"Cat" overhearing them in the Kirisima's

「"Cat" overhearing them in the Kirisima's」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

"Cat" overhearing them in the Kirisima's - (2011/12/17 (土) 05:37:22) の1つ前との変更点



<div id="body"> <p>Yukito:<br /><font color="#3366FF">Hey. Never got my money.<br /> You should probably lock that door.<br /> Were they asleep already?<br /> They sleep this early...xx xxx</font></p> <p>Kano:<br /><font color="#FF6600">Ah!I thought you shouldn't work on a bright xxx without light again.</font></p> <p>Hiziri:<br /><font color="#800080">Sorry, Kano.<br /> But without this light I can't examine you the way I need to.</font></p> <p><font color="#800080">My goodness, you've grown up so fast.</font></p> <p>Kano:<br /><font color="#FF6600">Stop it!<br /> Wha-what are you doing to me.</font></p> <p>Hiziri:<br /><strong><font color="#800080">It's called palpation.<br /> And it's a legitimate medical procedure.</font></strong></p> <p>Kano:<br /><font color="#FF6600">I [don't / do] know what palpation is but I'm pretty sure you're not doing it...<br /></font></p> <p>Hiziri:<br /><font color="#800080">Hold it still.</font></p> <p>Kano:<br /><font color="#FF6600">Did you hear that noise?</font></p> <p>Yukito:<br /><font color="#3366FF">Mew</font></p> <p>Kano:<br /><font color="#FF6600">Oh, it's just a cat.</font></p> <p>Hiziri:<br /><font color="#800080">A cat. But we don't have a cat.</font></p> <p>Kano:<br /><font color="#FF6600">Then it was my imagination.</font></p> <p>Hiziri:<br /><font color="#800080">It must've been.</font></p> <p>Hiziri:<br /><font color="#800080">Oh, Kano, let's continue.<br /> Kano? Hey! Answer me, Kano.</font></p> <p><font color="#800080">I see. So you're back again. It's been a while.<br /> (Back again.) Stop it! It's the same thing over and over every time.</font></p> <p>Kano:<br /><font color="#FF6600">This</font><font color="#FF6600">child. She's my life. My only true treasure.</font></p> <p>Hiziri:<br /><font color="#800080">No! Kano belongs to me! She's my precious little sister!</font></p> <p>Kano:<br /><font color="#FF6600">What? What's going on..?<br /> How come you..how come you're hugging me?</font></p> <p>Hiziri:<br /><font color="#800080">You're half asleep.<br /> You started to hug me,<br /> so I hugged you in return.</font></p> <p>Kano:<br /><font color="#FF6600">I don't remember that at all.</font></p> <p>Hiziri:<br /><font color="#800080">That's why I told you to get to bed right away.</font></p> <p>Kano:<br /><font color="#FF6600">Ok..<br /> Can you stay like this just a little while longer?<br /> You held me like this tonight (our dad died), remember?</font></p> <p>Hiziri:<br /><font color="#800080">Yeah.</font></p> <p>Kano:<br /><font color="#FF6600">Thanks, (it feels nice).</font></p> <hr /><p>palpate:触診(医学用語) 動詞: palpate  :to touch part of someone's body in order to examine it</p> </div>




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