Ghost in the Shell '95 > Ch. 13 Re-incarnation

「Ghost in the Shell '95/Ch. 13 Re-incarnation」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Ghost in the Shell '95/Ch. 13 Re-incarnation - (2009/07/03 (金) 11:38:24) の最新版との変更点



<div>Batou:<br /> Ah, you're finally awake.</div> <p> </p> <div>Motoko:<br /> Well, I see there have been some changes while I was gone.<br /> Want to clue me in? Where'd you get this body?</div> <p> </p> <div>Batou:<br /> That's the only thing I could find on the black market. It's not my taste, to be honest. It's a little young.<br /> Well, after all the excitement, Section 9 showed up with reinforcements and picked up<br /> what remained of the two cybernetic bodies and, of course, what remained of me and my arm.<br /> I'd say that was about 20 hours ago. The case is being handled off the record for diplomatic reasons, as usual.<br /> Section 9 announced that it was a terrorist incident, and in return, the Foreign Minister resigned.<br /> Nakamura is being questioned, and it ends in a draw.<br /> Nice and neat. Everything's accounted for except your old shell. Well, I think that about covers it.<br /> Well?</div> <p> </p> <div>Motoko:<br /> Somebody's got good taste in interior decoration. Is this your safe house?</div> <p> </p> <div>Batou:<br /> Yep. You know, you're the first person to ever come here.<br /> And you're welcome to stay as long as you like.</div> <p> </p> <div>Motoko:<br /> Thanks, Batou, but I'm going.</div> <p> </p> <div>Batou:<br /> Uh, will you tell me what the two of you talked about together?<br /> I mean, is he still with you, and will he be part of you forever?</div> <p> </p> <div>Motoko:<br /> Batou, remember the words I spoke in another voice on the boat that night?<br /> I understand it now, and there are even more words that go with the passage.<br /> These words are: "When I was a child, my speech, feelings and thinking were all those of a child.<br /> Now that I am a man, I have no more use for childish ways."<br /> And now I can say these things without help in my own voice, because I am now neither<br /> the woman who was known as the "Major," nor am I the program called the "Puppet Master."</div> <p> </p> <div>Batou:<br /> Hmph. In the left pocket of my jacket in the hallway are some car keys.<br /> Take the one you like. The door code is 2--</div> <p> </p> <div>Motoko:<br /> 2501? That can be our private password when we meet each other again.</div> <p> </p> <div>Motoko:<br /> And where does the newborn go from here?<br /> The net is vast and infinite.</div> <p> </p> <hr />




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