「What I Hate」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

What I Hate - (2008/01/23 (水) 12:57:25) の1つ前との変更点



*What I Hate  作詞/119スレ200 作曲/たまねぎ He is a popular. He is a smart. He behave, as if he were an actor and as if he were a star. Hey,look at him. He give away to make a profit. He pretend to be kind man again. I am the only man that i know the real him. So I'm so sick of him. I hate his hypocrisy. I hate his hypocrisy. -What I Hateはただいま管理人の手元にありません。持っている方いたらくださいな。
#divclass(coloredbox){ このページは[[こちらに移転しました>http://www9.atpages.jp/stewmusic/akadb/songlist.php?key=no%3A4407]] } ---- *What I Hate  作詞/119スレ200 作曲/たまねぎ He is a popular. He is a smart. He behave, as if he were an actor and as if he were a star. Hey,look at him. He give away to make a profit. He pretend to be kind man again. I am the only man that i know the real him. So I'm so sick of him. I hate his hypocrisy. I hate his hypocrisy. -What I Hateはただいま管理人の手元にありません。持っている方いたらくださいな。 ----

