When ADHD stays with a person into adulthood, it usually contributes to larger
personal and professional difficulties. The Conners’ Adult ADHD Rating Scales
(CAARS™) scales measure the presence and severity of ADHD symptoms so that you
can determine whether or not ADHD is a contributing factor to a client’s
difficulties. Suitable for clinical, research, rehabilitation, and correctional
settings, the CAARS scales quantitatively measure ADHD symptoms across
clinically significant domains, while examining the manifestations of those
The CAARS:SV include the same 12-item ADHD Index of the long and short CAARS
forms and contain the DSM-IV™ ADHD Symptom Subscales (18 items that relate to
DSM-IV™ criteria for ADHD). The Screening Versions are deal when insufficient
time is available to complete the lengthier forms.
How to Use the Assessment
The CAARS provides a multiple-informant assessment with self-report (CAARS–S)
and observer ratings (CAARS–O). Both address the same behaviors and contain
identical scales, subscales, and indices. Long, short, and screening versions
are available for each. With the handscored format, raw scores and T-scores are
produced for each scale, subscale, and index, and are then plotted on Profile
Forms. With software and online formats, Profile Reports and Interpretive
Reports can be instantly generated.