
DC開発チーム「Trauma Studios」クレジット

Frank DeLise (delisef) Founder
Thomas Burt (Chippie) Modeling
Tim Brophy (ghostdog) Scripting and FX
Brian Holinka (linka) Scripting and Modeling
Matt Hensley (barake) Scripting
Stephen Wells (SW-14) Modeling
Craig Thomas (ctsketch) Textures
Frederick Ruff Modeling and Textures
Friedrich Kauder (gabriel) Textures
Jay Kapadia Modeling and Textures
Joe Halper (Halp) Modeling and Textures
Vincent Pawlik (AdmiralJesus) Mapping
Daniel Rossi (Diehard Danny) Scripting, Modeling and AI
Rex Hill (Rexman) Tools development
Lei Tang (ArJubx) Mapping
Brian Burrell (CrazyBrian) Modeling and Textures
Richard Cowgill (Iggy) Mapping and Modeling
Kazuhisa Murakami (Mura) Coding, Modeling, Effects
Erik Nelson (Tanelorn) Sound Design and Scripting
André Hofmann (Decker) Theme Music and DCNation.de fan site
Goetter Funke (Goetterfunke) Modeling and Textures
Sean Ellis (Highway) Sound Design
Tom Reyneri Animations
Chris Turman (Mellonpopr) Testing Coordinator
Zorlac Video Editing
Chii-Lih Lee (Xcop) Webmaster
Special Thanks to
Paul Uppal (Stealth97) IRC Moderator, Media
Evil Homer from PlanetBattlefield.com (For makeing great banners for us and helping us release this puppy every month!)


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