上)を獲得する|25|
|Look Ma, No Flashcards!|Perform a song with Flashcards turned off and earn 5 Stars.&br()任意の曲でフラッシュカード(お手本カード)非表示で5つ星を獲得する|15|
|Flying Blind|Earn 5 Stars on any 10 songs with Flashcards turned off.&br()任意の10曲でフラッシュカード(お手本カード)非表示で5つ星を獲得する|30|
|Practice Made Perfect|Get a 100% rating on a single song in Break It Down mode.&br()練習モードで100%の評価を得る|25|
|Something to Prove|Get a 100% rating on every song in the game in Break It Down mode.&br()練習モードで全ての曲で100%評価を獲得する|50|
|Broke It Down|Play a single song in Break It Down mode and get a rating of at least 80%.&br()練習モードで任意の曲を80%以上の評価で終了する|15|
|Again, From the Top!|Play 10 songs in Break It Down mode and get a rating above 80%.&br()練習モードで10曲を80%以上の評価で終了する|20|
|Total Poser|Get a “Flawless” rating on a finishing move.&br()フィニッシュムーブ(決めポーズ)でFlawlessの評価を獲得する|10|
|Cross, Back, Step, Front|Successfully pass EVERY Jazz Square in the game.&br()ゲーム中のすべてのジャズステップを成功させる|20|
|Get Busy, Dizzy|Get a “Flawless” result on a spin move.&br()スピンムーブでFlawless判定を獲得する|15|
|Bring It Back|Pass these moves: Cabbage Patch, Disco, Fever, Funky Chameleon, Raise the Roof, Scuff and Stomp.|15|
|Lock It In|Pass these moves: Arm Twist, Boogalooo, Electric, Pop Down, and Robo Locking|15|
|Work It, Honey|Pass these moves: Feelabout, Club Monster, Pose, Ride, and Wind It Up.|15|
|Get Hood|Pass these moves: Brooklyn, Cool Kid, Hoodie, Lean & Rock, and Slam out.|15|
|Child’s Play|Pass these moves: Bug Juice, Patty Cake, Puppet Drop, and Tantrum.|15|
|Nerd is Bond|Pass these moves: Cabbage Patch, Double Rainbow, Glitch, Keyboard Cat, and Nerd It Out.|15|
|From the Makers of Rock Band|Pass these moves: Guitar, Rockout, Sing Out, and Snare.|15|
|AN-I-MAL|Pass these moves: The Bird, Chicken Wing, Elephant, Pony, Predator, Prey, and Snake.|15|
|Central Combat|Pass these moves: Boardbreaker, Boxer, Elbow Throw, Knockout, Punch Out, and Tiger Palm.|15|
|Going Global|Pass these moves: Booty Bank, Booty Bump, Booty Down, Moonrise, Moonshine, and Rump Roast|15|
|Bring It to the Club|Pass these moves: Snake, Snap Glove, Step Center, Step Side, and Tap Front.|15|
|Jock|Pass these moves: Barbell, Boxer, Defense, Goal, Jock, Quarterback, and Run.|15|
|A Lover and a Dancer|Pass these moves: Boy Band, Earache, Love Warrior, and Palpitation.|15|

|Living Legend|Reached the "Living Legend" rank.|30|
|Robots Doin’ It for Themselves|Successfully passed a robot move with ELIOT.|15|