

ケン通常技 - (2017/06/21 (水) 02:55:33) の1つ前との変更点



***近A &sizex(4){発生5F 持続4F 硬直9F 硬直差-4 攻撃レベル1 ダメージ9} 備考: #image(test.gif)#javascript(){ //var bookmarklet = function() { //var bookmarklet = function() { gif = "test.gif" var playGIF = function(gif) { var stream; var hdr; var loadError = null; var transparency = null; var delay = null; var disposalMethod = null; var lastDisposalMethod = null; var frame = null; var playing = true; var forward = true; var frames = []; var clear = function() { transparency = null; delay = null; lastDisposalMethod = disposalMethod; disposalMethod = null; frame = null; //frame = tmpCanvas.getContext('2d'); }; // XXX: There's probably a better way to handle catching exceptions when // callbacks are involved. var doParse = function() { try { parseGIF(stream, handler); } catch(err) { doLoadError('parse'); } }; var doGet = function() { var h = new XMLHttpRequest(); h.overrideMimeType('text/plain; charset=x-user-defined'); h.onload = function(e) { //doLoadProgress(e); // TODO: In IE, might be able to use h.responseBody instead of overrideMimeType. stream = new Stream(h.responseText); setTimeout(doParse, 0); }; h.onprogress = doLoadProgress; h.onerror = function() { doLoadError('xhr'); }; h.open('GET', gif.src, true); h.send(); }; var doText = function(text) { toolbar.innerHTML = text; // innerText? Escaping? Whatever. //ctx.fillStyle = 'black'; //ctx.font = '32px sans-serif'; //ctx.fillText(text, 8, 32); }; var doShowProgress = function(prefix, pos, length, draw) { //toolbar.style.display = pos === length ? 'none' : 'block'; //toolbar.style.display = pos === length ? '' : 'block'; // FIXME Move this to doPlay() or something. toolbar.style.visibility = pos === length ? '' : 'visible'; // FIXME Move this to doPlay() or something. if (draw) { var height = Math.min(canvas.height >> 3, canvas.height); var top = (canvas.height - height) >> 1; var bottom = (canvas.height + height) >> 1; var mid = (pos / length) * canvas.width; // XXX Figure out alpha fillRect. //ctx.fillStyle = 'salmon'; ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,160,122,0.5)'; ctx.fillRect(mid, top, canvas.width - mid, height); //ctx.fillStyle = 'teal'; ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0,128,128,0.5)'; ctx.fillRect(0, top, (pos / length) * canvas.width, height); } doText(prefix + ' ' + Math.floor(pos / length * 100) + '%'); }; var doLoadProgress = function(e) { // TODO: Find out what lengthComputable actually means. if (e.lengthComputable) doShowProgress('Loading...', e.loaded, e.total, true); }; var doLoadError = function(originOfError) { var drawError = function() { ctx.fillStyle = 'black'; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, hdr.width, hdr.height); ctx.strokeStyle = 'red'; ctx.lineWidth = 3; ctx.moveTo(0, 0); ctx.lineTo(hdr.width, hdr.height); ctx.moveTo(0, hdr.height); ctx.lineTo(hdr.width, 0); ctx.stroke(); }; loadError = originOfError; hdr = {width: gif.width, height: gif.height}; // Fake header. frames = []; drawError(); setTimeout(doPlay, 0); }; var doHdr = function(_hdr) { hdr = _hdr; //console.assert(gif.width === hdr.width && gif.height === hdr.height); // See other TODO. canvas.width = hdr.width; canvas.height = hdr.height; div.style.width = hdr.width + 'px'; //div.style.height = hdr.height + 'px'; toolbar.style.minWidth = hdr.width + 'px'; tmpCanvas.width = hdr.width; tmpCanvas.height = hdr.height; //if (hdr.gctFlag) { // Fill background. // rgb = hdr.gct[hdr.bgColor]; // tmpCanvas.fillStyle = 'rgba(' + rgb[0] + ',' + rgb[1] + ',' + rgb[2] + ','); //} //tmpCanvas.getContext('2d').fillRect(0, 0, hdr.width, hdr.height); // TODO: Figure out the disposal method business. }; var doGCE = function(gce) { pushFrame(); clear(); transparency = gce.transparencyGiven ? gce.transparencyIndex : null; delay = gce.delayTime; disposalMethod = gce.disposalMethod; // We don't have much to do with the rest of GCE. }; var pushFrame = function() { if (!frame) return; frames.push({data: frame.getImageData(0, 0, hdr.width, hdr.height), delay: delay}); }; var doImg = function(img) { if (!frame) frame = tmpCanvas.getContext('2d'); var ct = img.lctFlag ? img.lct : hdr.gct; // TODO: What if neither exists? var cData = frame.getImageData(img.leftPos, img.topPos, img.width, img.height); img.pixels.forEach(function(pixel, i) { // cData.data === [R,G,B,A,...] if (transparency !== pixel) { // This includes null, if no transparency was defined. cData.data[i * 4 + 0] = ct[pixel][0]; cData.data[i * 4 + 1] = ct[pixel][1]; cData.data[i * 4 + 2] = ct[pixel][2]; cData.data[i * 4 + 3] = 255; // Opaque. } else { // TODO: Handle disposal method properly. // XXX: When I get to an Internet connection, check which disposal method is which. if (lastDisposalMethod === 2 || lastDisposalMethod === 3) { cData.data[i * 4 + 3] = 0; // Transparent. // XXX: This is very very wrong. } else { // lastDisposalMethod should be null (no GCE), 0, or 1; leave the pixel as it is. // assert(lastDispsalMethod === null || lastDispsalMethod === 0 || lastDispsalMethod === 1); // XXX: If this is the first frame (and we *do* have a GCE), // lastDispsalMethod will be null, but we want to set undefined // pixels to the background color. } } }); frame.putImageData(cData, img.leftPos, img.topPos); // We could use the on-page canvas directly, except that we draw a progress // bar for each image chunk (not just the final image). ctx.putImageData(cData, img.leftPos, img.topPos); }; var doPlay = (function() { var i = -1; var curFrame; // XXX These two are <input> tags. They're declared up here // instead of in initToolbar's scope so that stepFrame has // access to them. This is hacky and should be eliminated. // (Maybe this should actually be a class instead of a // cheap plastic imitation? At the very least it should be // abstracted more.) var delayInfo; var showingInfo = false; var pinned = false; var stepFrame = function(delta) { // XXX: Name is confusing. i = (i + delta + frames.length) % frames.length; curFrame.value = i + 1; delayInfo.value = frames[i].delay; putFrame(); }; var step = (function() { var stepping = false; var doStep = function() { stepping = playing; if (!stepping) return; stepFrame(forward ? 