The CAADID is a structured interview that assists in the process of diagnosing
adult ADHD. This assessment is appropriate for those 18 and older. It is most
effective when used with other types of ADHD measures, such as the Conners’ CPT
II™ V.5 and the CAARS™. The use of the CAADID with these other instruments is
illustrated by case studies in the CAADID Technical Manual.
How to Use the Assessment
The interview is divided into Part I and Part II, which are administered
separately. Each part requires approximately 90 minutes to complete. The tool
is completed using a paper-and-pencil format.
Part I is the Patient History Questionnaire, which can be administered as a
clinical interview or self-report questionnaire. It contains questions about
demographic history of the client, the developmental course of the client's
attention problems, associated risk factors, and comorbidity
Part II, the Diagnostic Criteria Interview, is presented in interview format.
The clinician uses the information obtained in Part I to assess against DSM-IV
criteria for ADHD. Information is also gathered on age of onset, pervasiveness,
and level of impairment for any ADHD symptom that is indicated.