「Duke Nukem 3D」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

Duke Nukem 3D - (2008/09/24 (水) 16:01:49) のソース

Duke Nukem 3D

項目数: 12
総ポイント: 200

ジャンル:アクション アーケード


|Piece of Cake|Complete "L.A. Meltdown" on any difficulty or in co-op.|25|
|Let's Rock|Complete "Lunar Apocalypse" on any difficulty or in co-op.|25|
|Come Get Some|Complete "Shrapnel City" on any difficulty or in co-op.|25|
|Game Over|Complete "The Birth" on any difficulty or in co-op.|25|
|Duke's Mighty Foot|Step on 40 enemies after using the Shrinker on them.|10|
|Looks Like Cleanup on Aisle 4|Step in a pile of excrement.|10|
|Shake It Baby|Tip an exotic dancer.|10|
|Oomph, Uugh, Where is it?|Find 70 secret areas.|10|
|Alien Maggots are Gonna Pay|Finish the "Hollywood Holocaust" level in under 3 minutes.|10|
|Gonna Rip Em' a New One|Get 100 total kills in ranked Dukematch games (Online).|10|
|See You in Hell|Get 250 total kills in ranked Dukematch games (Online).|15|
|Hail to the King, Baby|Earn respect and get 500 total kills in ranked Dukematch games (Online).|25|

●Oomph, Uugh, Where is it?