1 : -1); var delay = frames[i].delay * 10; if (!delay) delay = 100; // FIXME: Should this even default at all? What should it be? setTimeout(doStep, delay); }; return function() { if (!stepping) setTimeout(doStep, 0); }; }()); var putFrame = function() { ctx.putImageData(frames[i].data, 0, 0); }; var initToolbar = function() { // Characters. var right = '&#9654;'; var left = '&#9664;'; var bar = '&#10073;'; var rarr = '&rarr;'; var larr = '&larr;'; var xsign = '&#10006;'; //var infosource = '&#8505;'; var circle = '&#9675;'; var circledot = '&#8857;'; //var blackSquare = '&#9632;'; // XXX //var doubleVerticalLine = '&#8214;'; // XXX var nearr = '&nearr;'; // Buttons. var playIcon = right; var pauseIcon = bar + bar; var revplayIcon = left; var prevIcon = left + bar; var nextIcon = bar + right; //var showInfoIcon = infosource; var showInfoIcon = 'i'; // Fonts. var revIcon = larr; var revrevIcon = rarr; var closeIcon = xsign; var pinIcon = circledot; var unpinIcon = circle; var popupIcon = nearr; /** * @param{Object=} attrs Attributes (optional). */ // Make compiler happy. var elt = function(tag, cls, attrs) { var e = document.createElement(tag); if (cls) e.className = 'jsgif_' + cls; for (var k in attrs) { e[k] = attrs[k]; } return e; }; var simpleTools = elt('div', 'simple_tools'); var rev = elt('button', 'rev'); var showInfo = elt('button', 'show_info'); var prev = elt('button', 'prev'); var playPause = elt('button', 'play_pause'); var next = elt('button', 'next'); var pin = elt('button', 'pin'); var close = elt('button', 'close'); var infoTools = elt('div', 'info_tools'); curFrame = elt('input', 'cur_frame', {type: 'text'}); // See above. delayInfo = elt('input', 'delay_info', {type: 'text'}); // See above. var updateTools = function() { if (playing) { playPause.innerHTML = pauseIcon; playPause.title = 'Pause' prev.style.visibility = 'hidden'; // See TODO. next.style.visibility = 'hidden'; } else { playPause.innerHTML = forward ? playIcon : revplayIcon; playPause.title = 'Play'; prev.style.visibility = ''; next.style.visibility = ''; } toolbar.style.visibility = pinned ? 'visible' : ''; // See TODO. infoTools.style.display = showingInfo ? '' : 'none'; // See TODO. showInfo.innerHTML = showInfoIcon; showInfo.title = 'Show info/more tools' rev.innerHTML = forward ? revIcon : revrevIcon; rev.title = forward ? 'Reverse' : 'Un-reverse'; prev.innerHTML = prevIcon; prev.title = 'Previous frame'; next.innerHTML = nextIcon; next.title = 'Next frame' pin.innerHTML = pinned ? unpinIcon : pinIcon; pin.title = pinned ? 'Unpin' : 'Pin'; close.innerHTML = closeIcon; close.title = 'Close jsgif and go back to original image'; curFrame.disabled = playing; delayInfo.disabled = playing; toolbar.innerHTML = ''; simpleTools.innerHTML = ''; infoTools.innerHTML = ''; var t = function(text) { return document.createTextNode(text); }; if (frames.length < 2) { // XXX // Also, this shouldn't actually be playing in this case. // TODO: Are we going to want an info tool that'll be displayed on static GIFs later? if (loadError == 'xhr') { toolbar.appendChild(t("Load failed; cross-domain? ")); var popup = elt('button', 'popup'); popup.addEventListener('click', function() { window.open(gif.src); } ); popup.innerHTML = popupIcon; popup.title = 'Click to open GIF in new window; try running jsgif there instead'; toolbar.appendChild(popup); } else if (loadError == 