「Heat from Hell」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

Heat from Hell - (2011/06/22 (水) 00:34:00) のソース

*Heat from Hell
毎ターン50%の確率で疲労を与えます Heat scaleが大きいほど効果が高くなります 雨により効果が低下します
|>|Heat from Hell|BGCOLOR(black):COLOR(white):&b(){ジェム}|BGCOLOR(black):COLOR(white):&b(){疲労}|
|戦闘||Battle Enchantment||
The entire battlefield is struck by heat worse than that of the hottest of deserts. This heat soon renders all units on the battlefield unconscious, after which death is certain. This spell is most effective in warm provinces.
