
<p>father:<br />
 <font color="#808000">If you'd been paying attention, this wouldn't have
<p>mother:<br />
 <font color="#800080">Oh, you're one to talk! You weren't watching her,
<p>father:<br />
 <font color="#808000">I was positive that she'd be back up in the main lounge
looking out at space with that telescope again...</font><br />
 <font color="#808000">Where do you suppose Sia could be...?</font></p>
<p>mother:<br />
 <font color="#800080">Wait a minute. What if this... What if this is a sign
that we shouldn't take Sia with us.</font></p>
<p>father:<br />
 <font color="#808000">It's a little late to be saying that, now!<br />
 We talked this over a lot  before deciding?</font></p>
<p>mother:<br />
 <font color="#800080">Yeah! But know I...</font></p>
<p>father:<br />
 <font color="#808000">Those people have even extorted money from our relatives
and friends.</font><br />
 <font color="#808000">Who are you saying that we could've left Sia
with?!</font><br />
 <font color="#808000">Tell me and I'll send her right away!</font></p>
<p>mother:<br /><font color="#800080"> Yeah, you're right...<br />
 And besides that, it would be cruel to leave her alone in the world, wouldn't
<p>father:<br />
 <font color="#808000">Fanny...</font></p>
<p>mother:<br /><font color="#800080"> I hate space...!</font></p>
<p>Tanabe:<br />
 <font color="#FF0000">Oh my! Hello there!</font></p>
<p><font color="#FF0000"><font color="#000000">mother:</font><br />
 <font color="#800080">Hi, thanks again.</font></font></p>
<p>Hachimaki:<br />
 <font color="#0000FF">You know them?</font></p>
<p><font color="#000000">Tanabe:<br />
 <font color="#FF0000">Yes, in a way.</font></font></p>
<p><font color="#000000">father:</font><br />
 <font color="#808080">Um... Have you seen her? Sia, our daughter, I
<p><font color="#000000">Tanabe:<br />
 <font color="#FF0000">You can't find her?</font></font></p>
<p><font color="#000000">mother:<br />
 <font color="#800080">No...</font></font></p>
<p>Tanabe:<br />
 <font color="#FF0000">Oh! The two of us will help you look for her?</font></p>
<p>Hachimaki:<br />
 <font color="#0000FF">What?!</font></p>
<p><font color="#000000"> <font color="#3366FF">Geez, you always say you'll do
stuff without thinking it through first!</font></font></p>
<p><font color="#000000">Tanabe:<br />
 <font color="#FF0000">As I recall</font></font><font color="#FF0000">, you
were the one standing in during that movie shoot?</font></p>
<p>Hachimaki:<br />
 <font color="#3366FF">Things just turned out that way.</font></p>
<p>Tanabe:<br />
 <font color="#FF0000">I don't see her anywhere...</font></p>
<p>father:<br />
 <font color="#808000">Sia!?</font></p>
<p>mother:<br />
 <font color="#800080">Where are you, darling?!</font></p>
<p>man:<br />
 <font color="#808080">Ahhhh!</font></p>
<p>father:<br />
 <font color="#808000">I-I'm so sorry!</font></p>
<p>man:<br />
 <font color="#808080">Hey, watch it!</font></p>
<p>father:<br />
 <font color="#808000">I am really sorry, sir!</font></p>
<p> <font color="#808000">Sia!</font></p>
<p>mother:<br />
 <font color="#800080">Sia! Where are you?!</font></p>
<p><font color="#000000"> </font></p>
<p>Sia:(歌部分スクリプト不完全。引き続き情報募集中)<br />
 Spaceships, spaceships, look at all the spaceships.<br />
 there are spaceships,(xxxxxxxx<br />
 they're so fun little spaceships wonder where they go.</p>
<p>Hachimaki:<br />
 <font color="#0000FF">In the rescue ball depot?</font></p>
<p>Tanabe:<br />
 <font color="#FF0000">Right! Don't you think that's the perfect place to play
<p>Hachimaki:<br />
 <font color="#0000FF">Hide-and-seek, huh?</font></p>
<p> <font color="#0000FF">Is she here?</font></p>
<p>Tanabe:<br />
 <font color="#FF0000">She's here!</font><br />
 <font color="#FF0000">Hey, hello there!</font></p>
<p>Sia:<br />
 <font color="#FF9900">Hiya, lady?</font></p>
<p>Tanabe:<br />
 <font color="#FF0000">What'ya doing there?</font></p>
<p>Sia:<br />
 <font color="#FF9900">I'm riding in my spaceship.</font></p>
<p>Hachimaki:<br />
 <font color="#0000FF">This isn't yours, kid.<br />
 And anyway, it isn't a spaceship.</font></p>
<p>Sia:<br />
 <font color="#FF9900">Of course, it is!<br />
 I even gave it a really cool name!</font></p>
<p>Tanabe:<br />
 <font color="#FF0000">Wow, really?<br />
 Tell me what it is.</font></p>
<p>Sia:<br />
 <font color="#FF9900">I'm okay. She is called the Carollina!</font></p>
<p><font color="#000000">Tanabe:<br />
 <font color="#FF0000">Wow, that's a really cute name, SIa?</font></font></p>
<p>Hachimaki:<br />
 <font color="#0000FF">Would you listen to me, this is a rescue
ball,<font color="#0000FF">not a spaceship.</font><br /></font></p>
<p>Sia:<br />
 <font color="#FF9900">No, It is not! Caroline is my spaceship!</font></p>
<p>Hachimaki:<br />
 <font color="#0000FF">Now look, kid...</font></p>
<p>Sia:<br />
 <font color="#FF9900">You look, how do you know? Do you have your own
<p>Hachimaki:<br />
 <font color="#0000FF">What?</font></p>
<p><font color="#000000">Tanabe:<br />
 <font color="#FF0000">Well, he doesn't have any money, so he can't buy his own
<p>Hachimaki:<br />
 <font color="#3366FF"><font color="#0000FF">A girl with no wallet shoudn't be
talking down to me.</font><br /></font></p>
<p>Tanabe:<br />
 <font color="#FF0000">I have a wallet, I just don't know where it is
now.<br /></font></p>
<p>Sia:<br />
 <font color="#FF9900">I'm poor, too...</font><br />
 <font color="#FF9900">Mean guys come to our house saying &quot;Give us some money
now or else.<br />
 </font><font color="#FF9900">I feel really sorry for my daddy and
<p>mother:<br />
 <font color="#800080">Sia!</font></p>
<p>Sia:<br />
 <font color="#FF9900">Mommy! Daddy!</font></p>
<p>father:<br />
 <font color="#808000">This is where you've been all this time?</font></p>
<p>mother:<br />
 <font color="#800080">Come on, let's go back to our cabin.</font></p>
<p>father:<br />
 <font color="#808000">Sorry for all the trouble...</font></p>
<p>Tanaba:<br />
 <font color="#FF0000">It's okay.</font></p>
<p>father:<br />
 <font color="#808000">Come on, Sia.</font></p>
<p>Sia:<br />
 <font color="#FF9900">But daddy, I'm having fun, I wanna play with them some
<p>father:<br />
 <font color="#808000">We're going back!</font></p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p>extort: 強要する、巻き上げる<br />
think (it) through: じっくり考える、熟慮する<br />
as I recall: そう言えば、今思い出すと<br /><font color="#000000">depot [di':pou]: 倉庫<br />
talk down to: 見下した態度で話す、馬鹿にした態度で話す<br />
or else: さもないと…(無言の脅迫で含みを持たせた表現)<br />
all this time: 今まで</font></p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>




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