'parse') { toolbar.appendChild(t("Parse failed ")); } toolbar.appendChild(close); return; } // We don't actually need to repack all of these -- that's left over // from before -- but it doesn't especially hurt either. var populate = function(elt, children) { elt.innerHTML = ''; children.forEach(function(c) { elt.appendChild(c); }); //children.forEach(elt.appendChild); // Is this a "pseudo-function"? }; // XXX Blach. var simpleToolList = forward ? [showInfo, rev, prev, playPause, next, pin, close] : [showInfo, rev, next, playPause, prev, pin, close]; populate(toolbar, [simpleTools, infoTools]); populate(simpleTools, simpleToolList); populate(infoTools, [t(' frame: '), curFrame, t(' / '), t(frames.length), t(' (delay: '), delayInfo, t(')')]); }; var doRev = function() { forward = !forward; updateTools(); rev.focus(); // (because repack) }; var doNextFrame = function() { stepFrame(1); }; var doPrevFrame = function() { stepFrame(-1); }; var doPlayPause = function() { playing = !playing; updateTools(); playPause.focus(); // In case this was called by clicking on the // canvas (we have to do this here because we // repack the buttons). step(); }; var doCurFrameChanged = function() { var newFrame = +curFrame.value; if (isNaN(newFrame) || newFrame < 1 || newFrame > frames.length) { // Invalid frame; put it back to what it was. curFrame.value = i + 1; } else { i = newFrame - 1; putFrame(); } }; var doCurDelayChanged = function() { var newDelay = +delayInfo.value; if (!isNaN(newDelay)) { frames[i].delay = newDelay; } }; var doToggleShowingInfo = function() { showingInfo = !showingInfo; updateTools(); showInfo.focus(); // (because repack) }; var doTogglePinned = function() { pinned = !pinned; updateTools(); pin.focus(); // (because repack) }; // TODO: If the <img> was in an <a>, every one of these will go to the // URL. We don't want that for the buttons (and probably not for // anything?). showInfo.addEventListener('click', doToggleShowingInfo, false); rev.addEventListener('click', doRev, false); curFrame.addEventListener('change', doCurFrameChanged, false); prev.addEventListener('click', doPrevFrame, false); playPause.addEventListener('click', doPlayPause, false); next.addEventListener('click', doNextFrame, false); pin.addEventListener('click', doTogglePinned, false); close.addEventListener('click', doClose, false); delayInfo.addEventListener('change', doCurDelayChanged, false); canvas.addEventListener('click', doPlayPause, false); // For now, to handle GIFs in <a> tags and so on. This needs to be handled better, though. div.addEventListener('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); }, false); updateTools(); }; return function() { setTimeout(initToolbar, 0); if (loadError) return; canvas.width = hdr.width; canvas.height = hdr.height; step(); }; }()); var doClose = function() { playing = false; parent.insertBefore(gif, div); parent.removeChild(div); }; var doDecodeProgress = function(draw) { doShowProgress('Decoding (frame ' + (frames.length + 1) + ')...', stream.pos, stream.data.length, draw); }; var doNothing = function(){}; /** * @param{boolean=} draw Whether to draw progress bar or not; this is not idempotent because of translucency. * Note