
<p>Miu:<br />
 <font color="#FF6699">Hahaha.</font></p>
<p>Nobue and Chika:<br />
 <font color="#996600">H<font color="#FF6600">u</font>h</font><font color="#FF6633">?</font></p>
<p>Chika:<br /><font color="#FF6600"> Try using the front door, Miu.<br />
 It's a lot easier.</font></p>
<p><font size="2">Miu:<br /><font color="#FF6699"> Ah... What are you guys doing in here,
<p><font size="2">Nobue:<br /><font color="#996600"> That's what I should be asking you,
<p><font size="2">Chika:<br /><font color="#FF6600"> My sister was just taking a picture of me,
<p><font size="2">Miu:<br /><font color="#FF6699"> WUT!</font></font><font size="2"><br /><font color="#FF6699"> Take one of me, too!</font></font></p>
<p><font size="2">Nobue:<br /><font color="#996600"> You?</font></font></p>
<p><font size="2">Miu:<br /><font color="#FF6699"> Take a picture of me, Nobue.<br />
 My outfit's brand new. My mom just got it for me.</font></font></p>
<p><font size="2">Nobue:<br /><font color="#996600"> Okay.</font></font></p>
<p><font size="2">Miu:<br /><font color="#FF6699"> Ah.</font></font></p>
<p><font size="2">Nobue:<br /><font color="#996600"> So, what's with the innocent look all of a
sudden?<br /></font></font><font size="2"><br />
Miu:<br /><font color="#FF6699"> My pretty girl face.</font></font></p>
<p><font size="2">Nobue:<br /><font color="#996600"> A pretty face, huh?</font></font></p>
<p><font size="2">Miu:<br /><font color="#FF6699"> Hurry and take it.</font></font></p>
<p><font size="2">Nobue:<br /><font color="#996600"> A cup.</font></font><font color="#FF99CC"><br /></font></p>
<p><font size="2">Miu:<br /></font><font color="#FF6699"> Ugh!</font></p>
<p><font size="2">Nobue:<br /><font color="#996600"> This is Miu Matsuoka.<br />
 She's in sixth grade, too, and she's been friends with Chi since they were
little.<br /><font color="#808000"> </font></font></font><font color="#996600">She's always
crossing the roofs and bursting in like she did a minute ago.</font></p>
<p><font size="2">Nobue:<br /><font color="#996600"> Nice shot.</font></font></p>
<p><font size="2">Miu:<br /><font color="#FF6699"> That was sneaky! Shame on you!<br />
 I'm bored. Can you think of anything fun to do?</font></font></p>
<p><font size="2">Nobue:<br /><font color="#996600"> I've known Miu for ages, but I still don't have a clue
what's going on in that head of hers.<br /><br /></font><font color="#000000">Chika:<br />
 </font><font color="#FF6600">So, what did you come in here for, big
<p><font size="2" color="#000000">Nobue:<br />
 <font color="#996600">Huh? Yeah right. There was something I wanted to ask
you... What was it?</font></font></p>
<p><font size="2" color="#000000">Chika:<br />
 <font color="#FF6600">Hello. How shoud I know?</font></font></p>
<p><font size="2" color="#000000">Miu:<br />
 </font><font size="2" color="#000000"><font color="#FF6699">Oi, you sure are
forgetful. Nobue's so old...<br /></font></font></p>
<p><font size="2" color="#000000">Nobue:<br />
 <font color="#996600">It was something super important, too.</font></font></p>
<p><font size="2" color="#000000">Miu:<br /><font color="#FF6699"> I know what it was.<br />
 You wanted to give me and Chika a little bit of spending
<p><font size="2" color="#000000">Chika:<br />
 <font color="#FF6600">Not likely, Miu.</font></font></p>
<p><font size="2" color="#000000">Nobue:<br /><font color="#996600"> What are you talking about? How do you
<p><font size="2" color="#000000">Miu:<br /><font color="#FF6699"> Cuz, you said you'd give it to me.</font></font></p>
<p><font size="2" color="#000000">Nobue:<br /><font color="#996600"> I never told you that!</font></font></p>
<p><font size="2" color="#000000">Nobue and Chika and Miu:<br />
 <font color="#996600">H</font><font color="#FF6600">u</font><font color="#996600">h</font><font color="#FF6699">?</font></font></p>
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