
NIP1867」(2009/01/28 (水) 09:28:10) の最新版変更点



諸藩の領邦と国家タグ 松前藩 country = { tag = U34 capital = 1134 culture = { type = japanese } religion = mahayana literacy = 0.80 ai = "NIP.ai" primitive = yes voting_rights = landed press_rights = state_press political_parties = right_to_ban trade_unions = none public_meetings = yes maximum_workhours = 0 minimum_wages = none safety_regulations = none health_care = none unemployment_subsidies = none pension_funds = none ruling_party = 12600 government = constitutional_monarchy executive_designation = HMS_government establishment = traditional_academic party_system = multi_party national_value = order slaves = yes cash = 2000 ownedprovinces = { 1134 } controlledprovinces = { 1134 } nationalprovinces = { 1134 } resources = { ########### #Raw Mtrl # ########### iron = 5 ################ #Consumer Goods# ################ wool = 10 } ############ #TECHNOLOGY# ############ techapps = { 1101 1201 3101 3401 4001 4101 5001 } #Advanced non-Western Techs inventions = { } ############################################## ### Hawaii Army 1836 -- Tom "aprof" Smiley ### ############################################## landunit = { name = "Army of the King of Hawaii" location = 1134 ## Honolulu ## id = { type = 14010 id = 1001 } division = { name = "Hawaii Royal Guard" id = { type = 14010 id = 1002 } type = irregular quality = native culture = polynese location = 1134 strength = 60 } } } world_names.csv U34;Matsumae;;;;;;;;;;X U35;Hirosaki;;;;;;;;;;X U36;Morioka;;;;;;;;;;X U37;Sendai;;;;;;;;;;X U38;Kubota;;;;;;;;;;X U39;Shonai;;;;;;;;;;X U40;Aizu;;;;;;;;;;X U41;Nihonmatsu;;;;;;;;;;X U42;Shibata;;;;;;;;;;X U43;Nagaoka;;;;;;;;;;X U44;Kaga;;;;;;;;;;X U45;Fukui;;;;;;;;;;X U46;Mito;;;;;;;;;;X U47;Tokugawa Shogunate;;;;;;;;;;X U48;Matsushiro;;;;;;;;;;X U49;Owari;;;;;;;;;;X U50;Kishu;;;;;;;;;;X U51;Himeji;;;;;;;;;;X U52;Tottori-Matsue;;;;;;;;;;X U53;Okayama;;;;;;;;;;X U54;Hiroshima;;;;;;;;;;X U55;Choshu;;;;;;;;;;X U56;Takamatsu;;;;;;;;;;X U57;Matsuyama;;;;;;;;;;X U58;Tosa;;;;;;;;;;X U59;Fukuoka-Kokura;;;;;;;;;;X U60;Saga;;;;;;;;;;X U61;Kumamoto;;;;;;;;;;X U62;Nobeoka;;;;;;;;;;X U63;Satsuma;;;;;;;;;;X U64;Ryukyu;;;;;;;;;;X
諸藩の領邦と国家タグ 松前藩 country = { tag = U34 capital = 1127 culture = { type = japanese } religion = mahayana literacy = 0.80 ai = "NIP.ai" primitive = yes voting_rights = landed press_rights = state_press political_parties = right_to_ban trade_unions = none public_meetings = yes maximum_workhours = 0 minimum_wages = none safety_regulations = none health_care = none unemployment_subsidies = none pension_funds = none ruling_party = 12600 government = constitutional_monarchy executive_designation = HMS_government establishment = traditional_academic party_system = multi_party national_value = order slaves = yes cash = 2000 ownedprovinces = { 1127 } controlledprovinces = { 1127 } nationalprovinces = { 1127 } resources = { ########### #Raw Mtrl # ########### iron = 5 ################ #Consumer Goods# ################ wool = 10 } ############ #TECHNOLOGY# ############ techapps = { 1101 1201 3101 3401 4001 4101 5001 } #Advanced non-Western Techs inventions = { } ############################################## ### Matsumae Domain Shotai 1836 -- bassadoram ### ############################################## landunit = { name = "1 Matsumae Shotai" location = 1134 ## Honolulu ## id = { type = 14010 id = 1001 } division = { name = "Hawaii Royal Guard" id = { type = 14010 id = 1002 } type = irregular quality = native culture = japanese location = 1134 strength = 100 } } } world_names.csv U34;Matsumae;;;;;;;;;;X U35;Hirosaki;;;;;;;;;;X U36;Morioka;;;;;;;;;;X U37;Sendai;;;;;;;;;;X U38;Kubota;;;;;;;;;;X U39;Shonai;;;;;;;;;;X U40;Aizu;;;;;;;;;;X U41;Nihonmatsu;;;;;;;;;;X U42;Shibata;;;;;;;;;;X U43;Nagaoka;;;;;;;;;;X U44;Kaga;;;;;;;;;;X U45;Fukui;;;;;;;;;;X U46;Mito;;;;;;;;;;X U47;Tokugawa Shogunate;;;;;;;;;;X U48;Matsushiro;;;;;;;;;;X U49;Owari;;;;;;;;;;X U50;Kishu;;;;;;;;;;X U51;Himeji;;;;;;;;;;X U52;Tottori-Matsue;;;;;;;;;;X U53;Okayama;;;;;;;;;;X U54;Hiroshima;;;;;;;;;;X U55;Choshu;;;;;;;;;;X U56;Takamatsu;;;;;;;;;;X U57;Matsuyama;;;;;;;;;;X U58;Tosa;;;;;;;;;;X U59;Fukuoka-Kokura;;;;;;;;;;X U60;Saga;;;;;;;;;;X U61;Kumamoto;;;;;;;;;;X U62;Nobeoka;;;;;;;;;;X U63;Satsuma;;;;;;;;;;X U64;Ryukyu;;;;;;;;;;X