that this means that the text will be unsynchronized with the progress bar on non-frames; * but those are typically so small (GCE etc.) that it doesn't really matter. TODO: Do this properly. */ var withProgress = function(fn, draw) { return function(block) { fn(block); doDecodeProgress(draw); }; }; var handler = { hdr: withProgress(doHdr), gce: withProgress(doGCE), com: withProgress(doNothing), // I guess that's all for now. app: { // TODO: Is there much point in actually supporting iterations? NETSCAPE: withProgress(doNothing) }, img: withProgress(doImg, true), eof: function(block) { //toolbar.style.display = ''; pushFrame(); doDecodeProgress(false); doText('Playing...'); doPlay(); } }; var parent = gif.parentNode; var div = document.createElement('div'); var canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); var toolbar = document.createElement('div'); var tmpCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'); // Copy the computed style of the <img> to the <div>. The CSS specifies // !important for all its properties; this still has a few issues, but it's // probably preferable to not doing it. XXX: Maybe this should only copy a // few specific properties (or specify properties more thoroughly in the // CSS)? // (If we don't hav getComputedStyle we'll have to get along without it, of // course. It's not as if this supports IE, anyway, though, so I don't know // if that really matters.) // // XXX: Commented out for now. If uncommenting, make sure to add !important // to all the CSS properties in jsgif.css // //if (window.getComputedStyle) { // for (var s in window.getComputedStyle(gif)) { // div.style[s] = gif.style[s]; // } //} // This is our first estimate for the size of the picture. It might have been // changed so we'll correct it when we parse the header. TODO: Handle zoom etc. canvas.width = gif.width; canvas.height = gif.height; toolbar.style.minWidth = gif.width + 'px'; div.className = 'jsgif'; toolbar.className = 'jsgif_toolbar'; div.appendChild(canvas); div.appendChild(toolbar); parent.insertBefore(div, gif); parent.removeChild(gif); doText('Loading...'); doGet(); }; var bookmarkletCSS = '/* INSERT_CSS_HERE */'; var insertCSS = function(css) { // Surely there's a much better way of handling this whole thing. // XXX: If there isn't a better way of handling this: Should we remove the <style> tag when the bookmarklet is done? var style = document.createElement('style'); style.type = 'text/css'; style.textContent = css; // See TODO. document.body.appendChild(style); }; var to_a = function(pseudoList) { // Blagh, delicious DOM. I'll do this for now. var a = []; for (var i = 0; i < pseudoList.length; i++) { a.push(pseudoList[i]); } return a; }; // There *has* to be a better way of doing this. This is just... Temporary. That's right, temporary. var join = function(strings, between) { if (between === undefined) between = ''; return strings.reduce(function(s, n) { return s + between + n; }, ''); }; var elemClasses = function(elem) { return elem.className.split(/\s/); }; var addClass = function(elem, cls) { elem.className += ' ' + cls; }; var removeClass = function(elem, cls) { var classes = elemClasses(elem).filter(function(_cls) { return _cls !