「Intel Discovered」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

Intel Discovered - (2012/11/08 (木) 00:54:05) のソース

Intel Discovered 

項目数: 12
総ポイント: 400


|Fight Scene|Complete the fight scene|10|
|Duck!|Send a thug over the railing|10|
|Perfect Fight Scene|Perform a perfect fight scene|20|
|Rock the House|Wrap up a DJ gig in Vegas|10|
|DJ Supreme|Earn over 10,000 points as a DJ|50|
|Prime Time|Earn at least 1000 points in 16 seconds as a DJ|50|
|The Walk|Walk the red carpet|10|
|Strike a Pose|Earn at least 500 points for one pose|30|
|Icon|Earn at least 3000 points in one walk of the red carpet|30|
|Opening Credits|Attend the premier for Secret Intel|30|
|Headliner|Earn at least 10,000 points in one play-through|80|
|In Pictures|Share an image on Facebook|20|
|Self Publicist|Share 20 images on Facebook|50|

