

リバルと帰宅~トラック衝突 - (2008/08/01 (金) 21:46:03) の最新版との変更点



<p>Rivalz :<font color="#333399">That first move you made.</font></p> <p>Lelouch :<font color="#800080">Hm?</font></p> <p>Rivalz :<font color="#333399">Why'd you start with the king?</font></p> <p>Lelouch :<font color="#800080">If the king doesn't lead, how can he expect his subordinates to follow?</font></p> <p>Rivalz :<font color="#333399">What’s with that?</font></p> <p>Lelouch :<font color="#800080">With what?</font></p> <p>Rivalz :<font color="#333399">Do you fantasize about running a major corporation?</font></p> <p>Lelouch :<font color="#800080">No way.Ambitions like that will ruin yourself.</font></p> <p><br /> Rivalz :<font color="#333399">AH! We gotta die!</font></p> <p>Nagata :<font color="#000080">You idiot watch where you're going.</font></p> <p>Kallen :<font color="#FF0000">No, not that way!</font></p> <p><br /> Rivalz :<font color="#333399">Was that our fault?</font></p> <p>Lelouch :<font color="#800080">I don’t think so.</font></p> <p>Police :<font color="#808080">Control: The target has crashed at the abandoned PO building construction site.</font></p> <p>Police :<font color="#808080">The military will take over General Bartley’s command.</font></p> <p>Police :<font color="#808080">Him?</font></p> <p><br /> Bartley :<font color="#993300">We have to retrieve it at all costs... that thing... in the wrong hands.</font></p> <p>Lelouch :<font color="#800080">What's the...?</font></p> <p>Rivalz :<font color="#333399">Oh man this sucks.<br />              Looks like the power line on the bike got cut.</font></p> <p>Lelouch :<font color="#800080">Yeah...  Rivalz come check this out.</font></p> <p>Man :<font color="#808080">Hey! Over here!<br /></font>Man :<font color="#808080">Waoh! Nasty crush!<br /></font>Woman :<font color="#808080">What's happened? Something accident?<br /></font>Man :<font color="#808080">Probably damp driver ...<br /></font>Woman :<font color="#808080">It's all we some more...<br /></font>Man :<font color="#808080">Ain't maybe somebody at go help?</font></p> <p>Lelouch :<font color="#800080">All those idiots.</font></p> <p>Rivalz :<font color="#333399">Wait!</font></p> <p>Man :<font color="#808080">Look that student rescue team is arrived.<br /></font>Woman :<font color="#808080">Otherwise, why doesn't somebody call by help, you know?</font></p> <p>Lelouch :<font color="#800080">Hey! Are you alright?</font></p> <p>Rivalz :<font color="#333399">Yeah, yeah I know it’s the right thing to do. <br /></font><font color="#333399">             But I wish the guy would quit flaunting his pride and just give it a rest for a while.<br />              Now we gonna be late for school.</font></p> <p><br /> Kallen :<font color="#FF0000">Nagata, Nagata!</font></p> <p><br /> Lolouch :<font color="#800080">Can you hear me?<br />                  Are you Okay?</font></p> <p>C.C. :<font color="#339966">It's you, finally I have found my-</font></p> <p>Lelouch :<font color="#800080">Where?Are you in there?</font></p>




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