== cls; }); elem.className = join(classes, ' '); }; var imgs = to_a(document.getElementsByTagName('img')); var gifs = imgs.filter(function(img) { return img.src.slice(-4).toLowerCase() === '.gif'; // This is a very cheap plastic imitation of checking the MIME type -- I've // seen GIFs with no extension (or, even worse, ending in .jpg). I can't // see a good way of figuring out if an image is a GIF, though, so this // will have TODO for now. }); // Partial workaround: If there were no .gif images, we'll just try all the <img> tags. if (gifs.length === 0) gifs = imgs; var clicked = function(e) { var gif = this; // eventListener context gifs.forEach(rmOverlay); setTimeout(function() { playGIF(gif); }, 0); e.preventDefault(); }; var mkOverlay = function(gif) { if (elemClasses(gif).indexOf('jsgif_overlaid') !== -1) return; // Idempotent. addClass(gif, 'jsgif_overlaid'); gif.addEventListener('click', clicked, false); }; var rmOverlay = function(gif) { // XXX: What if the bookmarklet was run more than once? removeClass(gif, 'jsgif_overlaid'); gif.removeEventListener('click', clicked, false); }; //var clicked = function() { // var gif = overlay_to_gif(this); // gifs.forEach(rmOverlay); // setTimeout(function() { playGIF(gif); }, 0); //}; //var mkOverlay = function(gif) { // var overlayOuter = document.createElement('div'); // overlayOuter.className = 'jsgif_overlay_outer'; // var overlayInner = document.createElement('div'); // overlayInner.className = 'jsgif_overlay_inner'; // var parent = gif.parentNode; // parent.insertBefore(overlayOuter, gif); // parent.removeChild(gif); // overlayOuter.appendChild(gif); // overlayOuter.appendChild(overlayInner); // overlayInner.addEventListener('click', clicked, false); //}; //var clearOverlay = function(gif) { // var overlayOuter = gif.parentNode; // var parent = overlayOuter.parentNode; // overlayOuter.removeChild(gif); // parent.insertBefore(gif, overlayOuter); // parent.removeChild(overlayOuter); //}; //var overlay_to_gif = function(overlayInner) { // // We get overlayInner because that's what the event handler is on. // return overlayInner.previousSibling; //}; insertCSS(bookmarkletCSS); // XXX: In retrospect, this behavior is more confusing than useful. //if (gifs.length === 1) { // setTimeout(function() { playGIF(gifs[0]); }, 0); // return; //} gifs.forEach(mkOverlay); //}; // So here we take advantage of the fact that we didn't tell Closure that we're // exporting this function, which means we can do "var b = ...; b();" and it'll // handle it correctly. // This used to be even more convoluted. // BEGIN_NON_BOOKMARKLET_CODE /* // END_NON_BOOKMARKLET_CODE bookmarklet(); // BEGIN_NON_BOOKMARKLET_CODE */ // END_NON_BOOKMARKLET_CODE } ---- ***遠A &sizex(4){発生5F 持続4F 硬直9F 硬直差-4 攻撃レベル1 ダメージ7} 備考: ---- ***近B &sizex(4){発生8F 持続4F 硬直5F 硬直差+2 攻撃レベル2 ダメージ9} 備考: ---- ***遠B &sizex(4){発生7F 持続4F 硬直5F 硬直差+2 攻撃レベル2 ダメージ7} 備考: ---- ***近C(一段目) &sizex(4){発生9F 持続4F 硬直21F 硬直差-9 攻撃レベル3 ダメージ11} ***近C(二段目) &sizex(4){発生17F 持続4F 硬直13F 硬直差-1 攻撃レベル4 ダメージ11} 備考: ---- ***遠C &sizex(4){発生11F 持続4F 硬直17F 硬直差-5 攻撃レベル4 ダメージ19} 備考: ---- ***近D &sizex(4){発生7F 持続4F 硬直29F 硬直差-17 攻撃レベル4 ダメージ22} 備考: ---- ***遠D &sizex(4){発生7F 持続4F 硬直29F 硬直差-14 攻撃レベル5 ダメージ19} 備考: ---- ***2A &sizex(4){発生5F 持続4F 硬直9F 硬直差-4F 攻撃レベル1 ダメージ6} 備考: ---- ***2B &sizex(4){発生7F 持続2F 硬直5F 硬直差+6F 攻撃レベル3 ダメージ6} 備考: ---- ***2C &sizex(4){発生11F 持続4F 硬直17F 硬直差-5F 攻撃レベル4 ダメージ18} 備考:同技にキャンセル可 ---- ***2D &sizex(4){発生13F 持続4F 硬直21F 硬直差-6F 攻撃レベル5 ダメージ15} 備考:---- ***JA &sizex(4){発生3F 持続6F 硬直5F 硬直差ーF 攻撃レベル2 ダメージ6} 備考: ---- ***JB &sizex(4){発生10F 持続3F 硬直4F 硬直差ーF 攻撃レベル3 ダメージ6} 備考: ---- ***JC &sizex(4){発生10F 持続6F 硬直10F 硬直差ーF 攻撃レベル4 ダメージ16} 備考: ---- ***JD(一段目) &sizex(4){発生9F 持続2F 硬直25F 硬直差ーF 攻撃レベル3 ダメージ5} ***JD(二段目) &sizex(4){発生13F 持続2F 硬直21F 硬直差ーF 攻撃レベル3 ダメージ5} ***JD(一段目) &sizex(4){発生17F 持続2F 硬直17F 硬直差ーF 攻撃レベル3 ダメージ5} 備考:ヒット時ブーストキャンセル不可 最終硬直のみブーストキャンセル可    一段目、二段目のみノックバック値攻撃レベル1相当 ---- ***6A &sizex(4){発生27F 持続4F 硬直13F 硬直差-1F 攻撃レベル4 ダメージ22} 備考: ---- ***6B &sizex(4){発生23F 持続4F 硬直13F 硬直差-1F 攻撃レベル4 ダメージ22} 備考:ヒットorガード時ジャンプキャンセル可    常時攻撃レベル5までの中上段アーマーあり ---- ***バニシングストライク &sizex(4){発生19~39F 持続4F 硬直21F 硬直差-9F 攻撃レベル4 ダメージ22} 備考: ---- ***グレイブシュート &sizex(4){発生17F 持続4F 硬直13F 硬直差-1F 攻撃レベル4 ダメージ22} 備考: ---- ***ヘヴィーストライク &sizex(4){発生39F 持続4F 硬直21F 硬直差ー 攻撃レベル4 ダメージ6} 備考: ---- ***通常投げ &sizex(4){発生4F 持続1F 硬直7F 硬直差ー 攻撃レベルー ダメージ0} ***通常投げ成功時 &sizex(4){発生ー 持続ー 硬直29F 硬直差ー 攻撃レベル3 ダメージ15} 備考: ---- ***掴み投げ &sizex(4){発生9F 持続4F 硬直9F 硬直差ー 攻撃レベル5 ダメージ3} ***掴み投げ成功時 &sizex(4){発生ー 持続ー 硬直ー 硬直差ー 攻撃レベル1、5 ダメージ1} 備考:
***近A &sizex(4){発生5F 持続4F 硬直9F 硬直差-4 攻撃レベル1 ダメージ9} 備考: ---- ***遠A &sizex(4){発生5F 持続4F 硬直9F 硬直差-4 攻撃レベル1 ダメージ7} 備考: ---- ***近B &sizex(4){発生8F 持続4F 硬直5F 硬直差+2 攻撃レベル2 ダメージ9} 備考: ---- ***遠B &sizex(4){発生7F 持続4F 硬直5F 硬直差+2 攻撃レベル2 ダメージ7} 備考: ---- ***近C(一段目) &sizex(4){発生9F 持続4F 硬直21F 硬直差-9 攻撃レベル3 ダメージ11} ***近C(二段目) &sizex(4){発生17F 持続4F 硬直13F 硬直差-1 攻撃レベル4 ダメージ11} 備考: ---- ***遠C &sizex(4){発生11F 持続4F 硬直17F 硬直差-5 攻撃レベル4 ダメージ19} 備考: ---- ***近D &sizex(4){発生7F 持続4F 硬直29F 硬直差-17 攻撃レベル4 ダメージ22} 備考: ---- ***遠D &sizex(4){発生7F 持続4F 硬直29F 硬直差-14 攻撃レベル5 ダメージ19} 備考: ---- ***2A &sizex(4){発生5F 持続4F 硬直9F 硬直差-4F 攻撃レベル1 ダメージ6} 備考: ---- ***2B &sizex(4){発生7F 持続2F 硬直5F 硬直差+6F 攻撃レベル3 ダメージ6} 備考: ---- ***2C &sizex(4){発生11F 持続4F 硬直17F 硬直差-5F 攻撃レベル4 ダメージ18} 備考:同技にキャンセル可 ---- ***2D &sizex(4){発生13F 持続4F 硬直21F 硬直差-6F 攻撃レベル5 ダメージ15} 備考:---- ***JA &sizex(4){発生3F 持続6F 硬直5F 硬直差ーF 攻撃レベル2 ダメージ6} 備考: ---- ***JB &sizex(4){発生10F 持続3F 硬直4F 硬直差ーF 攻撃レベル3 ダメージ6} 備考: ---- ***JC &sizex(4){発生10F 持続6F 硬直10F 硬直差ーF 攻撃レベル4 ダメージ16} 備考: ---- ***JD(一段目) &sizex(4){発生9F 持続2F 硬直25F 硬直差ーF 攻撃レベル3 ダメージ5} ***JD(二段目) &sizex(4){発生13F 持続2F 硬直21F 硬直差ーF 攻撃レベル3 ダメージ5} ***JD(一段目) &sizex(4){発生17F 持続2F 硬直17F 硬直差ーF 攻撃レベル3 ダメージ5} 備考:ヒット時ブーストキャンセル不可 最終硬直のみブーストキャンセル可    一段目、二段目のみノックバック値攻撃レベル1相当 ---- ***6A &sizex(4){発生27F 持続4F 硬直13F 硬直差-1F 攻撃レベル4 ダメージ22} 備考: ---- ***6B &sizex(4){発生23F 持続4F 硬直13F 硬直差-1F 攻撃レベル4 ダメージ22} 備考:ヒットorガード時ジャンプキャンセル可    常時攻撃レベル5までの中上段アーマーあり ---- ***バニシングストライク &sizex(4){発生19~39F 持続4F 硬直21F 硬直差-9F 攻撃レベル4 ダメージ22} 備考: ---- ***グレイブシュート &sizex(4){発生17F 持続4F 硬直13F 硬直差-1F 攻撃レベル4 ダメージ22} 備考: ---- ***ヘヴィーストライク &sizex(4){発生39F 持続4F 硬直21F 硬直差ー 攻撃レベル4 ダメージ6} 備考: ---- ***通常投げ &sizex(4){発生4F 持続1F 硬直7F 硬直差ー 攻撃レベルー ダメージ0} ***通常投げ成功時 &sizex(4){発生ー 持続ー 硬直29F 硬直差ー 攻撃レベル3 ダメージ15} 備考: ---- ***掴み投げ &sizex(4){発生9F 持続4F 硬直9F 硬直差ー 攻撃レベル5 ダメージ3} ***掴み投げ成功時 &sizex(4){発生ー 持続ー 硬直ー 硬直差ー 攻撃レベル1、5 ダメージ1} 備考:

